Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

*Emi's POV*

It had been a few days since my parents came to visit. Me and Makoto were upset that they had to leave so suddenly, but we knew we would see them soon. They came over the next day to say goodbye and as Rin was still at the house, we all had to make up an excuse to why he was still here. Luckily, my parents believed us and they left without any troubles.

We were back at school and all we were doing was revision. It bored us all really, but I want to at least pass all of my studies and get into a good university.

I sat in class, as the teacher read out a page of the revision book. I was in Literature, which was my best subject. I pretended to read the book with the class, but suddenly zoned out and stared aimlessly out of the window.

Revision was so boring. At the boarding school I attended, we were made to do homework for all of our subjects every night before we went to bed, leaving us with little or no free time. Somehow, I was the top of all my classes, which surprised me because I barely finished some of the homework. I guess it payed off, though.

"Miss Tachibana," The teacher glared at me as I came back to my senses. "Tell me the definition of hyperbole,"

"A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, for example 'I could sleep for a year' or 'This book weighs a ton'." I stared at the teacher, bored as always. she nodded and pushed her glasses up her nose.

"Please, pay attention next time," She scolded. I nodded and sighed quietly, twiddling with my thumbs.

"Anyway class, It is time for you to go," She closed the book. A few moments later, the bell rang. I quickly grabbed my book and stuffed it in my bag, as i headed for the door.

"Miss Tachibana, I would like to have a word with you," I paused as she said my name and felt my heart sink to the pit of my stomach.

"What have I done now?" I sighed mentally,turning around. Everyone left the room, leaving me, the teacher and a guy who looked around his mid 20's. He had a suit on, with big glasses and a briefcase.

"Emi, this is Hikaru Azuma, he is the manager of a big publishing company called Azuma Shouten and he would like to speak to you," The teacher smiled.

"Nice to meet you Mr Azuma," I held my hand out as he shook it.

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Tachibana," He nodded.

"What would you like to speak to me about?" I asked as politely as I could. He chuckled and smiled charmingly.

"I will just get straight to the point," He looked at me questionably, so I nodded. "We have heard about your excellent Literature and Photography skills and our company would like you to feature in one of our magazine every month,"

My jaw dropped to the floor. I didn't think I was that good, but I guess I am atleast amateur at both. "M-Me? I couldn't possibly feature in a Magazine from your company, I-"

"We have saw your outstanding portfolio online and we have already looked into your writing skills as a journalist. We decided you would fit extremely well for the role, Emi. I won't make you choose the decision now, but I really would love for you to join us."

"Can I ask some questions?" I asked.

"Sure." He smiled.

"Could I work from this town?" I asked.

"Yes, however now and then we may give you tickets to a fashion show or a celebrity meet, don't worry they are all free," He nodded as he said everything. I used to idolize over the magazine and collect it every month, but I stopped after a while because I needed the extra money. I smiled to myself and looked up.

"Here is my number, call me when you have made your mind up," He handed me a business card and brushed his blazer with his hand. "I will be off, goodbye Emi," He walked out of the room, leaving me and my teacher.

"Well, Emi, I wouldn't turn that one down," She grumbled, picking up her papers and aligning them. "Now, go on, shoo, I need to mark," She shooed me, as I scurried out of the room.

~After School~

"Bye Haru!" Me and Makoto both shouted as he walked up the stairs to his house. He waved with his usual straight face. Though, I wouldn't blame him after how much Gou made them train.

" I bet you're tired," I laughed as Makoto stretched his back, lifting his arms in the air

"Are you kidding me," He laughed. "I'm exhausted, why did she have to put protein powder in our lunches,"

"One, It was her idea, and two, you should know why, dummy," I hit him over the head lightly with my hand. He rubbed the back of his head and frowned at me.

"That was mean," He sniffled. I rolled my eyes as we carried on walking.

"Hey Emi, why did the teacher call you back after Literature?" He asked. I sighed, as all of it came flooding back to me like a tonne of bricks had been dropped on my head.

"You had to remind me," I rubbed my head. "The manager of a big magazine wanted me to feature in it every month, showing the latest trends, with photographs of course,"

"Why are you trying to forget about that! Emi, This is an opportunity for you! You could become a 5 star Journalist and get into a good university and earn lots of money and-" I stopped him by putting my finger to his lips.

"No telling anyone until I do, ok?" I glared at him. He nodded as I removed my finger.

"Ok, but you have to take that, for me," His tone was strict and firm. I sighed in defeat and nodded.

"I guess I have to," I chuckled. "Otherwise you wouldn't talk to me for the rest of my life,"

"Yeah," He laughed back, as we headed into the house. We turned the light on and placed our bags down.

"I'll call him later," I fell onto the sofa, but Makoto had other things in mind. He grabbed my phone and the business card from my bag, making me jump up and glare at him.

"Don't you dare," I narrowed my eyes, staring at my phone. He smiled and started dialing numbers, making me jump at my phone, but he was way taller than me. I leaped onto the sofa, and then grabbed my phone, but it was already ringing.

"Makoto!" I whispered as I put the phone to my ear. He gave me a thumbs up as I stared at him in defeat.

"Hello, this is Hikaru Azuma speaking," I heard Mr Azuma down the phone.

"Hello Mr Azuma, Its Emi Tachibana," I said nervously.

"Ah, Emi!" His tone changed into a relaxed one. "Have you made your decision?"

"Yes, I have," I sighed and looked at Makoto who was grinning uncontrollably.

"I'll do it. I'll take the job,"

A/N: Hello! Its been a while ;-; Sorry I haven't updated in so long, I have been working on a few other Fanfictions, and I have been getting tonnes of homework which left me with no time at all ;-; Anyway, I'm back! And I am sleepy. It is now 11:30pm and I'm already exhausted, oops. Picture of Hikaru on the side------>

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you later!~ ToxicWolf

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