Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

*Emi POV*

A bubble made its way into my throat and I could barely speak.

"R-rin? Why did you come up here?" I stuttered.

"No need to get all shy, I won't bite...yet," He grinned. He started walking towards me, so I backed up in response until I hit my bed a fell onto it. Rin took his chance to pin my hands down onto my bed. I was now a bright red. He got extremely close to my ear, so I could hear his breathing.

"I'm only messing with you," He whispered, as he got up and unpinned my hands. I let out a breath that I had been holding and I felt more relaxed.

"Don't do that," I huffed, sitting up on my bed.

"What are you going to do about it," He smirked. I grabbed a pillow from my bed and threw it at him, smacking him in the face.

"That," I replied, laughing. A red mark formed on his face, which made me laugh even more.

"Watch your back," He eyed me up and down. I don't think I should have threw that pillow."Anyway, I got the feeling that you didn't wanna watch the movie Nagisa chose so I thought I would come up here with you,"

"Thanks," I replied, smiling. He shuffled closer to me on the bed and rested his head on my shoulder, which took me by surprise.

"You're warm," He nuzzled my neck with his head.

"Rin?" I raised an eyebrow at him. He suddenly nibbled my ear, making a high pitch yelp erupt from my mouth. He stopped and smirked at me, showing his sharp teeth. I rubbed my ear and pouted at him.

"I told you to watch your back," He simply laughed, shuffling to the corner of my bed, leaning against the wall. His maroon hair was still damp from the rain, so he shook it vigorously, getting water on me.

"Hey! I stuck my tongue out, but as I did, a big clap of thunder sounded and lightning lit up the night, making me jump off my bed and scream.

"You baby," He rolled his eyes playfully, scanning my scared face. "You are just as bad as Makoto,"

"It runs in the family," I shrugged, sitting back on my bed. "Wanna watch a more suitable movie?"

"Sure," He grinned. I got my laptop and picked a random movie that I had. Rin got engrossed in the movie pretty quick, but I already knew what happened so I wasn't focused on it. I stared at him, his perfect hair, glistening eyes...

Then I had an idea, making a smirk appear on my lips. I positioned myself so I could leap at him. I jumped at him and draped my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist, but I didn't really think it through as he is nearly twice the size of me. He jumped a little at first and got up, but then swung me round so I was facing him.

We were extremely close and my cheeks stained a vermilion red. He simply raised an eyebrow and stood there whilst I clung onto him for dear life.

"What was that for?" He asked

"Payback," I huffed.

"Well that failed didn't it,"


"Why are you still on me?"

"Because I wanna be,"

"Get off,"

"No, Don't wanna,"

"Do I have to make you?"


He suddenly pulled me closer to him and crashed our lips together. My eyes widened out of shock, but then I closed my eyes. His lips were warm and soft, and butterflies were swarming around in my stomach. We both pulled apart slowly, smiling at each other. My arms has loosened from around his neck, so he took his chance and got out of my grasp.

"Told you I would make you," He smirked. I suddenly recalled the last minute and turned a bright red, I think even my ears were red at this point.

"I.... Uh I..." I couldn't even speak.

"You're so cute when you're flustered," He chuckled, grabbing my cheeks and pulling them.

"I could say the same for you," I shot back, but I doubted that he heard me as my voice was muffled.

"Whatever," He took his hands away and lay down. I yawned loudly, covering my mouth after

"Tired?" He asked.

"A little," I replied sheepishly.

"Go to sleep," He smiled. "I'll go,"

Before he could even finish, I was lay on my side half asleep.

"Sleeping beauty," He mumbled, probably thinking that I couldn't head him. A few seconds later, I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Goodnight," He whispered. After that, I fell into a deep slumber, with my head rested on Rin's chest.


A/N~ This was so cute to write ;-; I would have wrote a little more but its nearly 1am so I can't :( Also thank you for 400+ reads! I didn't think this would get that many reads :3 See you later!~ ToxicWolf

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