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: *・゚:*:・゚*: Shattered

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*: Shattered

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~After everything that had happened, Y/N stayed home from school for a couple of days.

She just spent it crying in bed, feeling stupid and used.

What made things worse for her, was how much she missed him. Her bedsheets still smelled like him, causing her to hug them and hold them tightly, which made her feel even more pathetic.

When her mom came home from work, she walked in her room and sat next to her on her bed as she laid there, tears just falling.

Kana felt completely shattered. Never had she seen her daughter this upset.

She began to stroke her daughters head, "Do you finally wanna tell me what's wrong?"

The girl closed her eyes, "Nothings wrong. I just feel sad. Maybe it's a phase."

Y/N didn't want to tell her mom the truth. As much as she hated Sugawara right now, she didn't want her mom hating him too nor did she want her mom in her business with this.

Kana's face fell. When a knock came to the door, she kissed Y/N's forehead before going to answer it.

Once the door was opened, she saw the silver haired setter standing there with a worried expression.

A surprised look came onto the mothers face, "Sugawara? What brings you here?"

"Is Y/N here?! Is she okay?!"

Of course he knew she wasn't but ever since she stopped showing up to school he couldn't help but worry.

Kana closed the door behind her after she stepped out, "She's in her room and she's done nothing but cry for days. Do you know why she's so upset? I'm really worried about her."

Upon hearing this, Sugawara knew that Y/N didn't tell her mom what happened. Figures on why she's even talking to him.

"Um, I'm not really sure. All I know is that she stopped showing up to school so I just wanted to check on her." He lied.

She sighed, "I see. Maybe Rintarou did something to mess her up again. I just hate that she won't tell me what's wrong. She just said she feels sad and that maybe it's a phase but she hasn't been eating and won't come out of her room. Everytime i pass by it, all i hear is her sobbing."

The setters heart broke. He should have never taken up Nishinoya and Tanakas offer. Saying he felt horrible was an understatement.

"I see. Do you think maybe I could talk to her?" He asked the older woman.

She shook her head, "I think all we need to do right now is give Y/N her space. She'll come to us when she's ready. If I can't get her to open up to me, I really doubt you would."

"I see. Okay, well I'll get going then. Bye Mrs. Kana." He said with a slight bow.

She gave him a small smile and nodded her head as he turned and walked away and she went back in the house.

When he looked up at the girl's bedroom window, he saw her standing there, staring at him. His eyes widened and he raised his phone while pointing at it and clasped his hands together, signaling her to please answer his messages or phone calls. She frowned and closed her eyes before closing her curtains, basically telling him no.

He wasn't sure what he could do to fix it or how he could fix it. He just wanted to explain everything to her, maybe she'd understand then.

*a few hours later*

"You knew too, right? It's probably why you started talking to me." Y/N asked Karasunos manager as they were sitting on her bed.

Kiyoko shamefully looked down, nodding her head.


"But it isn't like that! Yes, I started talking to you because Sugawara asked me to cause he thought I'd help bring you closer to him but technically, I didn't! We never talked about him and I never talked about him to you if unnecessary. I genuinely really like you and our friendship. I never realized how bad I needed an actual girl friend until we got closer." Kiyoko pleaded.

Y/N stared at her, "I see. So, does everyone else on that damn team know?"

She shook her head, "As far as I know, I was just supposed to help him. I dont even know who gave the bet to him."

"It was the bald one and the really short guy." The broken girl told her.

Kiyoko sighed, "Of course they did. Look, I'm really sorry Y/N. I should've told you, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. You weren't the one who felt threatened by a child and got me naked enough to tell you i love you because of a stupid bet to get rid of him so." Y/N shrugged.

Kiyoko went silent for a second, "I know you're upset with him right now but, Sugawara really is a good person. He just made a bad decision. I'm sure he feels terrible. Maybe if you just-"

"Kiyoko. Please stop. I'm sure you mean it when you say he's a good person, hell i've even seen how good of a person he is but that's what can make him so manipulative. I just don't want to worry about it anymore. For the first time in days, I've finally stopped crying. And right now, the only thing on my mind is that halloween is right around the corner."

Kiyoko lightly laughed, "You may have stopped crying but you look terrible. So, any plans for halloween?"

Y/N smiled her first smile in days, "I wanna throw a huge party. My mom said it was okay. I think it's be fun. We could even dress up as something together. Wanna help me plan?"

The glasses user nodded her head. She knew this was probably just something Y/N was using to her what happened out of her head, even just temporarily but she thought that the longer she stayed by her side, the longer Y/N would go without crying.

Which worked.

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

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