Chapter 3: Swamp Demon /Tsuzumi Mansion

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Kamado Tanjiro's POV

Now as a first mission young ladies vanish on the town near Asakusa strange soo that means the demon is Lolicon? Arh whatever but if they touch Nezuko they will feel my wrath.

Hhhmmmm finally after hours we reach in time the sun is setting i need to patrol the area if demons might be lurking on some house,*sun completely set the night has come* ugh now that I find a place to rest..........*sniff* A demon is nearby I need to find the scent *carrying the light box inside is nezuko* as I reach outside I see two couples walking in the alley good thing there's light as I approach them the demons scent got stronger since I am near, then a puddle forming the ground beneath the lady I react fast and get the lady out of the trap......there a demon showed up it's different from others it is under the ground? This Demon might use Blood Demon Art this is bad I'm not prepared but for the lady's safety I rushed to the demon in a speed of light cutting it's hands but also head the demon vanished but still theirs more of them.
"DIE!!." as I careless thinking one ambush from behind ready to hit me but the box opened up and a kick was delivered to the demon who's desperate to kill me,"Nezuko! Let's fight them you get that one and I'll fight this one, and sir get the girl away from as far as you can I'll hold them!." the man then nodded and take the girl bridal style, "don't worry the boy will save us/Thank you Pls be safe!." the guy have a worried scent but I'm ok as long as my towns people will live peaceful.
"HINOKAMI KAGURA: Dance!." the sword light up the sword goes light red the demon quickly trembled at the sight as he thought 'why am I trembling no this is Muzan sama's cell reacting to the boys light red sword as he recalls a swordsman who able to to make him kneel or fall down,........ Heh then I might trap him on the pit he'll never be able to move their precisely.' what is the demons planning, the demon stick to the wall 7why? "raaghh!! Die-." as I was about to slash he dodges and opens a portal on the wall going to it's pit as I forcely stop my self from the acceleration I have but as I stop the demon kicked me in and pit joined.

'damn I only smelled rotten flesh and some corpses I better sense him......... Closed eyes sense the muds movement the mud movement....... from behind!.'......"water breathing :6th form WHIRLPOOL!! I rotate my body movement soo the current and my water breathing form sync and yes it did I make a huge whirlpool inside and struck the demons head decapitated it easily.
. 3rd person pov
While at Nezuko

The swamp demon was fighting bare handed with the slayers companion demon, "why would you work with that weak my other kind killed him." this words has triggered Nezuko and fastened her pace on punching demon and kicking but she got out speed as the swamp demon made a scratch on Nezuko's forehead and is ready to struck her neck.

*gets out of the pit and slashes the demons arms and legs*" Don't.Touch.My.Sister."as Tanjiro said he make a sign which Nezuko know she then goes inside the box and sleep,"why am I not regenerating how when?." the swamp demon questions the hunter having an intimidating aura. "I'll tell you but answer mine first *leveling the demon* Tell me Where is Muzan Kibutsuji and What is his Blood Demon art tell me everything about him..... I can smell if your lying or not now ANSWER ME WHERE IS MUZAN!." Tanjiro

"s-sorry i-I am not telling you I serve loyalty to my lor-" slice he shut up as the red nichirin blade cutted the demons head, "Muzan I'll Kill you I'll swear." now Tanjiro's attention to the woman and the man, "are you too fiancé?." the both nodded in response, "then God blessed." as Tanjiro turned around and facing the box and opened it slowly, "Nezuko are you alright?." She humm in response... "hehe nice to hear it now you can sleep it's 4 hours before sunrise I'll sleep." Tanjiro then went back to sleep on a apartment.
. 3rd person pov
Time skip 9:57 in the morning

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