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: *・゚:*:・゚* 13: An Unexpected Visit

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧* 13: An Unexpected Visit

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~After finishing the sudden practice Sugawara was taken into, the two third years were now on their journey home after dropping Kiyoko off at her stop.

They were holding hands as they looked up at the beautiful starry night talking about whatever they wanted.

"You think we traumatized Kageyama?" Y/N laughed.

Sugawara smiled, "No. It was just a kiss. It could've been way worse in my opinion."

"I guess so. I just feel bad. And a little exposed. So much for keeping this a secret. I'm sorry, Suga." She told him.

He looked at her, "Dont worry about it. Someone was bound to find out. Besides, it was kinda my fault."

"True. You just can't keep your hands off me, can you?" The girl teased as they finally made it to his home.

"No, I cant." He smiled as he placed a kiss on her head, "By the way, are you spending the night?"

Suddenly, she stopped walking, "Hey, who is that?"

The setter stopped and turned to see what she was looking at and found a girl sitting on his doorstep. It seemed as if she were waiting there for a while.

"I'm not really sure to be honest." He whispered as they slowly walked up to her, "Um, excuse me?"

The mysterious girl looked up from the ground and her face lit up, "Oh my god, it's really you!" She ran towards the boy, wrapping her arms around her neck as she brought him into a hug, basically pushing Y/N out of the way.

The other two were shocked to say the least. Sugawara's face turned into a panic, "I don't mean to be rude or anything but, who are you?"

The girl laugh as she released him from her grasp, "Of course you wouldn't recognize me. I barely recognized you to be honest. It's me, Jiyo!"

Sugawara's eyes widened as Y/N's jaw dropped.

From every description and photo Sugawara had ever given Y/N about his only ex, this girl looked absolutely nothing like how she did before.

She had clearly lost a lot of weight and her hair was a long, silky black color unlike the hazel brown it was before which made her green eyes stand out even more. Her acne had also cleared up which kinda made Y/N wanna ask what her skincare routine was. Jiyo was the embodiment of stunning. She came close to Kiyoko.

A smile spread across Sugawara's face, "Wow, I never would have guessed! You look so amazing! Why the whole change?"

Jiyo laughed, "After I moved away, I figured it was a chance to reinvent myself! Which worked amazingly! Who knew diets could actually do wonders!"

"Why're you here? I thought you were leaving Japan for good?" He decided to ask.

"That was the original plan, yes but after a year of being in the states, my parents realized that there's no place like home so we came back! You didn't say missing me, right? Have you got yourself another girlfriend?" Jiyo teased.

"Umm..." He trailed off as his eyes averted to the girl standing next to him.

Y/N gave this girl an awkward smile, "I'm Y/N."

The black haired girl stared at her for a second before finally smiling, as if giving an approving look, "Wow, you're really pretty. Definitely a step up from the old me."

Y/N's smiled slightly dropped.

From the old Jiyo?

Does that mean she doesn't compare to the Jiyo she is now?

"Anyways! Is your dad home? I'd love to say hi!" Jiyo squealed.

"Um, he should be. I haven't been home all day so I'm not really sure." He replied.

"I see. Can I go in?" She asked while pointing at the house.

He nodded and she quickly went inside.

The two third years looked at each other and Y/N scoffed, "I'm a step up from the old her? What a bitch. I thought you said she was really nice!"

"I'm sure she didn't mean anything bad by it. She was probably just nervous."

The girl pouted, "I guess this means I can't sleep over?"

Sugawara gave her an apologetic look as he shook his head.

She sighed, "Fine. But you owe me."


"Okay. I better get going before it's too late. I'll text you when I get home." Y/N suggested.

He nodded and kissed her cheek, "Sorry. Let's have breakfast tomorrow morning though!"

"Fine, fine. Whatever. Goodnight."


—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

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