Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Emi's POV

"Come on, Emi, Its time to get up." I heard a familiar voice as my eyes fluttered open, squinting at the bright sunlight peeking through my window.

"What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes, yawning.

"Its 6:45, get a shower and meet me downstairs at 7:30." I turned to my right to see Makoto, my brother, strolling out of my room, fully dressed for school.

"Well, this day came quicker than expected..." I mumbled nonchalantly. It was my first day at Iwatobi high, and I was more than dreading it. Yeah, I decided to transfer but its scary, I mean- going to a place where you only know one person? I guess it is better than knowing no-one. 

I dragged myself out of bed and stumbled towards the bathroom, my vision still hazy from sleeping. Slowly, I got into the shower, washed myself and dried myself, before I put on my new school uniform. I left my hair and blew my fringe out of my face. 

By this time it was 7:25, so I picked up my phone, headphones and bag, and then left my room.

"Hey Makoto." I smiled, sitting down and eating breakfast.

"Sorry I got you up so early, see I didn't want you to walk to school alone, but my friend Haru always needs to be woken up." He laughed.

"Its fine, I need to get up earlier anyway." I took my last bite and stood up. Makoto has always been there for me, even if our parents take long business trips and we both leave our baby brother and sister with our grandma, we are unsplitable. He is like my best friend, I just wish we could be a proper family, however I'm happy i get to spend lots of time with him.

"Looks like we should be leaving now, have you got all of your things?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think so," I grinned. "Lets go!" 

We both walked along the path and chatted about random things, until we came to stairs.

"You can stay here if you want to." Makoto insisted.

"No, I would feel awkward if I was stood here, I need to get used to it." I replied.

"Ok, but Haru is.... lets say....very unaware." He chuckled.

"Great!" I laughed. We both made our way up the stairs, until we came to the last house.

"Here we are." He smiled. He always smiles whatever the mood, sometimes he can be too nice.

"You could have told me that his house was the very top," I breathed heavily."Hopefully that will make up for a years worth of no swimming."

"Hopefully."He winked.

"Come on, lets just get your friend." I rolled my eyes. We both knocked on the door, unsure of whether he will actually answer. A few seconds later, Makoto walked straight into his house, which made me ponder how close they actually were.

"Come in and wait here, let me just go get him." Makoto sighed, going down the hallway. A few moments later, Makoto and a guy who I supposed was Haru came walking back down the hallway. 

That was when I realized.... He was shirtless and wearing an apron. 

"Haru, this is my little sister Emi, Emi this is Haru." Makoto introduced us. I didn't want to be awkward.... what should I do? Should I look at him? Do I look at the ground?

After a few moments I decided to look up and smile, trying not to be awkward.

"H-Hi, I'm Emi." I stuttered, well I sure made that awkward.

"Hey, I'm Haruka, but call me Haru for short." He said with a straight face. Whats up with him? 

"Haru, you aren't cooking mackerel today, I brought you some breakfast so take the apron off and put your school uniform on," Makoto sighed once more. Haru took off his apron, and I couldn't help but notice his defined chest muscles. I stared in awe, my mouth agape.

"Uhm, Emi-Chan?" Makoto asked, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. That was when I snapped back into reality and realized what I was doing.

"Oh... I'll leave you two to get ready, I need to go get my schedule and things...bye!" I grabbed my bag and opened the door.

"Wait, Emi!" Makoto ran to the door, but I was already halfway down the stairs.

"I'll meet you at school!" I smiled, running the rest of the way downstairs. I got to the bottom of the stairs, breathed for a little and then carried on with my journey to school.

"8:00am." I thought to myself, slipping my phone back into my pocket. Just as I put my phone back, a person ran past me, pushing me and taking me with them to the ground. I hit the floor and opened my eyes to see a guy around my age, with maroon colored hair and wearing a different uniform.

"Oh my bad - sorry." He apologized, getting up and holding his hand out.

"Its fine, I'm the one who should be saying sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." I laughed, whilst getting pulled up by him. 

"Whats your name?" He asked, smiling. I noticed he had pretty sharp teeth, which reminded me of my friends' older brother.

"Tachibana Emi, just call me Emi- and are you Kou-chan's older brother by any chance?" I asked, brushing off my skirt. His eyes widened a little, and then relaxed.

"Yeah, I am, Matsuoka Rin." He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck."Hey, do you know Makoto?" 

"Yeah, He is my older brother, He is at Haruka's house at the moment." I sighed.

"So they are still friends, hm." He looked pretty serious about this.

"I guess, you go to Samezuka right?" I asked, inspecting his uniform.

"Yeah, in fact I need to be there soon, it was nice talking to you, Emi-chan." He smirked and winked, suddenly making my cheeks flare up into a red hue. 

"L-likewise," I replied, securing my back on my shoulder. "See you later!"

He gave me one more glance before turning and walking towards Samezuka high. I checked the time once more.

"Damn it!" I slipped my phone back into my pocket and started running towards Iwatobi. It was 8:20, which means I only had 10 minutes to get to school. Sooner or later, I arrived at the gates, and by now it was 8:27. I breathed heavily, before entering the school. I was in the same homeroom as Makoto, which was pretty good, I mean I didn't want to be alone.

Time to get this show on the road.

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