Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

*Emi's POV*

"You're timing is a little off Nagisa," I sighed, looking at the stopwatch in my hand. Over the course of the week, me and Kou were trying to improve their exchanges. "You wanna be on form for the Samzuka joint practice, right?"

His eyes lit up at the word Samezuka "We are having another joint practice?"

"Yeah, we both organised it with Seijouro-Senpai," I nodded. If we want to get to Nationals, then we will have to make the team train hard. At first, I thought being assistant manager wouldn't be hard, but hell it is. 

"Yay! I heard there is a new member on the Samezuka team," Nagisa grinned. 

"Yeah, I heard he is in the top 10 for butterfly," Haru shrugged, getting out of the water. 

"Looks like Rei will have to train extra hard," I sighed, stretching my back. Practice was almost over, and today Ren and Ran were visiting. Grandma had some business to do, so she asked me and Makoto to take care of them both for a week or two. 

"Hey Makoto, when will Ren and Ran be dropped off?" I asked, picking up my bag.

"In 3 hours I think, just enough time to get there room ready and dinner," He smiled, before walking into the changing rooms. The joint practice was tomorrow, so me and Makoto both decided that whilst we were at Samezuka Academy, Ren and Ran will be at The Iwatobi swim club learning to swim. Since I can remember, they have both wanted to learn how to swim, so why not now?

"That was hard work," Kou groaned, sighing. 

"Tell me about it, I don't know how you managed it alone before," I replied, walking down the stairs. The guys will catch up later.

"I wonder who this new person on the Samezuka team is," She looked deep in thought. 

"Me too, infact I haven't seen anyone from Samezuka for a while," I nodded. 

"If they got on the team, they have to be good," She answered.

"Well he is on the top ten for butterfly, so I think he is," I laughed. We were both out of school now.

"Well, Ill see you tomorrow," I smiled. 

"Bye!" Kou returned the smile, walking the opposite direction as me. I proceeded to walk back to my house, which was about 20 minutes away to be exact. It was around 6pm, and the twins would be at the house in 2 hours. That gave me time to make dinner and do homework. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a familiar voice.

"Emi!" I looked up to see Kiyo walking with a silver haired boy, Ai I think? Wait... Nitori is Kiyo's cousin. 

"Hey Kiyo," I sighed, as she hugged me, making sure I couldn't breathe.

"This is my cousin-" I cut her off.

"Hey Nitori," I smiled. 

"Hi Emi!" I grinned sheepishly.

"Wait how do you two know eachother?" Kiyo raised an eyebrow. "He never comes off campus unless its important... which means you must have gone onto the campus!"

"Yes?" I shrugged. Before I could explain, she leaped onto me and started punching me playfully.

"You went into Rins dorm didn't you?! THATS HOW YOU MET NITORI! Wait, Where you-" I put my hand around her mouth so she stopped talking.

"No, I helped Rin take some Ice Lollies up to his dorm, BEFORE a joint practice which I watched with Kou," I frowned at her. She seriously needs some help.

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