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: *・゚:*:・゚* 32: Others

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧* 32: Others

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~ "Hey! You didn't answer my message yesterday so I just wanted to check on you!" Sugawara told Y/N as he began to walk with her out of their class.

"Yeah I'm totally fine! I just, um, got a bit busy and wasn't really on my phone. My mom needed help with some things." She lied.

He nodded, "Ah, how'd that go?"

"Not good. My legs hurt."

For completely different reasons.

He smiled at her, "Did you want to go out after school? Get coffee or bubble tea or something?My treat!"

"Sure! Sounds fun!"

"Cool. So, how's Suna?"

She tensed up.


Why is he bringing up Suna?

Does he know?

Oh god he probably knows.

She nervously laughed, "Um, I don't know. Why're you asking?"

"You're friends with him again, right? Just thought I'd try to be civil with that." He said with a laugh.

"You're so weird. That would be as if I asked you how Jiyo was."

He shrugged, "I wouldn't know. She hasn't talked to me in a while."

"Hm. Well, Sunas fine. At least I think so. Our friends were really stupid so I don't know how he's holding up with that."

"Probably not well."

"Yeah probably."


The two looked forward at the sound of someone calling him and saw his fan girl waving at him before she walked up to them, "You ready?"

"Yep!" The setter beamed at her.

Y/N looked at him, "Ready?"

Momo smiled at her as she wrapped her arm around the silver haired boy, "Sugawara's having lunch with me today! I found this really nice spot behind the gym! There's a bench and beautiful flowers growing around it!"

"I see."

"I'll text you later so we can meet up after school! See you later!" Sugawara told her as Momo began to drag him away.

Y/N whispered a faint bye while feeling extremely jealous.

She should be the one having lunch with him.

Though, she guessed this is what happens when people break up.

Once Momo and Sugawara were fully situated behind the gym, she began to blush, "You know, this kinda feels like we're on a date."

He softly laughed, "It does, doesn't it?"

"Thank you for spending some of your time with me. You probably feel a little awkward considering my feelings towards you."

Sugawara shook his head, "Not at all! You're very nice and easy to talk to."

The blonde haired girl smiled, "I know i was rejected a little while ago, and excuse me for being to forward, but I'd really appreciate it if you took time to consider being my boyfriend!"

"You want me to be your boyfriend? Even knowing I love someone else still?" He asked in a hushed voice, almost not believing her.

God knows his last relationship has made him feel like he wasn't a good boyfriend if Y/N was always yelling at him and god drunk to forget about how trash their relationship was.

It made him feel like he was the problem.

She nodded, "I'm very drawn to you. Looks and personality wise. I feel like we have a strong connection towards each other. I believe we would be very suited for each other." She looked down at her food, "I know that you love L/N, but she's shown that she doesn't value you as much as you should be. She was toxic and hated your relationship. I want to be the one that does right by you. I'd love to show you, if you let me."

"Momo, I'm really not look-"

"Please just think about it?" She interrupted.

Looking at her red face, he knew it was very hard for her to let that out. He knows as good as anyone it's not easy to pour your heart out like that. And this girl has been nothing but sweet to him.

After a bit of silence, he smiled at her, "Alright. I'll think about it."

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

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