Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

*Emi POV*

I opened my eyes to a blinding light from my window. I instantly winced and squinted my eyes shut. Once I had finally adjusted to the light, I looked at the time.

"CRAP!" I shouted. Today was Monday and I forgot to set my alarm. Normally, Makoto would have woke me up but he has been spending time with Mitsuko. She had been getting on my nerves lately. She has been dragging Makoto away from all of his friends and me. He has even stopped walking to school with Haru, which is very odd of him. He wouldnt just abandon us, right?

It was 7:45, which meant getting ready in 15 minutes. I had already had a shower the night before, so I just brushed my hair out and let my hair be itself. I quickly dressed myself and grabbed my bag, not caring whether I had everything in there or not. I looked at the time and it was 8. Makoto had already left with Mitsuko I guess. He stopped leaving notes for me a while ago. 

I grabbed my phone and keys and ran out of the door, closing it after me and locking it quickly. I breathed a sigh of relief and started walking to school. 

Halfway there, I saw a familiar person walking the same way as me alone. I quickly ran up to them and tapped them on the shoulder.

"Hey Haru," I smiled at him. 

"Oh, Hi Emi," He looked at me with his never changing straight face. 

"How come you are alone?" I asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Is it a crime for someone to walk alone to school?" He sighed.

"Sorry," I frowned. "Makoto should know better than to leave his fri-,"

"I let him walk with Mitsuko," Haru cut me off."He looks happy with her, even If he grows apart from us at least he is happy,"

"I wish I could agree," I muttered. 

"Why don't you think he should be happy?" I saw a little shock in his face.

"I don't mean that, Its just that I feel as If Mitsuko is trying to steal him away," I shrugged. "and one day, when everything is all fine, she could leave him heartbroken,"

"Makoto is smart, he isnt stupid enough to fall for that," Haru replied.

"Me and Mitsuko aren't exactly on good terms," I mumbled. "She is Rin's ex. A few weeks ago she came up to me telling me to stay away from Rin. She either got over him super quick or she is planning something,"

"Lets just see how it all goes for a couple of weeks," Haru showed a little smile. "Its suspicious but we can't do anything at the moment,"

"You sound like Rin sometimes," I giggled. A light pink stained his cheeks.

"I do?"

"You can tell he admires you, however much he insults you," I smiled. We came to the gates of school and walked in together. We both quickly made our way up to our class, getting there with 5 minutes to spare.

"I thought Makoto would be here by now?" I asked Haru. He just shrugged.

"He will be here soon,"

The bell rang, signalling us to go to homeroom. I sat in my seat and looked out of the window. Makoto should turn up. He has to. 

10 minutes went by of homeroom and Makoto still wasn't at school. This definately wasnt like him. Maybe I'm worrying too much, but I haven't saw him for 2 days, so I don't know whether he is ok. 

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