Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Emi's POV

We walked through the doors and down the long hallway. I saw a guy with the same uniform on, with bright orange hair and yellow eyes, with Nitori. 

"Hey guys," Rin grinned excitedly, scratching his neck.

"Hey Rin!" Mr. Orange hair replied."Who is this? Your Girlfriend?"

Suddenly, my cheeks looked like they were dipped in red paint.

"No, she is just my sister's friend," Rin laughed."Emi, this is Seijuro,"

"Hey Emi," He looked down confused."You say you aren't Girlfriend and Boyfriend?"

"Yes why?" Rin and I looked pretty puzzled by this point,whilst Seijuro had a smirk plastered on his face.

"Then why are you holding hands?" He eyed our hands, both of us looking down, flinching away. My face burned, however it did no justice to the red-head beside me. For the first time ever,  looked at Rin and he actually blushed and looked flustered, so I took my chance.

"You know Rin, This is the first time I've ever seen you so flustered," I couldn't contain my laughter.

"S-shut up!" He looked down, quickly entering the men's locker room. Seijuro and Nitori started laughing with me, until I couldn't take laughing any more.

"Anyway, Viewers seats are that way," Nitori pointed."And Seijuro is our captain," 

"Thanks," I gave Nitori a thumbs up before turning towards the seating. "See you later!"

Before I could leave, Seijuro grabbed my wrist and spun me round. 

"You are pretty cute, but I'm guessing Rin would kill me If I said that with him around," He winked."See you around, Emi," 

Before he could turn around, Rin was behind him, dragging him by the shirt into the locker rooms. He mouthed sorry, before going into the room. Confused, I just made my way to the seating to find Kou. Luckily, she was pretty close so I walked over and sat with her.

"Hey Emi," She smiled, looking at the pool. There was only me and Kou watching, apart from Iwatobi's advisor.

"Hey Kou," I replied, but just at that moment all of the boys walked out, causing Kou to have a spasm. I can't lie, these boys were muscular.


"Remember when we were younger and always spotted who was the most fittest out of the boys?" Kou laughed.

"Yeah, the good days," I winked."But this sight is better than we would have seen back then,"

"For sure," She replied, staring at the boys. Makoto was walking over to us with a bag, but I was surprised Kou didn't faint.

"Hey Emi," He hugged me, patting my head as he handed me a bag.

"Hi, thanks for bringing my things," I took the bag from him and found the swimsuit I brought a few weeks back.

"No problem, see you after the practice," He waved, before running back to the group.

"You know, your brother isn't too bad either, to be honest that is a BIG understatement," Kou smirked.

"I know he has muscles, but you are talking about my brother," I chuckled."I could say the same for your brother," I teased.

"Now, that is something you don't hear everyday from you," She pointed at me. "Took a liking to my brother, hm?"

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