Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

*Emi's POV*

I woke up to the smell of mint and I could hear the faint sound of water gushing out of a shower. I opened my eyes, and let myself adjust to the light. I quickly remembered that I stayed at Rin's dorm. I looked around and assumed Rin was in the bathroom having a shower.

I sighed and decided to get up and get changed. I stretched my back and walked over to the window. Droplets of rain made their way down the window and dark clouds hung to the sky. Sighing, I heard a buzz. I quickly picked my phone up to see the notification.


Me and Mitsuko are going out today, so I won't be at home. If you need me, call me.


I frowned to myself. So he was serious about this relationship. I felt like slamming my phone onto the desk, but before I did, a hand grabbed my wrist and spun me round.

"Whats gotten you so angry?" Rin looked at me worriedly. I sighed impatiently.

"I just..." I replied. "I just don't want Makoto getting hurt. I don't want him to leave me alone,"

"Remember, I will always be by your side," He unexpectedly kissed my forehead. I blushed, still not used to being in a relationship. "Makoto is smart, he shouldn't do anything stupid,"

"I can tell Mitsuko is trying to make my life hell, just why did she have to use Makoto!" I put my head in my hands. "He is an amazing brother and he deserves better!"

"Calm down Emi, If things get out of hand, he should know to trust his sister. You know him better than Mitsuko," Rin pulled me close and hugged me. I snuggled into his chest whilst thoughts were running through my mind endlessly.

"Why do you always know what to say?" I chuckled.

"Most of the time I don't," I heardhim mutter under his breath.

"What?" I asked concerned.

"Oh, nothing," He pulled away, and ran over to his closet.

"What the hell are you doing?" I laughed. He came back with something behind his back. He quickly took the thing in his hand. I squinted my eyes shut, expecting him to do something to me with it. (Its hard not to turn that dirty I know)

I suddenly felt a soft fabric wrap around my neck. I opened my eyes to see Rin wrapping his scarf around me. He handed me his beanie and I gave him a questionable look.

"We are going outside, Munchkin," He smirked.

"Wow, its been a long time since you used that, hasn't it, Sharky-Poo?" I laughed.

"See, you are cheering up already," Rin winked.

"Is it really smart to go outside on a rainy day?" I asked.

"Why not? There is nothing better to do and I would like to spend my day with you," He made a kissy face at me, so I flicked his head.

"That hurts you know," He pouted.

"Exactly why I did it, not that strong now are you?" I smirked. He suddenly grabbed my wrists and pinned them beside me.

"What about now, Munchkin?" He whispered as he came close to my ear. Shivers ran down my spine.

"O-ok, you win," I stuttered. He let go of me and laughed.

"So gullible," He rolled his eyes playfully and walked towards the door. He picked up an umbrella and turned to me. "C'mon,"

I walked beside him until we got outside the building. I've always loved rain, its calming. I was wearing Rin's spare rain coat and my spare clothes I brought to Rins. I slept in Rin's t-shirt that was way to big for me, and a baggy pair of shorts.

I quickly pulled my hood up and ran into the rain, whilst Rin was looking at me weirdly under an umbrella.

"Come on, Rain isn't that bad," I laughed.

"You are the one who asked If it was a good idea to come outside!" He said, annoyed. He huffed, and looked like a squirell hoarding nuts. The thought crossed my mind and I burst out laughing.

"You look so cute when you do that," I cupped his cheeks and patted them, deinflating them.

"Cute?" He groaned.

"Yup, my little shark," I kissed his cheek, and looked up."So, where shall we go?"

"I have a place in mind," He held my hand and dragged me under the umbrella. "but you will stay with me under the umbrella, I don't want you getting sick,"

"You know im immu-" I sneezed. He gave me a disappointed look.

"Come on, lets just go before its gets even colder," We both started walking.

After a while, we came to a row of shops.

"Which shop shall we go in first?" He smiled.

"Lets go into that one!" I pointed out. We both walked in and stared at the beautiful clothing.

*A while after*

We had been shopping for a while, and I was getting tired. Rin was also tired, from me dragging him to countless stores. I didn't find anything that I would buy, though. Finally, we came to the last shop.

"I love how you chose the shop I needed to go in last," He chuckled. It looked like a jewllery store.

"You should have told me!" I pouted.

"Nah, Today was meant to cheer you up," He grinned.

"Thank you," I hugged him. We both walked into the store hand in hand.

"Hello!" A worker suddenly came up to us."Would you like some help?"

"I've come to pick up a custom necklace," Rin replied to the lady.

"Oh yes! We have been expecting you," She smiled. "What is your name?"

"Rin Matsuoka," He replied. The lady ran quickly into the staff area and back out, with a little bag.

"Thank you for waiting!" She hurriedly gave Rin the bag. "Is this the lucky girl?"

"Y-yes," He stuttered.

"You lucky boy!" She laughed. "I suppose you two should go back home, its getting dark,"

"Thank you," Rin smiled. "Bye!"

We both walked out of the shop. After we had walked away, he handed me the little bag.

"Huh?" I looked at the bag. There was a little box in the corner, so I picked it up and held the tiny box in my hands.

"Open it," Rin instructed. I obeyed, and I smiled widely.

"Its beautiful, Rin," I held a necklace in my hand. It was silver, and had a single infinity charm on it. In the middle of the infinity charm, the word "forever" was encrusted into the necklace.

"Do you want me to help you put it on?" Rin asked, smiling at my positive reply. I nodded, and he took the necklace from my hand. He took his scarf off for me, and then laced the necklace round my neck.

"Ok, done," He grinned. I crashed my lips into his suddenly, making him jump back. He melted into the kiss almost instantly, wrapping his hands round my waist.

"I love you,Munchkin"

"I love you too, Sharky Poo"
A/N: Yet again, I was going to write more but I've got a busy week and It was perfect to leave this chapter here :D Rin and Emi days <3 Sometimes, its good to get away from the drama, right? ;D

Anyway I hope you liked this chapter! See you later!~ ToxicWolf

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