Chapter 17: Newly Arise DEMON

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Boom! As the fireworks one by one explodes the straw they used to tie on Tanjiro got blast as he still has reaction time before he too can die in severed injuries and lost blood, as he's quick on scaping he barely got away from the exploding fireworks the Hashiras didn't notice because of the 4 youngsters which arrive on the scene. Tanjiro cursed the Hashiras under his breath as he made his way down from the HQ as he stumbled and rolled his way down it fractured most of his bones due to several obstacles on down hill, he has a open wound on the head cause of Sanemi rock hammered his head.

As he stood up and walk his way out on the good side there's sword which the user is water breathing as he quickly snatched it and a crack was heard on the outstretched as Tanjiro winced in pain as he walks again step by step he was light headed cause by lost blood. Tanjiro after a kilometers of walking smells a demon this scent he knows this scent it's..... Muzan!.

'shit why in all circumstances why now arrghh.' Tanjiro thought as he unsheathes his sword he still has the stare sticking on his right arm as a sudden outstretched of Muzan's hand like tentacles at Tanjiro as Tanjiro quick on retaliate and struck the hand out as another presence was felt this time it's stronger than Muzan. 'shit another demons appearance this time it's 30x stronger than Muzan.' Tanjiro glare at the two figures as they finally hit the ray of the moon Muzan, with his........... Daughter!.

Tanjiro backs out in horror as he attempt to scape but no use as the young demon murmured, "Demon king art:Blood manipulation 1." the user have the ability to manipulate someone's blood. The max limit of people that the user can control is 3 using this ability the user needs to be durable enough to withstand it's side effect when a sudden fatigue was applied since demon couldn't feel fatigue the user can freely use it anytime.

"damn you kibutsuji's fuck yo-." a sharp pain from the inside stops his swearing as some sharp liquid puncturing his internal organs Tanjiro cough much blood the young demon used it as sharp blade emerged from a liquid and massacre Tanjiro inner and outer,"hhmm Helena since I'm father I have a suggestion why not make him one of your upper moons he can whooped your crush ass." Muzan grin as his daughter look at his father then to Tanjiro then grin, "yeah he can he'll be the first demon that can use the hinokami Kagura on demon form and since  water, wind, fire, etc. Was just a copy from the first breathing in existence." the young demon close it's gap between the slayer which is surprisingly alive,"poor you those pesky ass did this to you this scar, this open wound on the head, and broken limbs I'll  make your suffering ends here become my husband we can roll this world." as Helena said Tanjiro replied, "no i have a family even if you force me I'm not on your side!." Tanjiro protested as a sharp tentacle pierced on his neck as a injection of blood demon beans 1 liters of blood we're injected in him as he shake and rattle violently seconds later a hizzing sound was heard as the newly demon arise and kneel in front of Helena and said.

" Your husband is on service my queen." a deep monotonous voice echoed as Muzan smiled in awe his long time enemy the sun breathing user finally one of them was now on his side.

"can you fight my upper moons they like a strong foe." Helena said as a door opens beneath them as they land gracefully on the platform their many upper moons bows their head in respect to their superior as Tanjiro said, "who wants to go first I'll crash you all." then the queen signals them to attack as they tried but failed as Tanjiro's only scape is, "Parhelion rainbow." Tanjiro leave an after image then, "Hinokami Kagura sun halo head dance in one split second all the upper moons head got separated from their shoulders.

To be continued.

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