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: *・゚:*:・゚* 09: Kiyoko Shimizu

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧* 09: Kiyoko Shimizu

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~The next day during lunch, Kiyoko had gone to do what Sugawara asked her to; Befriend the new girl.

The manager found the girl sitting under a tree with Sugawara keeping her company as she showed him things on her phone.

When Sugawara looked up, he saw Kiyoko and understood what he had to do next.

He looked at Y/N, "I'm gonna get us drinks real quick. Any special requests?"

She smiled at him, "Chocolate milk?"

"Your wish is my command."

He quickly stood up and left. Kiyoko waited a minute before walking up to her. When the (H/C) haired girl looked up to see who had casted a shadow over her, she immediately blushed.

No one could truly deny Kiyoko Shimizu's beauty

Y/N nervously stood up in a panic. She stuck her hand out, "Hi! I'm Y/N! You're the hot manager from Sugas team right!? I mean, not hot! I mean you're hot but-"

Kiyoko laughed and she grabbed her hand, "Yep. I'm the hot manager from Sugawara's team. My names Kiyoko."

"If you're looking for Suga, he left to get drinks but he should be-"

"I'm not here for him. I'm here for you."

Y/N's cheeks flared up as her heart began beating rapidly. Never has a really attractive person told her this.

Kiyoko smiled at her, "Aside from the team, I don't really have any friends. I was thinking maybe-"

"I'll absolutely be your friend!" Y/N interrupted, "Truthfully, Sugas my only friend at the moment. Having a girl friend would be awesome!"

Kiyoko lightly blushed. She was right. Having a girl friend would be awesome. Kiyokos been surrounded by boys for years, she's never had a chance to have a friend who was a girl.

"One chocolate milk for- Shimizu!" Sugawara smiled at his manager as he handed Y/N her milk, "Did you need something?"

"I was just talking to her. By the way," She dug into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper while handing it towards the girl she was just talking to, "Here's my number. Text me whenever you want."

Sugawara gave Kiyoko a quick wink before she walked away.

The setter looked at the blushing Y/N, "New friend?"

"I guess so. You know, having two pretty friends is such a privilege." She told him.

He laughed, "I'm just your friend?"

She pinched his cheek and he whined in pain, "For now you are. Let's see how long it takes you to ask me to be your girlfriend."

"I'm just taking it slow. Your relationship with Suna was a shit show that ended not too long ago. Im just giving it time." He told her.

"You know Suga, if you really meant to take it slow, you wouldn't have slept with me over the weekend." She teased.

"You know what, that's true. How bout no more sex until you're my girlfriend." He suggested.

"Heyyy, let's not go that far." She said.

He laughed, "Then what do you suggest we do?"

"Umm.." She looked to the side, thinking, "Let's just keep doing whatever we're doing. Doesnt matter if I'm your girlfriend or not. I like you and you like me. Who cares, right?"

He gave her a soft smile and made sure no one was looking at them before placing a quick kiss on her forehead, "Youre so right."

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

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