Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

*Emi's POV*

"Did you remember your camera?" Rin asked me as my panic started to set in.

"Oh my god I'm forgetting everything!" I breathed heavily as I ran into my bedroom and grabbed my camera. Today was the day of the fashion show, and as I am a really un-organised person, I decided to grab everything now instead of packing it the night before.

"You will be fine, all you need is your phone, camera, purse and whatever else a girl needs in their bag," He scratched his neck awkwardly, smiling at me sheepishly.

"I'm not gonna worry about that at this moment, Rin," I replied, still rushing around the house, in heels too. As it was an important fashion show, important people would be there, which meant fancy dresses and make up.

"Do you need some assistance?" Rin asked with a smirk as he slid across the floor with his socks, holding my purse and ticket.

"Why thank you, kind Sir," I replied, getting on my tippy toes and kissing his cheek. I quickly stuffed them both into my bag and slung it on my shoulder. "Ok, I think I'm ready,"

"Lets get going then," He intertwined our arms and walked me out of the hotel, as I stumbled over my own feet.

"You know it was a bad idea to wear heels," He sighed as we crept into the limo.

"That's why I have you, you can catch me, right?" I giggled as I put my head on his shoulder.

"Exactly," He grinned, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"I'm glad you two are having an amazing time here in Sydney," A familiar voice spoke from the front passenger seat, making me flinch in surprise.

"H-Hikaru! Why are you here?" I stuttered, still catching my breath. I could feel Rin's arm tense around me protectively.

"You think I'd leave two teenagers roaming about in the middle of Sydney? I've been here all along," He chuckled, looking at us over his glasses.

I nodded in response. "That's understandable,"

"You must be Rin Matsuoka, I'm Hikaru Azuma, it's a pleasure to meet you," Hikaru introduced himself, extending his hand through the tiny gap of the car with a visible smirk on his face. Rin shook his hand quickly and smiled awkwardly, almost as if he was about to laugh nervously.

"The pleasure is all mine," He intertwined our hands once more, gripping my hand tightly.

"So, the plans for today..." Hikaru trailed off as he looked down at his schedule."Ah! We will be waiting outside of the venue to get pictures and maybe even a little interview... what next... Then we will go inside the venue and take our seats, luckily I already have our passes so we wont have to wait in line,"

"Sounds like a good plan... but interviews?" I asked, getting nervous.

"Yes! There will be many celebrities in the building and therefore it is our chance to get a once in a lifetime interview! I know you may have no experience, but I believe you will be able to handle it," Hikaru explained, not helping my uneasiness. "I'm also here to assess your abilities first hand... so look at it as If it is a challenge!"

"I'll try..." I laughed nervously. We suddenly pulled up and the car door opened quickly. I got out of the limo and looked at Hikaru fully. He was wearing a black suit, like Rin. He had smart looking glasses on and a blue tie wrapped neatly around his neck.

"Lets get going," Hikaru lead us away from the car and onto the streets of Sydney. It looked very luxurious and high-class, with buildings towering over us. I started getting even more nervous, butterflies swarming my stomach.

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