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: *・゚:*:・゚*39: Fixed Promise

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*39: Fixed Promise

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~ "Here." Sugawara said as he handed his phone to Momo.

She looked at his phone, then at him.

She then softly smiled at him and gave his phone back, "It's fine. Don't worry about it."

He rose an eyebrow, "Huh? Really? Are you sure?"

The second year nodded, "Someone told me that I shouldn't be putting you through my issues. And that I should consider myself lucky that you've given me a chance. I shouldn't be trying to sabotage it."

The boy stared at her with wide eyes as he put his phone back into his pocket.

Those words sounded so familiar.

"Yeah? And who told you that?"

She smiled, "L/N. She dm'd me last night saying how you talked to her and that she swore she wouldn't get near you especially now that you have a girlfriend. All she wants is for you, us, to be happy. She said your talk really opened her eyes so she's really not going to get in our way."

Sugawara's heart dropped.

Swore she wouldn't get near him?

Not going to get in their way?

What does she mean by that?

And if it's what he's thinking, is she being for real?

Momo checked the time, "Oh! I gotta start heading to class now. One more tardy and I'm gonna get detention. I'll see you later!"

She quickly placed a soft kiss on his cheek and ran off.

Once she was completely out of sight, he pulled his phone back out and checked everything he had Y/N on.

He tried texted and calling but nothing went through.

She had him completely blocked.

He looked around him and caught a glimpse of the top of her head, heading in the direction of the rooftop, and he ran after her. He caught up to this pretty third year once the two were on the roof alone.

"What did you do?!" He quickly questioned.

Y/N smiled, "I'm being mature, Sugawara. Our talk yesterday really said a lot. Momo wishes for me to stay out of the picture. I should respect her wishes. It's time for us to move o-"

"What are you talking about!? Werent you the one telling me to tell her to piss of?!"

"I'm the one who should piss off."

When he took a step closer to her, she stepped back.

She didn't know why he was so upset. She would've guessed he of all people would've supported her decision.

Truth is, since she's been super important to him, he's afraid of letting her go. He's afraid of the detachment.

His eyes lightly began to water, his fear beginning to show, "But I don't want you to. Don't you love me? You asked me a few months ago if I was really okay with not being around you everyday. My answer is no. I'm not!"

She looked down, her soft smile never leaving, "Of course I love you. But, you belong to another. Not only should you respect her decision and what she wishes, but you should respect mine. It's time for us to let go of each other and move on. We'll never happily be together."

As his lip quivered a bit, he took a deep breath. He didn't know where this was coming from but if it's what she really wanted, then he should listen to her.

It went silent before he sighed, "Fine. If it's what you want."

She quickly hugged him, "I'm incredibly grateful for you and all that you've done." she whispered to him.

He held onto her tighter, afraid of letting her go. Once he did, he won't ever be able to hold her again afterwards.

She pulled away and wiped the tear that slipped from his eye and laughed, "Dont cry. It'll be okay. You'll be fine. You probably had a healthier life before me. You'll be able to go back to that now."

He did nothing except connect his lips with hers.

He didn't exactly mean to.

It felt as if his body had a mind of its own.

The two softly kissed until the school bed rang, causing her to back away.

"I wish you nothing but the best." Y/N told him.

He softly laughed, "Yeah, you too."

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

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