chapter 47:Battle of fate (2)

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Tanjiro pov

Good thing the demon we are facing is blind but their leader is busy watching his higher demons fight wait who's fighting uppermoon 1! Dang they need my help! I just need to finish this blind garbage.

He's scent is getting stronger I need tl use waterfall basin for this!,'water breathing 8 form!: waterfall basin, layered smash!.'this impact will eventually reach him but that would take a few seconds my senses is telling me that he is 6 feet under ground,he have high chance of escaping this attack.

Woosh! Boom!

"Ekhh! He found me!."shrew! He got away! Dang it oh wait,"Blood demon art,Transparent world weak point seeker!."(Tanjiro goes in see through world and with his weak point seeker mode.)now I see him clearly his getting closer to them!.

Focus to the main goal! You need is to kill him and go help the one's who's fighting upper moon 1! Aarrhh Yoriichi!.


Third person pov

Tanjiro was on deep thought and forget about the upper moon heading to Aoi's, Nezuko and Kanao's direction,Kanao notices the sand moving towards them as she uses her breathing technique."Flower breathing!Second Form: Honorable Shadow Plum!.".

"Blood demon art: Shadow Dust blade.(an direct physical attack capable of long range swing the blade is made of polish sand,the purpose of this skill is to distract the victim with sand which will got thrown after the collide.).

The sand gotten Kanao's eyes the sand that reach her eyes starts forming a contact lens that blocks her eyesight.Nezuko Then uses her breathing technique,"Water breathing Third Form: Flowing Dance!."Nezuko leaps her way to the uppermoon while cutting his puppet like nothing creating a path her sword and body rotation are perfect.the Uppermoon was about to go for the kill as he smirks and said.

"Why did Master even wants you?.Blood demon art:Deadly sand storm,rock tomb!."(the demon Release a large sand storm that is mix with big rocks,while the rock tomb he will shoot 10 rocks at the sky and will eventually fall and lowly will hit the target.unless if it was immobilized in the spot.)

"Wha-! Arrh!."Nezuko hits something while being continuesly getting beaten by the sand storm with some rocks on it mixed,Aoi can't go help her or she'll end up getting sucked in too,Kanao is struggling with the demons passive which manipulate the sand.'i won't let Nezuko's death invain I shall kill the demon,while his off guard.'Aoi thinks for herself as she sneakily got to the uppermoon's side not far from him.

Aoi then chanting something in a low tone,"I need to....I need to do this......I have to."Once Aoi got close enough she then gets in stance and utters,"Flower breathing Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo!."Aoi landed a solid blow from the uppermoon's beck that almost killed him if it isn't for his senses,"you dare going to cut me?!.".

The uppermoon begun to summon his Weapon which is A thin belt  with sharp shards stick on to."girl your beautiful,but too unfortunate that you'll die."the uppermoon initiate first as he swing his weapon the shards will go fly to whenever the angle his hitting.

Aoi found this as disadvantage she's not ready to dodge projectiles flying at high speed, she's only her to assist Tanjiro on consuming the poison but he'll only do that after he faces the demon king.Aoi was terrified by the sight if the shard hit her it's over.

Aoi's last thought is her with Inosuke living a normal life as a couple,they have their own family Son, daughter.but reality was often disappointing and just need to accept anything that will happen it is fate,fate to die.not even a single happiness or freedom.

Clang! Shing! Shing! Shing! Clang!

"Ugh-."."stop standing there like it's your last moment,if Inosuke finds you like this he'll be utterly disappointed at you."Aoi look around there a strong force clashes together making a tremendous wave,"you know if someone missed with my sister in law,is already dead in my know."Kanao told the uppermoon as the Demon swiped his claw to his left but his vision was still on the same area.

"Why am I not turning!."he found out that his head was severed As Kanao appears at his sight her eyes were bleeding and close did she just dump her eyes then regenerate with new one's."Flower breathing last form: equinoctial vermilion eye." Kanao goes in see through world and turned her sword red for the second time  as she ferociously cutting the demon into Atoms.

Nezuko got out from the sand storm bloody, torn shirt and sleeve,she knelt down the ground in exhausted by what she's bearing for a minute,Aoi Rush to the injured Nezuko the Uppermoon got an idea as he control the sand Kanao sees some sand moving as it turns into a fork.

Kanao Also look around and see the both is paired ,Aoi is from the front Nezuko is from behind! Kanao goes to destroy the fork but she got grabbed by a sand it solidify on the spot as Kanao needs time to heal her blind eyes,the Demon takes this opportunity to kill the three.

"Haha I win get loss! Blood demon art!:wild catch."Upper moon then launches the fork at the two but disappear into thin air The Demon got alarmed by this and tries to go back in the sand,but got tangled up by Tanjiro who is now selfless.

Tanjiro quickly slices the uppermoon to bits and with the combination of the poison,the demon is confident because of his immune to anything,but his wrong Tanjiro slice his body to bits is to make the Poison travel alot faster.

The upper rank demon dies on the spot his body is broke down Tanjiro freed his wife and aid Nezuko and Aoi.

Tanjiro hugs them tightly as the room changes there a scene that will always burn in to their mind as Zenitsu, Gyomei, Muichiro, the new love pillar and Senjuro fighting someone that Tanjiro even wants to end the sandy fight earlier.

To be continued.

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