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: *・゚:*:・゚*06: New Things

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*06: New Things

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~ The pretty girl smiled at him. All she did was cup his face in her hands, bring him down and locked their lips.

This one was sweet and soft at first but then as they kept going, it began to get more rough. As her hands were still on his face, his slowly began to reach toward her shirt. She felt as he slowly began to unbutton her school shirt. She pulled away from their kiss and his hazel brown eyes looked into her (E/C) ones, "Teach me." Was all he whispered.

The girls face quickly turned tomato red at the silver haired setters words,

"We really don't have to do anything! I don't want you to feel rushed or anything! It's-"

"But I want to!" Sugawara interrupted and cupped her face in his hands, "I trust you, more than anything." He then grabbed one of her hands and placed it over his racing heart, "See? You got me all excited."

She smiled at his words. He was definitely really different from Suna.

"So tell me Suga,"

He slightly tilted his head, waiting for her to continue,

"Did she ride you?"

His face went red and he nervously laughed, "Ah well she didn't really want to be on top her first time so I sorta-"

She didn't let another word slip from his mouth as she switched their positions, her now on top of him, "You don't need to do a single thing tonight. So don't worry your pretty head off."

"But then how is that-"

"Sometimes you don't need to do anything and sometimes you react in the moment. You don't necessarily need experience." She explained.

The two stared at each other for a little while before he smashed his lips onto hers again. They  unbuttoned each other's shirt as the two made out. Sugawara slipped her shirt off and she slipped his off. Her eyes widened once seeing that underneath his clothing he was hiding abs. He began to kiss down her neck, leaving love bites as he went and left a few on top of her breasts before taking her bra off.

She lightly pushed him away, "Wait, I thought you said you never did anything sexual?"

He gave her an innocent smile, "Oh. I didn't think hickeys counted. Sorry."

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