Chapter 44 - Final Chapter

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[ I photoshopped the hair, credit to original owner of the art

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[ I photoshopped the hair, credit to original owner of the art.]

Chapter 44

*Emi's POV*

Tears escaped my glazed eyes as he ran towards me, engulfing me in a hug of desperation. His grasp became tight as if he was holding on for dear life, giving me no chance to escape.

I made an effort to get out of his hold, reluctantly pushing him away. After everything he had put me through, my mind told me to get away from him, to start my new life in Australia before he enveloped himself within my heart again. Although my heart was telling me another thing, making me realize that he was already there.

"I'm not letting you go ever again." Rin squeezed me even tighter, almost making it hard for me to breathe. His voice was shaky and hitched as if he was about to cry as well.

"Why can't I escape you? Get you out of my head? I just want to forget..." I sobbed, ceasing my struggles to free myself.

"I know I made an enormous mistake, and I will never, ever hurt you again like that. Emi, let me explain myself... Please..." He begged, motioning over to the coffee stall near us both.

"Fine, you have 5 minutes..." I held my bag closely as we both strolled over to a free table and sat down. Shortly after, we ordered our drinks and settled opposite each other.

"Emi, I am also going to Australia to train. In fact, we're on the same flight. At the time, I didn't want to tell you since we'd be so far apart, I hated it. The thought of putting you through so much pain... I couldn't for so long... So I decided that it would be best to let you go..." He explained, making me freeze up. Not in sadness, not in happiness... But pure rage.

I clenched my fists, stabbing him with my eyes. "So that's why..."

"Emi, I completely understand why you are upset but I don't want to end like this..." Rin looked at me with glazed eyes, which didn't faze me one bit.

"So you broke up with me to save me from the feelings you didn't even consult me with and selfishly ran away from it?" I growled at him, making him flinch back. "Rin Matsuoka, I knew you were a cry baby but a selfish coward too?"

"I haven't fully explained myself! Though I did run away, I am not now. I know, and I am now realizing that instead of saving your feelings, I was saving my own and I shouldn't have listened to him..." Rin's voice cracked, a tear escaping his eye.

"Him?" I asked, wondering who the hell had given him this so-called "advice".

"Sousuke told me that it would be best if I let you go... I knew I should have never listened to him..." Rin put his head into his hands and looked at the table. "But then I found out you were going to study in Australia and realized that I shouldn't have let you go..."

"Rin fucking Matsuoka, you drive me crazy sometimes... No, all the time." I sighed, sipping my coffee that was already cooler than me at this point.

"That is very understandable." Rin nodded in complete agreement, although he got up from his seat and held his hand out to me. His expression somewhat changed to a determination, bracing himself. " and that is one of the many reasons why I love you."

After his statement, I began to burn a bright red, looking down at my thighs. He wasn't finished, though, and began to speak once again. "Let's go to Australia...together."

The table rattled as I got up from my seat, staring into Rin's red orbs. He started to look very nervous, until I threw myself into his chest. He responded immediately by wrapping his long arms around my waist and snuggling his head into my shoulder.

"I...I love you too, Rin." I replied, stealing a kiss from him. His cheeks dusted with a shade of red, his eyes widening at my actions. His eyes began to glow with passion, pulling me forward and bringing me in for another kiss, yet it was deeper than the other. We pulled away, putting our heads together, smiling at each other.

"You are mine, Emi." Rin grasped my hand grinning like a Shark who had just caught his food.

"Rin, I'm not an object," I laughed, pulling his cheeks. "If anything, You would be mine." I winked at him. I could see his expression shift from a determination to something of fear and embarrassment.

"H-Hey! It's just a saying... you know." He pouted, hiding his face. My grin changed into stifling laughter as he pulled me towards the plane. I looked at him with a smirk forming on my face, as I eyed him up and down. " What... are you scared that I'd become the shark?"

"What are you implying, Emi?" Rin frowned, a light blush dusting his cheeks.

"We will save that assumption for... a later time." I chuckled as we both aimlessly strolled into the unknown territory, hand in hand hoping that the changes to our lives would be supported by each other...

and that we will battle the challenges of life...



A/N: brb crying at how long this took me to finish

Im so sorry I left you hanging for a good 6 months again

The epilogue will come out eventually.. ❤️

<3 Thank you so much for reading <3

| Chiaki |

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