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: *・゚:*:・゚* 04: The Bet

"Besides, it's just a harmless bet

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"Besides, it's just a harmless bet. It's not like she's gonna find out."

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~About a month has gone by.

Sugawara and Y/N enjoying ever second of their friendship together.

While in the clubroom getting dressed for practice, he had a small smile on his face. Although he usually had one, his third year friends could see there was a meaning behind this one.

Daichi smile, "So, you got to become friends with the new girl. How is it?"

"It's really good, actually. She's really nice and actually really outgoing once you get to know her. For a second she had me thinking I was gonna have my first "emo" friend." He laughed.

Asahi laughed with the setter, "That's not surprised. Suga has always been good at being friends with people. Even if a lot of them want to end up dating him."

Sugawara smiled, "Its like people can't be just friends. Good thing Y/N hasn't confessed or anything."

Kageyamas ears perked up, "Y/N? As in L/N Y/N?"

The silver haired boy nodded, "Yep. She used to go to your middle school, right? She's your senior?"

"Yeah. She was always really nice to me. I never really got a chance to thank her for that." The first year stated.

"You don't have to thank someone for being kids to you. They're doing it because they want to. Not that you would know anything about being nice." Hinata pointed out.

"What did you say?!"

"Anyways!", Daichi interrupted them, "Youre a good guy. She seems much more happier than before."

As everyone was leaving, they were agreeing with their captain on how good of a person Sugawara was.

Before the good guy himself could leave the room, Nishinoya and Tanaka stood in front of the door, blocking his way.

He rose an eyebrow, "Can I help you?"

"We would like to make a bet." They declared in unison.

"What kind of bet?"

Nishinoya pointed at his upperclassman, "You, good sir, have exactly one month to make this new emo girl fall in love with you,"

"She's not emo-"

"But!" Tanaka interrupted, "You have to reject her feelings once and if she confesses."

Sugawara's jaw dropped, "Huh?! Are you both idiots?! I'm not doing that! That's so cruel!"

"You haven't even heard what we have to offer!" Nishinoya whined.

"Cause I don't care!"

"We think you'd really like it though." Tanaka reassured him.

The hazel orbed boy crossed his arms while waiting for them to continue. He knew if he didn't listen to what they had to say, they wouldn't let him go.

"If you succeed in this, Noya and I will complain to Coach Ukai about Kageyama to make sure you stay our starting setter. I mean, isn't that how his old teammates got him back on the bench?" Tanaka said.

The third years eyes lightly widened as his arms fell down to his sides. Could they really do that? Would it really work?

"And if I fail?"

"You stay in Kageyama's shadow. And you owe us twenty bucks each. Besides, it's just a harmless bet. It's not like she's gonna find out." Nishinoya laughed.

A small pause fell between them until Sugawara straightened himself up, "Okay then. But if you both fail to get coach Ukai to have me return on the court, I'll make sure you both get replaced along with me."


The two second years finally got out of his way so they could all leave the room. Once outside, he saw Y/N turning the corner, making her way towards the clubroom until she saw him, making her eyes light up,

"Suga! Thank god you're still here! I was hoping to catch you before you officially started practice." She sighed in relief.

He was now standing in front of her with his usual pleasant smile, "What's up?"

"I was wondering if you could help me study for our english test we have next week. I'm failing that subject and it would really help me out if I passed this test." She pleaded.

"Sure, but I'm kind of busy tonight so you can come over tomorrow. My parents are gonna be out of town so we'll have the place to ourselves with no interruptions or noises." He suggested.

The girl brightly smiled and she tightly embraced him, "Youre a life saver! I'll text you when I'm on my way tomorrow! See ya!"

They waved to each other as she went on her way home.

Suddenly, he felt a slap on his back,

"Ow! Asshole!" He cried.

"She's sweet. It's gonna be hard breaking her heart." The second years laughed.

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

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