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: *・゚:*:・゚*43: Happy And In Love

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*43: Happy And In Love

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~A couple weeks passed.

And what Sugawara had said before could not be more true.

He and Y/N really were able to get it right this time. Especially with both being in much healthier mind sets since graduation.

She has truthfully told him that while he and Momo were still together, she was in therapy for about three months. Her mother suggested maybe she needed it but because Y/N was refusing, they agreed to just a few months and once those few months were up, she felt a lot better.

She also told him on how she did reach out to Suna after what happened but to tell him that she wasn't interested and that the two shouldn't speak anymore. Which, they haven't.

And now they were just enjoying each other's company, watching a movie and eating ice cream.

"Hey Y/N, i have kind of a weird question." He suddenly said, breaking silence.

"Yeah? And what's that?"

Sugawara quickly paused the movie, "Am I better than Suna?"

After putting some ice cream in her mouth, she took the spoon out, "Like, in what way?"

"I don't know. Whatever way you think I'm better in."

"Well, you're both very different so you both have your charms. And while I love and appreciate all that you are more than I did him, I'd say that you're definitely better with communicating, A lot of things we open up about, I could have never said those things to him." Y/N explained.

"Uh huh.. And what about like, the kissing and stuff? You know, the physical stuff."

"Oh you're way better. a hundred percent. Though, I do think Kiyoko was a better kisser than both of you."

The ex setter hummed and nodded as if understanding before he froze.

Did he hear that right?

He looked at her, "Huh? Shimizu? You kissed Shimizu!?"

She laughed, "I totally did. On halloween."

"Were you drinking or anything?"

"Mmnope. Totally did it by choice."

His jaw slightly dropped. He couldn't tell if she was joking or not at first but the more silence she became, the more he knew she was saying the truth.

"So, what does that mean?" He asked.

"Oh don't worry! It was just a silly kiss. Didn't mean anything to her or me."

"Wow. You kissed Shimizu and slept with me the same night. Jeez you think you know a person." He sighed.

His girlfriend laughed again and gave him a quick kiss, "That was probably one of my most emotional nights. Like, I wanted to scream and rip my hair out just by the sight of you but I also wanted to do what we ended up doing. As we can see, I was severely emotionally unstable."

"Just a bit." He laughed, "But, you're good now, right? You're feeling happier and healthier?"

She grabbed a hold of his hand, "Definitely. I'm with the person I love most. The person who makes me feel safest."

Sugawara gave her a soft smile and placed a kiss on her head, "Okay. Time to continue the movie."

Y/N snuggled against him and he pressed play.

"What about you Suga? Are you happy?"

"Absolutely. Obviously there was a time where I wasn't treating myself right but, I'm all good. Especially after ridding myself of Momo."

"You never did tell me how you knew she was cheating. So, what happened?"

"I caught her and the funny part is she tried lying. But there was clearly nothing she could say that would cover that up."

"Oo Id drag her ass so hard if I ever saw her again. What a bitch. And she had the absolute nerve to drug us down when she wasn't any better." Y/N mumbled.

He smiled and rolled his eyes, "Yeah well, everything happens for a reason, right? Now we're here, happy and in love again."

"So true my love, so true."

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

2 chapters left

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