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: *・゚:*:・゚*38: Promise Broken

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*38: Promise Broken

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~Today was the last day Sugawara had to tell his ex girlfriend that they could no long be in contact with each other whatsoever.

His current girlfriend has plans to go through his phone tomorrow to make sure there's no trace of Y/N anywhere in it because if there was, that's another relationship down the drain.

Sugawara had asked Y/N if he could go over to her place so that they could talk and she said he could come over whenever he wanted.

The two were now just sitting in her bed.

It's been silent for the past five minutes.

The setter just couldn't bring himself to do it.

"You know, you actually have to talk to me in order to say what you wanted to say." She poked fun at him.

He gave her a small smile and looked at her, "Look, Y/N, Momo really-"

"You don't have to tell me. I already know what you're gonna say." She interrupted.

"You do?"

Y/N nodded, "She doesn't want us to see each other. Or speak to each other for that matter. I told you this would happen. It's okay, really. I get where she's coming from. I'm your weakness. Hey, at least we tried, right?"

"Momo just feels so threatened by you. She's so afraid at the thought that I'm gonna leave her for you. Sometimes we can't even have an honest conversation without her bringing you up." He told her.

The girl stared at him and softly gave him a pat on the back, "She's just insecure. Again, I would be too. And I was when Jiyo came back. But, why does she think you'd leave her for me? Have you said something?"

"Well it's like you said Y/N, you're my weakness. I just have endless love for you."

She lightly tugged on his hair before playfully shoving him, "That's not something you tell your ex when you're with someone."

He laughed, "It's true. I mean, Momos a really nice girl but I just feel like I should end things with her. I feel like Im just leading her on at this point. It's been months and I still can't bring myself to love her. It just feels,, wrong."

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