Chapter 25:Melody Of Terror

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(I apologize if this fight is abit short and less fighting scenes cliffhanger also)

" we better hurry!." said Sanemi as he mainly focuses all his strength to his legs.

"Upper moon demon... Kills hundreds of innocent lives I shall show no sympathy." Kanae speak trying to catch up to Sanemi while Shinobu is behind her.

A horrible Melody was heard not far Sanemi quickly sense strong aura as well as Shinobu, Kanae. The trio went on forward their eyes we're shocked on what they see the center of the city was a chaos as they wandered their eyes around they see a figure it's back was full of sticks his kneeling down outstretching his both arms back and fourth grabbing flesh from the corpse and eating them.

"soo an Hashiras were sent eh? THREE HASHIRAS!!!! YES MASTER WILL BE OH PLEASE WHY DON'T WE START SHALL WE!!." after the Monolog the Demon gets a stick from his back then his hand turns to a violin shaped, "MELODIOUS AGONY!!." he suddenly Vanished then appeared 9 meters from them Sanemi quickly unshesth his sword Kanae and Shinobu do the same as they quickly charge towards Kanji.

"Wind breathing Second Form: Claws-Purifying Wind!." Sanemi lift his sword upwards towards the right then does a vertical slash down creating claws that might slash Kanji.

"Flower Breathing Fifth Form: Peonies of Futility!." a nine graceful consecutive attacks towards Kanji.

"Dance of the Dragonfly: Compound Eye Hexagon." Shinobu will do 6 strikes aiming for the weak spots such as neck, heart, torso etc. And will paralyze the enemy or killing them on the spot.

A crumpy ear killing sound was heard instead of like a lullaby spell or something Sanemi losses ontrol of his blade and got knelt to the ground sadly their attack are futile against Kanji's speed (of course he has that Hee Hee man's daughter's blood), "aahhhhhh!! Ouch! G-good t-thing Ze-Zenitsu wasn't fighting this b-bull crap!." Kanae said then she sees a black strings launched towards them Knock backing them 5 meters away from their swords.

"ugh upper moons got balls!." Sanemi roared as he thinks somewhat an idea but he's the one can do it since Kanji's Melodious Agony was still active, ' he likes music........ Violin..... Fiddle sticks from his back........ Can he! Somewhat turn it to bow.... Like how he manipulate his flesh into violin and the reason why sticks where on his back, he can't use his fingers now but if I let go I might get my ears destroyed.................. Wait! I'll back away until the sound faint little by little then I can throw this Kunai Tengen gives me, I owe you one bro.'

Sanemi quickly backs away he adjust the music and the faintest of it then after 10 Meters of backing out he swiftly got the first Kunai then using strength and precisely calculations he then throws it at Kanji but was far from him then Sanemi throws one more and this one was going to hit him but was deflected but this was all of Sanemi's plan as the first Kunai wasn't really un-intentionally thrown he saw a figure behind him that was like also a slayer after that the slayer also throws the Kunai at Kanji's back making him cough blood then his music stops (Sanemi didn't know it cause his far little did he knew it was Tanjiro).

Sanemi, Kanae and Shinobu rush to get their blades as they once again dashed towards Kanji, "Butterfly Dance: Caprice!." Shinobu lounged herself in the air charging towards Kanji while Sanemi uses his first form of wind breathing which is Dust Whirlwind Cutter he dashes with a cyclone slashes and followed by Kanae using Sixth Form: Whirling Peach using it's body weight to deliver her attacks.

'I've been wandering how is that guy catches it........ I mean my throw is fast and dangerous but that guy just read my mind or even my movements.' Sanemi thought as they were closing in but suddenly Upper 7 spoke, "soo Tanjiro sama is here." This caught their attentions,' Tanjiro!what?!. ' their mind got distracted as upper moon 7 vanish they snapped out they wander their eyes around the place they spot him on the roof his violin slowly turned to bow he gets a stick from his back while readied his bow with arrow(fiddle sticks) then when it hits the side strings from the violin the sharpest sound will blow their eardrums Kanji gots Sanemi as he covers his ears it was late his left ear is now bleeding.

'aahhhh *iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii* dang he got me! I hope Kanae and Shinobu's alright arrghhh!!.' Kanji already charges his bow as he released it a speed almost outmatched bullets hits Sanemi on the shoulder, after the fist blow Kanji now rapidly fires and charge Kanae quickly on guard her ears bleeds a lot hearing the sharpest sound," Kanae please leave me! Go survive scape!. " Sanemi yelled but Kanae protest and still guarding Sanemi Shinobu helplessly kneel while covering.

" m-my love I won't leave you! I-if i die will you... S-still love m-me?. "Kanae said now that she still have seconds before she can't hear anything Sanemi shouts," I'll always love you!! If you die ill die!."Kanae smiles," Flower Breathing last for-!. ".

*Neck chop!*

" there is no need to use it Kanae san go and have a treatment to your ears. " A calm voice was heard the sharp sound waves where stopped Kanae look at the man her," D-demon!!."Kanae said loudly making Shinobu got on her feet and Sanemi as well.

" Please demon, spare her life kill me instead Hey!!. "Sanemi Blurted out the demon's gaze were on his now Sanemi shivering his skin crawled through his spine," Kanao bring Tanao, Tamayo, Yushiro and Nezuko with them on the corps Shinobu san Tamayo and Yushiro is a demon but they are on our side Nezuko got turn to Human...... If you dare kill or hurt them ill kill Kanae." Sanemi willingly bows and agrees to his offer.

" B-But tell me w-who are you?. "Sanemi said while his started to calm down," I'm KAMADO TANJIRO DA!! and if I didn't get the chance to have my blessings because of that demon I'll slaughter his a*s same goes to that Bootleg like Michael Jackson moon walking on Calabasas!." They were utterly shocked when he mentioned his name Kanao snickers.


"Y-yes!." Sanemi then stood up carrying Kanae on his back and left with Kanao carrying Tanao, Shinobu, Tamayo, Yushiro and Nezuko. "now Kanji I have offer for you." (Akaza demon offer reference) "Become a human Kanji there you can atone for your sins you can make friends plus you can eat delicious food like Salmon daikon, fried chicken, roasted pig, ramen and many more by just tasting it, it feels like your in heaven." Tanjiro states as Kanji sweats.

(soo yeah I'll nerf Tanjiro abit)

" Vital point!!. "Kanji rapidly firing again this time his trying to hit Tanjiro's ruby heart moving around his body dodging any arrows Tanjiro unsheath his sword as he control his breathing," Sun breathing Fourth Form: Burning Bones, Summer Sun. "deflecting many arrows as possible while finding an opening Kanji's long range and rapid firing makes it Harder to approach," what now Tanjiro you killed upper 2 just luck?!. " Tanjiro smirk while deflecting arrows," if it's luck why did I make upper 1 tremble in fear, and let upper 3 beg for his ass.", "it's be ause of luck!! You are no match of me!! Hah I'm long range and those upper moons were close hah finding openings are we TANJIRO!!." Tanjiro from the start didn't use his see through world as it was all useless if there's no fight.

'See through world activate-weak point seeker.' Tanjiro awakened his see through world as hes aura every second got stronger and stronger his mark grows and shines bright red, in a speed of light he sliced the ruby heart of Kanji near his ankles and proceed to slice his body into small cubes.

(maybe this is buff not a nerf)

"nice to fight you Kanji but you totally pissed me off." Does were the last words he heard after Tanjiro disappeared.

Somewhere at the Yoshiwara..

"Thunder breathing first form:thunder clap and flash 6 fold!!."

To be continued. (sorry if this was cliffhanger I don't really know how to make a good fighting scenes here.)

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