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: *・゚:*:・゚* 29: The End

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧* 29: The End

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~It was around seven in the afternoon when Y/N woke up in her head with a giant headache.

On the stand next to her bed, was a glass of water and a note.

Please drink this instead of more alcohol when you wake up

She quickly chugged down the water and once it was all gone, she grabbed her phone and called her boyfriend.


"Hey! Thanks for leaving the water for me." She told him.

"Oh. Sure, no problem. Are you feeling better?" He asked.

She smiled, "Aside from a killer headache, I'm okay."

"Okay, that's good. Just drink some more water and eat something. I'm sure you haven't eaten all day."

"I will." She hesitated before opening her mouth again, "Hey, I didn't say anything weird or bad right? I didn't make a complete fool out of myself in front of you?"

Sugawara went silent for a few seconds, "No. Why?"

Y/N sighed in relief, "Thank god. Okay, so I'll see you tomorrow then? Unless you wanna come over in a bit?"

"No, I can't but yeah, you'll see me tomorrow."

"Okay. Bye, love you!"


And he quickly hung up. She thought he was acting a bit off but she pushed that aside and quickly left her room to get something to eat.

—: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:—

the next few days of Y/N and Sugawara's relationship, they were finally out in the open.

Along with that, Sugawara had become very closed off with her. He gives her short, blan answers to everything she says and doesn't even look her in the eyes. And everytime she tries to get lovey with him, he just scoots away, telling her he's not in the mood.

He won't even kiss her anymore.

Today, Daichi caught them arguing during lunch and he could see how tired his friend was.

He was completely drained.

Even though they had argued, she still went to their volleyball practice and waited for him like she's been doing these past few days.

Kiyoko could tell she was as equally drained but when she asked her if everything was okay, Y/N just gave her a bright smile and said everything was perfectly fine.

Once practice was over, Sugawara gathered all his things and waited. Y/N walked over to him and intertwined her fingers with his. He tried rejecting but she wouldn't let him. As they walked out of the gym, all of the volleyball teams eyes were on them.

When they were completely out of sight, Hinata crossed his arms, "That relationship is clearly not gonna make it."

Kageyama smacked the back of his head while everyone else just told Hinata to shut up.

Tanaka and Nishinoya felt terrible.

After all, none of this wouldn't have happened had they just left Sugawara's friendship with Y/N alone.

The entire walk home was silent between the couple. She felt awkward and Sugawara was extremely upset.

They made it to her house and she let go of his hand, "Thank you for walking me home. I'll see you tomorrow." She whispered and placed a kiss on his cheek.

When she was just a few steps ahead of him, he felt like he's had enough.

"Let's break up." He called out to her.

She stopped walking and stayed still, not wanting to turn around and face him.

"We aren't happy. We haven't been ever since what happened. You yell at me all the time. I know you're still mad about what happened. I know you think our relationship is a total shit show. And I know you don't really want me to be your boyfriend. You keep saying things are gonna get better but they don't. Maybe we just don't fit anymore." He continued, tears streaming down his face.

It went silent.

All that could be heard was the setters soft crying.

"Okay. Let's break up." She finally said, "I'm sorry for being a bad girlfriend."

With that, she ran inside her house.

On his way to his home, Sugawara felt like he mad a bad decision and almost called Y/N to tell her he didn't mean it. He knew he shouldn't though. He did mean it.

He was tired of the arguing as well as her basically faking everything all because he wanted to be her boyfriend.

A relationship he surely thought was going to be perfect,

had just ended in shambles.

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

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