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: *・゚:*:・゚*36: The Cute Boy

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*36: The Cute Boy

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~Y/N woke up this morning and immediately felt something missing.

Well, not something, someone.

Even if it's been months, Y/N missed Sugawara more than anyone would ever guess.

What didn't help her case was that more than half of her clothes still had his scent on it.

She sat up and looked at the empty side of her bed, already having the feeling of wanting to cry.

Her mom opened her bedroom door and leaned against the doorframe, "It's twelve in the afternoon. Are you finally getting up?"

"I guess."

"Great! I have a list of things i need you to get from the store. Get out of those clothes and get changed into something cute. Maybe you'll meet a cute boy while you're there and you might end up liking him!"

She left and Y/N groaned. Her mom has been trying to get her to leave the house only to go find a cute guy so that she could get over Sugawara.

As much as Kana had taken a liking to him, she didn't want her daughter to stay hung up on him, especially when he had a new girlfriend.

Listening to her mom, Y/N got dressed nicely and brushed her hair and did her makeup. She put her shoes on and went down to grab the list and her mothers credit card from the counter and left to the market.

The sun was shining brightly, causing Y/N to squint her eyes a bit, feeling like she hasn't seen sunlight in days.

On her way to the store, she saw a few cute guys. None that she really liked though. It didn't help their cases with the fact that she was comparing their looks to Sugawaras.

After her grocery shopping was done, she went to a small cafe and ordered coffee to really wake her up. Once her cup was ready, she went and sat at the table that was outside. She watched as friends and couples passed by her. She considered texting Kiyoko to see if she'd like to join her but didn't want to be a bother so she didn't.

Feeling mentally drained, she put her head down on the table.


"Yes?" She responded to whoever it was with her head still on the table.

"What're you doing?"

"I'm clearly enjoying my day, what does it look like i'm doing?" She said with slight irritation as she brought her head up.

Her eyes met Sugawara's as he stood there smiling at her. Her face went red from embarrassment.

"I see that." He said with a laugh, "It's good to see you without the hoodie and emo."

"I thought I told you-"

"Not to talk to you until Momo was out of the picture? I know," He interrupted her as he sat across from her, "But, that's not gonna happen."

Her eyebrow rose, "Huh?"

"I'm a nice person, Y/N. I'm not mad at you or anything. Maybe at first I was but not anymore. You can't keep beating yourself up for what happened. What's done is done and it's in the past. Now you get to reflect on that and do better in the future!"

"So, does that mean you want to be my friend again?" She questioned with a blank stare.

Sugawara smiled, "Yeah. If you'll have me."

The girl suddenly frowned, "But what about Momo? Surely she won't be happy with us speaking again. Especially when I still lo-"

"Momo doesn't get to tell me who I can and can't be friends with. I let her do as she pleases so that should be a two way street. She has a lot of good looking guy friends and yet not once has she given me a reason not to trust her. Therefore, she should trust me." He explained.

He didn't mean to interrupt her again but he didn't want to hear her say she still loved him. If she did, that probably would've messed up all his emotions.

She went quiet and took a sip of her coffee, "I guess. I just don't want to ruin your relationship."

The setter shook his head, "Dont worry about it. If Momo decides she has a huge problem with us being friends then that's her deal."

Y/N bit her lip, "But, doesn't she make you happy? Why would you wanna jeopardize all that just to be my friend?"

"We were friends before I met her. Thats all that matters. You were a really good friend to me."


That's all he wants from her when she wants one more chance at being more.

She wasn't particularly happy at what their relationship was going to be but she had no choice right now.

Though, there was always a chance at winning him back. She just had to show that the person she was when they dated was not who she is at all as well as do some light flirting.

She sighed before she smiled, "Okay then. If you're really okay with it then we can be friends."

He smiled back at her, "Good. Should I get a drink so we can sit here and hang out?"

The girl couldn't help but blush, "If you want."

He quickly went into the shop to get a hot chocolate so that he could stay with her. When he came back, she wrapped both of her hands around her coffee cup, "Where's Momo anyway?"

"She's out shopping with friends. Or at least, I think she is. She texted me saying she wasn't really feeling good and I told her to go home so I hope she did but she stopped replying after that so I'm not really sure."

"Ah, I see. You know, before I came out, my mom  told me coming outside would help me find a cute boy that I like." She informed him.

"Yeah? Did you end up finding him?" He asked while taking a sip of his chocolaty drink.

She looked at him and smiled, "I definitely did."

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

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