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: *・゚:*:・゚*22: Answers

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*22: Answers

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~ "Suga."





The boys eyes shot wide open and immediately saw Y/N looking at him. She didn't look happy to see him but she didn't look particularly upset either.

He slowly sat up and realized that last night was not a dream, "I stayed longer than I intended.."

She blinked, "You weren't planning to spend the night?"

He shook his head, "I didn't want you to be upset when you found me in your bed. I was going to leave once you were really asleep but I guess I ended up sleeping too."

"I see.. So, does Kageyama know what you've done?" She asked as she looked at her blanket that still covered the boy and realized that his scent would be stronger now that he's been in her bed again.

Sugawara looked at her blanket with her, "No. I don't think it matters anymore anyway. The deal was for me to break you heart once you've confessed you loved me and then I'd get starting setter. I clearly never did that and wasn't planning on it so I was telling the two idiots that I was backing out. I didn't wanna hurt you, Y/N."

She scoffed, "Clearly that failed. Tell me, was I really just a part in this? What that all I was?"

"Of course not! I genuinely liked hanging out with you and being around you! Tanaka and Nishinoya are just idiots who have nothing better to do than to meddle in other peoples lives. And I'm the bigger idiot who let them."


The now silence was killing him.

Were they not going to talk about last night?

Was she only going to ask about the bet?

Does this mean they're good now?

Is she not mad anymore?

Did she just want answers for closure?

He tightly balled his fists and his face turned red, "Y/N! I wanna be your boy-"

"I don't think you deserve the label of being my boyfriend." She interrupted as she looked at him, "Would you say that you do?"

He sighed, "No, but Y/N-"

"You've not done a single thing to truly apologize or even try to make it up! You're extremely lucky to even be in my bed right now!" She suddenly snapped.

The boys face fell, "I know. You're right, I haven't tried. I thought maybe giving you space first would've been better. But Y/N, I love you. Genuinely. My life's been absolute hell without you."

Tears started forming in her eyes, "Why didn't you say it back when I first told you that I loved you?"

"We both know how scary love is. You more than me. Saying it would've made it real. At least to me it would've. I technically haven't had my first heartbreak and you were someone i didn't want to go through that with. Besides, if I had said it, this whole thing would've been a whole lot worse because you would've thought I was lying to you when I said it even if you know love is no joke to me." He told her.

Y/N let out a small laugh, "Yeah. You're right, I probably would have thought you lied."

He puffed his cheeks, "I want to be at peace. I know I don't deserve to be your boyfriend anymore but I also don't want you hating me anymore. I'd at least like to continue to be your friend and maybe in time you'll see I'm worth giving your heart to."

The girl blinked, letting his words really sink in. She wanted to forgive him but everything she thought about what happened, she got mad and upset.

A small frown itched itself onto her face, "I think that right now we should just give each other space. I know you probably don't want to hear that but how am I supposed to trust you now? And I don't hate you, Suga. How am I supposed to? Especially with that stupidly beautiful face of yours."

He softly smiled, "Okay. I get that. Will you at least think about it? Hopefully we won't need to stay apart for too long."


Suddenly, her mom appeared in her doorframe, "Oh, hi Suga! Sorry, I didn't realize you had company i just wanted to let you know Im home now. Did you want breakfast? Suga?"


"He was just leaving." Y/N interrupted him. He looked at her and she lowered her voice to a whisper, "Space, remember?"

He turned back to the girls mom, "Sorry, Mrs. Kana but she's right, I need to go home. I was just checking in on Y/N."

"Oh, okay. Maybe you can come over for dinner sometime then? It'd be nice to get to talk to you again!" Kana smiled at him as he stood up and walk to the door, ready to leave.

"Yeah, maybe! Anyways, I'll get going. See you at school Y/N."

She forced a smile to him and he left.

Kana looked at her daughter, "So? Breakfast?"

"Sure, I'm starving."

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

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