Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

*Emi's POV*

My elbow rested on my desk as I stared at my work. To the teacher I guess it seemed like I was actually reading the piece of text, however my mind was wondering into a deep trail of thought. Steadily, I put my elbow on my desk, resting my head on my palm that had grew pretty cold. 'This is English class, right? I'm such a mess, I don't even know what class I'm in...'

I looked up to the board, confirming that I was in fact, in English class. Breaking out into a deep sigh, I closed my eyes and slumped my head onto the desk, slow enough so It wouldn't make a massive banging noise. 'It doesn't matter If they call me to read some of this book... I already know English back to front... Why am I still even in this class? Surely they would let me do something productive with my time... oh well...'

I felt myself drifting off into the world of dreams when the bell for school interrupted the beginning of my peaceful slumber. Slowly, I reached for my bag and put it on my desk, lazily stuffing all of the revision notes and such into the small thing. As I finished cramming the books in, I tried to use the zipper, and after at least 10 attempts at shutting my bag, it finally closed.

"Remember! You're final exams are in a few days! Good luck everyone!" Our teacher called encouragingly, although I don't think anyone was actually that motivated, including me. Out of all of the stress that I had been put through in my entire student life, this was the worst I had ever faced. 'All because of... No, that wasn't why...'

Shaking my head dismissively, I dragged my legs up so I was now stood up, If you could even call my slouched state standing. The class began to filter out into the hallways, immediately taking up all of the space and practically choking everyone to death. Luckily, I was one of the last students to actually make it to the door, let alone get into the corridor, so I had the pleasure of either waiting to leave, or sacrifice myself and jump into the shit-storm outside of the room. Me being me, of course I'd jump right into the action, right?

"Hey! Stop pushing me!" A guy called from in front of me, a slight growl to his voice. I immediately looked at his tie and puffed my cheeks in anger whilst getting pushed against his back by some other first years behind me.

"Don't talk to your senior like that! Asshole!" I shouted aggressively, kicking the back of his knee in my rage, sending him flying into the students in front of him. As I was about to step on his foot, I was yanked out of the crowd unexpectedly, making a squeal come from me. As I clenched my eyes shut on instinct, I heard a door slam and a light chuckle.

"What did you do that for?!" I furrowed my eyebrows at the figure standing beside me.

"Well, If I hadn't of pulled you out of that, the guy would have turned around and probably killed you." He shook his head, sighing at my angered form. I relaxed my fists and resumed to my composure beforehand, that consisted of a monotonous expression.

"Whatever, he shouldn't have talked down to me like that, Makoto." I rolled my eyes, getting ready to exit the class. Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him, sending me flying yet again. I landed firmly right onto his chest, although he stood as firm as a brick wall, holding both mine and his weight.

"Don't start changing because of that...person," Makoto flicked my head, wearing his usual smile. "Don't be so reckless either, I know that guy was a first year but he could still hurt you."

"I'd rather be hurt and get my revenge though..." I looked up, pouting at my ever so innocent brother that was now frowning at my not-so friendly response.

"Come on, lets just go home before you get into any more trouble." He ruffled my hair as he walked up to the door and slid it open. He turned his head around to look at me, grinning somewhat menacingly. "Also, for attempting to beat up a first year, you're cleaning your room tonight,"

"Whaaaaaaat?!" I blinked my eyes as he got further and further away. He had left me to clean the biggest shit hole ever and all because I stepped on a 15 year old's foot? "Makoto get back here!"




"This is way too much work for me..." I took in a deep breath, trying to circulate the needed oxygen to my muscles that were, quite frankly dying of exhaustion. For now I had cleaned all of the revision books from my bed and I had stacked them neatly onto my desk, as well as cleaning the notes and such from my desk and putting them in the correct notebook or folder. I had officially let the light back into my room, after a few full days of darkness consumed the room, aka I opened the curtains. Countless food wrappers that had been left on the floor from revision sessions were now cleaned up and safely in the bin, which made me kinda relieved in a way.

After my earned break, I decided to sort out all of my pieces of paper that had mysteriously fell down the side of my desk that would normally be lost forever. I opened the folded notes, some had random drawings on, some had reminders, some even had nothing on and they were just there for the sake of it.

"Hmm...?" I tilted my head as I saw a rather colourful glimpse of a piece of paper right at the back of the gap. Sighing with a aggravated tone, I heaved myself over , reaching my arm into the gap hoping I could grab the piece of paper. Although there were many attempts that had failed, I finally grasped the paper without letting it slip out of my hands. I snatched it from the gap, quickly observing it and raising my eyebrows. "A letter...? When the hell did that get there?"

The colourful paper that I thought to be just notes was in fact a letter that looked very foreign and dusty. How long had it actually been sitting there? A stared at it blankly, trying to figure out what it was for, until I came up with the genius idea of actually opening it.

I ripped the envelope hastily, pulling out a well written, neat letter and another piece of paper that fell to my feet. Unfolding the paper nervously, I tried to think of what it could possibly be, however I had no idea.

Suddenly it hit me like a tonne of bricks. My eyes widened in shock as I scanned the letter, my heart beat speeding up. I snatched the paper that had fell to my feet, that was actually a now identified as a ticket. My palms started sweating furiously, not even matching up to my emotions. I felt like crying with pure joy. My legs shot up, not even letting me process what the letter actually said. All I knew was one thing at that moment.




And the plot thickenssss~~


I don't really know what to say, other than I'm sorry I haven't been posting frequently and that will change as we get nearer Christmas ;) I may also have some new books coming out as this one finishes, how fun ;)

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed today's update and I shall see you in the next update!~ Toxic

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