Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

*Emi's POV*

I woke up to a ray of light hitting my face, making me squint and look up quickly. Suddenly, I realized where i was and relaxed.

"That's right... We're in Australia..." I thought to myself. There was a knock on the door, so I answered quickly. "Come in,"

My eyes widened a little in surprise, as Rin was up all dressed, looking like he was ready to go out. "Good Morning, Munchkin,"

"You're bringing the nicknames back?" I laughed, taking my hair out of the ponytail it was in overnight.

"You don't like it?" He replied, engulfing me in a big bear hug. "Why am I asking, I know you do,"

"Proves you know me too well already," I winked. "Anyway, why do you look like you are about to go somewhere?"

"Since today is a free day, I have the whole day planned," He grinned, his shark teeth on full view.

"Oh really, so where are we going?" I pinched his cheek with the arm that was free, making him swat my hand away.

"Its a surprise," he chuckled. "Just get changed and pack your things like a camera, because you will need it,"

"'Things like a camera? That doesn't help," I pouted. He patted my head and walked out of the door without saying anything else.

"Baka..." I mumbled. I got changed and wore a floral blouse,jeans, a black leather jacket and heeled ankle boots. I just brushed my hair and put it in a ponytail, as It was just a casual day out and besides, hair takes effort.

I quickly grabbed my bag and put things like my phone, my purse and my camera in my bag.

"Emi, you ready?" Rin shouted from the other side of the wall.

"Hang on!" I replied, taking one last look in the mirror. Once I finished my final check, we both walked out of the hotel, hand in hand.

"So, are you gonna tell me where we are going yet?" I asked curiously.

"Nope, there are multiple places anyway," He winked.

"Come on," I whined, giving him puppy eyes.

"Nope," He pinched my cheek, so in return I jabbed his side with my finger. Though, he did not move a muscle, as expected.

"Aw, that tickled," He cooed sarcastically.

"Shut up," I stuck my tongue out at him and walked in front of him.

"Emi? Its this way," He chuckled, pointing towards a bend. I quickly realized where we were going and my eyes brightened up.

"We're here," Rin grinned.

"I've always wanted to come here!" I beamed, turning to him. "Thank you,"

"Anything for you, I asked Kiyo," He smiled. "Its a little late to go swimming now because it is getting colder here, but I still wanted to bring you here,"

We both walked slowly onto the pale beach and looked out at the clear seas. I quickly got my camera out and booted it up, before taking multiple photos of the scene.

Its so pretty!" I gawked at the clear seas. " In England the seas were never clear,"

"Probably because it is England," Rin chuckled. I took a few more shots, and then saw two people at the end of the beach. I zoomed in, to see them both holding hands, walking along the beach together. The girl was snuggled up to the boy as they walked and they looked adorable.

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