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: *・゚:*:・゚* 28: Things Will Not Get Better

: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧* 28: Things Will Not Get Better

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—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

~A few days have passed since the unusual peace that went on between Y/N and Sugawara's now toxic-ish relationship.

But, now that days have passed, they've gone back to arguing a lot.

They've spent late nights talking about how things were and trying to figure why things were they way they were. The conversations always ended with them telling each other all will be. better soon. Sugawara had began to look visibly emotionally drained which worried his friends.

Along with that, Y/N has been coming to school late. Sometimes really late. Other times only a few minutes late. Today, she was very late.

It was already lunch and she still wasn't there.

While hanging out with his friends, the setter heard his name being called and when he turned around, he saw Kageyama there with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

"Kageyama? What're you doing here?"

Kageyama stood straight, "I need you to come with me. Now please. It's an emergency."

A worried look spread across the third years face as he quickly followed the first year outside of the building. He led him in the direction to where the boys practiced volleyball.

Once closer to the gym, they saw Y/N sitting on the steps in front, her head in her hands and Suna Rintarou standing next to her.

"What's going on?" He asked her ex.

Suna laughed, "Ask her."

Y/N lifted her head and when she saw Sugawara, she smiled, "Look! It's my boyfriend! My boyfriends here!"

She stood up and gave him a hug. She reeked of alcohol. Badly.

"She kept asking for her boyfriend." Kageyama told him.

"How'd you know to come find me? We never said we were dating."

"I had a feeling."

Sugawara looked at Y/N, "Hey, have you been drinking?"

She laughed, "Lil bit! Rin and I just had a little fun this morning!"

"Right. And how long has 'Rin' been in the picture again?"

Y/N stumbled backwards a bit but still stood up, "Hmm, a few weeks. We hang out sometimes but it's nothing serious I promise!"

The drunk Y/N held up her pinky to him, as if she was trying to swear they never did anything bad. He put her hand down and looked at Suna, "Why did you take her out drinking so early in the day?!"

Suna threw his hands up in defense, "Hey, she called me this morning asking me to ditch school with her. Instead of questioning me, the person she calls to get out of the house with, why don't you ask your girlfriend why she wanted to drink so early?"

Sugawara wanted to be angry but he just wanted Suna to leave more than anything. He sighed, "Can you both leave? I should probably get her home cause she can't stay here like this."

"I'll take her. I have my car." Suna offered.

Sugawara shot him a dirty look, "I think you guys have had enough fun today. Just go home."

"Fine. Tell her to text me once she's sober again."

"Absolutely." Sugawara said and once Suna was out of sight, he rolled his eyes, "Not. As if I'd tell my girlfriend to text her ex."

"Sugawara san-"

"It's okay Kageyama. I got this. Just go enjoy your lunch yeah?" He said, giving him a soft smile.

Kageyama hesitated before slightly bowing and leaving.

Sugawara grabbed Y/N, helping her stand straight and she just giggled and kept repeating the words "my boyfriend" to him.

"Hey. Hey!" She suddenly said and lightly tapped his face, "I have to tell you something!"

He softly groaned, "Cant it wait till we get you home?"

Her face got a really sad expression, "No, no! I have to say it now! Rin said I have to be honest!"

"Okay we definitely gotta have a chat about Suna once you're sober," He whispered to himself, "Well, what is it?"

She started tapping herself, "Me; I don't want you to be my boyfriend."

His heart dropped, "What? What're you talking about?"

"Sometimes, I'm still mad as shit at you." She said laughing, "And I said that you're my boyfriend so you would stop complaining and complaining." She added while making a talking motion with her hand and then laughing again afterwards. 

"Y/N, we talked about that. You can't keep throwing what happened in my face all the time." He replied.

The girl pouted, "You don't tell me what I can and can't do!" She yelled and then just stared at his face before smiling, "Ah~ but you're just so cute. I adore how cute you are!"

"Hey, why did you go drinking?" The setter decided to ask.

She shrugged, "I dunno! I just wanted to have some fun and to keep my mind away from this shit show of a relationship!"

He stayed quiet. This girl is a whole emotional mess when she's drunk. Not only that, she just admitted about how she really felt about their relationship and only really said yes to him being her boyfriend to get him to shut up about that topic.

"Let's just get you home, okay? We can talk after you've had some rest." He softly said.

"Okay!" She beamed.

The silver haired boy got down on one knee, his back facing towards her and she got on, wrapping her legs around his torso and her arms around his neck. He got a good hold of her and began to make his way towards his house.

She kicked her feet as if she were a child and hummed while placing her head in his shoulder, "I have a very cute boyfriend."

"For now.." Sugawara whispered to himself.

"Please don't tell my mommy I got drunk."

"I won't."

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:—

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