Chapter 16 - Part One

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Chapter 16 - Part One

*Emi's POV*

Summer was nearly over, so the days were getting a lot shorter. Leaves started falling from the trees, and people started wearing warmer clothing.

Today was Saturday, but like my unsociable self, I had no plans. I glanced out of my window to see Makoto and Haru just leaving the house. For some reason, Haru doesn't really talk to me. If he doesn't like me, I'm fine with that but other than that he is mute when around me. Its his choice, I guess.

As if on cue, my phone buzzed. I was curled up in a blanket on my bed, which made it very hard to actually reach my phone. I finally grabbed my phone, but when I did I slipped and landed on my floor, still wrapped in the blanket. I unlocked my phone and checked my messages

1 new message.

From: Sharky-Poo

Hey Emi, I have nothing to do today so I was wondering If you wanted to go somewhere? That is if you aren't busy.


I could hear my heart starting to beat faster. Why am I always excited when that name pops up on my screen?

To: Sharky-Poo

Yeah, I'm free :) Where shall we meet?

I put my phone down and face-planted onto my bed. I always get so excited when I am invited out, but this was overwhelming. I felt like squealing, I mean I could because I was alone in the house. Before you ask, Ren and Ran went back to our grandma's house early because she came back early. I grabbed my leather jacket, beanie and boots and then heard the doorbell ring. I assumed it was the post because Rin hadn't text me back, but when I got to the door, He was standing in the doorway.

"Hey," He stood up straight, making me feel even smaller.

"You could have text me to say that you were here." I mumbled, puffing my cheeks at his sly smile.

"I thought I would try to make more of an entrance." He chuckled.

"I'll be 2 seconds," I ran upstairs and grabbed my bag and then walked down the stairs, to see Rin looking at all of the photos on the walls, which were mostly photos of me and my family. He was looking at one in particular, which consisted of Me, Makoto and the twins when were were younger. I smiled at him as he studied the photo.

"Having fun looking at the photos?" It looked like he didn't hear me coming down the stairs and jumped when I spoke.

"Sorry, I was just looking," He grinned. "You all look so happy, I want a family like that one day."

Instantly, images of my dream popped up in my head, making me go insanely red. Quickly, I turned my head so that I could conceal my blush.

"We all got split up when my mum and dad started taking business trips, but somehow we all keep our family together," I tried to hide my red face, and luckily I didn't stutter.

"Anyway, lets go," We both walked outside and onto the pathway.

"So, where are we going?" I asked, looking up to him. I was only 5'4, so Rin was like a giant to me.

"I don't know," He shrugged. "Wanna go to the park?"

"Why not!" I replied, as we made our way there. It looked as If Rin was a lot happier than when we had the joint practice, before he seemed angry. I couldn't help but wonder.

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