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: *・゚:*:・゚*20: Happy Halloween

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*20: Happy Halloween

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~Y/N watched in shock as so many people were coming in through her front door, in their costumes.

She honestly didn't expect so many people to come especially since she didn't know a good amount of people she gave invitations to.

Kiyoko came and stood with her, "Y/N, are you sure i can't wear a different thing? This dress is a bit too much."

Kiyoko was dressed as a devil while Y/N was an angel. The manager said it should've been switched but the girl said that this was the point. Y/N wore a white, short, tight fitted dress with a halo headband sitting neatly on her head. Kiyoko was the same only with red and devil horns as will as a devil tail that was attached to the belt she bought for it. To their surprise, the tail was up right and did not move at all.

"Kiyoko, the whole point of halloween is to dress up in things like this where no one can judge. Besides, you look hot so i don't see what the problem is." The girl replied.

She sighed, "Fine. If you need me, i'll be hiding in a corner somewhere." She informed as she walked off.

Y/N had decorated the house perfectly (with kiyokos help) and had "spooky" music playing.

Within an hour, everyone was already drinking and eating whatever food the girls had out. Y/N was sitting down in a corner and could see everyone was having tons of fun so she figured she did good.

A few guys had come up to her to talk to her but when they asked for her number, she said she couldn't give it to them.

They were nice n all but, she was still stuck on one person, even if she was incredibly upset with him and hasn't talked to him in a while.

Kiyoko found her in a panic with one hand covering one of her eyes, "Y/N! Come with me to the bathroom real quick! I need your help fixing my make up!"

She grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the restroom and closed and locked the door. She sat on the sink as Y/N stood in front of her, lightly laughing as Kiyoko uncovered what was ruined.

"What happened!?"

"It felt like something was in my eye and when i rubbed it, i completely forgot i was wearing make up and it smudged!" She cried.

"Don't worry. Youll be looking normal in no time."

The girl grabbed Kiyokos make up bag that was already there and grabbed the make up remover as she tried her best to fix what the manager had done. The closer she got to Kiyoko, the more her heart began to race.

"Here, let me put more lip gloss on you. It's all gone."

Once she finished redoing everything, she stared into Kiyokos dark eyes before leaning in and kissing her. Kiyokos eyes widened from shock and slightly parted her lips, causing Y/N to slip her tongue into her mouth.

As the two softly made out, Y/N rested her hands on Kiyokos thighs. They remained there for a few minutes before they started trailing up, making Kiyoko lightly push her friend away, "You know, when you said you'd go lesbian for me, i didn't think you actually meant it." She softly laughed.

Y/N also laughed, "I didn't think so either."

Kiyokos face went slightly serious, "Wait, you actually love me?!"

The (h/c) haired girl looks at her before lightly frowning, "No. I don't know why i did that. But you're an amazing kisser nonetheless."

The manager smiled, "Figured as much. I know you're not actually a lesbian and neither am i. You're a good kisser too. Besides, im not Sugawara. You'll never love anyone like you love him."

Y/N backed up, "What're you on about? He's just a stupid guy. I'll get over it."

"Sure. Whatever you need to tell yourself."

The girl opened the bathroom door and walked out.

When she looked up, she stopped walking and stared at the front door, her heart rate increasing by the second.

Sugawara and Daichi walked in.

Daichi was dressed as Santa and Sugawara was also dressed as a devil. He had black pants on with a black button up with the sleeved slightly rolled up, as well as a red tie and tint devil horns clipped in his beautiful hair.

Her cheeks flared up at this sight. He looked beautiful.

Kiyoko walked out of the bathroom and once she saw what Y/N was looking at, she tried walking away as quickly as possible, trying to avoid the worse part that was going to come.


She closed her eyes shut before slowly turning around, facing Y/N, "Yes?"

Y/N pointed at the setter, "What the hell is he doing here?"

"Well, you said to invite my friends and he's my friends so..."

The girl sighed, "Whatever. I don't wanna argue about this. Just go."

Kiyoko nodded and turned and walked to greet the two boys who had just entered.

Sugawara turned his head and his eyes were met with Y/N's.

They were in for a long night.

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—
i know it's not halloween but i could update yesterday cause, it was halloween💀 so here it is now. enjoy.

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