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: *・゚:*:・゚*37: Love Lost

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*37: Love Lost

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~Sugawara blinked a few times while looking at his girlfriends phone as she was violently crying.

She had come to school very upset and the second she saw him, she started crying and once he asked what was wrong, she shoved her phone in his face.

Over the weekend, one of Momos friends had caught Sugawara hanging out with Y/N and took a picture to send it to her.

The setter sighed, "It's really not what it looks like. We were literally just talking."

"This sure as hell looks like a date! I told you I don't want you talking to or hanging out with her anymore! Now my friends are gonna think you're still in love with her and that I'm just a rebound! Do you know how lame and embarrassing that it!?" She cried.

His face fell, "Momo, you knew-"

"Yes! I know!" She yelled at she closed her eyes shut "But that doesn't mean it's okay for you to just go crawling back to her even if you don't mean it in a certain way! Your feelings are still showing very clearly! Look at the way you're smiling at her! You don't smile at me like that!"

He didn't know what to tell her. He also didn't want this relationship to end like this if Momo chooses to break up with him.

Using his thumbs, he softly wiped her tears away, "I'm trying Momo, I really am. It's just taking a little more time than I thought. Please just be a little more patient with me."

All her anger disappeared at his soft touch. She softly sniffed, "Youre my boyfriend, Sugawara. Not hers. She lost that privilege months ago. I've been incredibly patient. If we're gonna make this work, it has to be a two way street. I really don't want you hanging out with her anymore. That's why you can't get over her."

His eyebrows furrowed, "It's really not fair that you get to tell me who I cant hang out with."

"Unfair?!" She scoffed, "It's for your own good! She was toxic and manipulative with you! And you let it go so easily! You talk to her as if she's done nothing wrong! You're just too forgiving. The way she treated your relationship and you is not something that should've been forgiven so easily."

When he sighed and looked to the side, he saw Y/N standing there, staring at them. Her eyes were wide, clearly hearing everything Momos been telling him. The two just stared at each other until Momo looked to see what he was staring at, causing her to get more upset.

She grabbed her boyfriends hands and dragged him away. She slid open the door to an empty classroom and pushed him inside before closing the door behind her.

"This has to stop." The blonde haired girl whispered, "If you don't stop talking to Y/N by the end of the week, we're done. I want her blocked from everything and I want you to stay away from her. I don't care if it's not fair Sugawara. I don't want the relationship i dreamed of to be ruined by some toxic bitch."

From what Sugawara had gathered, Momo wasn't really one to curse or do anything bad. And as far as he knew, she was still a virgin as well. So the fact that she was cursing right now showed him just how upset she is aside from the fact that she had been yelling at him.

The setters lips lightly quivered. The thought of letting Y/N completely out of his life scared him. Especially after all they've been through and just barely getting her back. But he also didn't want his girlfriend to be mad. And there was clearly no middle to this.

Seeing his upset face, Momo softly cupped it in her hands, "I'm sorry for yelling. I just, I really care about you. You graduate soon and I just want you to give me some hope to believe that this will still work once you leave and I'm still here for another year."

"Momo I-"

"Like it or not, I've grown very attached to you. I know in the beginning you said you can't make promises or that I shouldn't get too attached but i did. It's been months. I'm in love with you."

Her sudden deep confession did not make him feel happy at all. Yes, he liked and cared for this second year deeply but he did not love her. His heart was elsewhere. And she knew that.

They've fought enough for today and he didn't want to make it any worse by opening his mouth and saying something that would surely cause the end of his relationship right then and there.

Instead, he gave her a small smile and pressed his lips against hers. This caught Momo completely off guard. He's never kissed her. He wouldn't even let her kiss him. And now the thing that she dreamt of every night since they got together had finally happened. She instantly melted. His kiss was very soft yet had her weak to her knees.

He pulled away and saw how totally love struck she had gotten. He laughed, "Dont do that. It'll boost my ego."

"It should. You're a very good kisser." She whispered to him, eyes wide.

"I'm really sorry for making you upset today. I promise I'll tell Y/N we can't hang out or speak anymore.  I just want you to trust me." Sugawara told her.

Momo smiled and sniffed, "Okay. Thank you."

The morning bell rang and it was finally time for them to get to class.

"Cmon, I'll walk you to your class."

Their hands locked with one another as they began walking. On their walk, they passed the girl they were arguing about. Noticing her from a distance, Sugawara distracted Momo by talking to her and making her laugh and not paying attention to Y/N.

If he was really going to do what he promised he would, he'd have to start practicing coasting through life without noticing she's even there.

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

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