Chapter 39: Flower mets the Sun.

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No one's pov.

The fight continued the siblings keep regenerating from wounds meanwhile Kanao is started to get slow and fatigue will soon reach her if she couldn't kill them then she might need to run for her dear life.

"Ohh my wife's persistent I see then let's end this."the elder demon uses his crystal edge with the younger brother use emerald pull which he summons sharp emeralds and send them to Kanao following her as she dodge and deflect some as she said,"sorry I have husband I'm currently on a mission to kill you after this I'll continue my search."Kanao fired back which the elder's wondering who,"Who might be that husband of yours."The elder said as the siblings keep on draining her stamina down while she's fighting for her life.

"His your masters nightmare,sure you can contact him through mind right why not tell him who my husband is?."Kanao told him as the upper moon quickly contact his master aka Muzan Jackson,'what now!?.'Muzan growled as he make him cough blood as Muzan read his thoughts,'ohh you want to know who that monster is huh!? You lowly sht!.'Muzan then get him on one knee as his skin has dark patterns around as Muzan tell him the name he dismissed the upper rank demon as he rage and look at Kanao with a pure maniacal expression.

"Girl if I caught you I'll endlessly torture you to death oh no maybe I'll turn you into a demon, you'll be at my slavery for the rest of the world but why not share you with my younger brother?."Kanao's feeling uneasy about their aura around her as the siblings disappeared from their spot as Kanao jumps up to the air making both of the demons attack collide,"Flower breathing Sixth Form: Whirling Peach." Kanao spiraling on the air to deliver a strong blow since their heads are close it's her opportunity to one shot kill them but no as they we're quick to block it by,

"Blood demon art: Diamond block!."Diamond that forms like a shield as the demon smile as Kanao sees an upcoming trap the shield grows spikes Kanao quickly notice it and swiftly avoid it but she fall for it the younger one manage to scratch below her collar bone the wound is deep and it leaves a sharp shard inside incase if she move it cause an inner damage Kanao quickly backs away as she felt sharp pain piercing her breast bone as she finally change expression and it's fear.

'will i cannot see him or touch him or even knowing his name I need to....I need to survive if I want to see him.........but having this deep scratch may cause my life or worse if I give up I'll lose my freedom cause of this mad sexual addict Demon why would Muzan pick such a demon that don't want anything beside rap#ng and goes nothing.'

"Flower breathing Final Form: Equinoctial Vermilion Eye!."Kanao's kinetic vision boost with this ability the world around her slows down she can evade a fast attack like Muzan's but not on Tanjiro cause she's millions of league to reach him,and this technique is highly dangerous as the tremendous strain of eyes could cause blood vessels to rupture and lead to partial or complete blindness.

Swoosh! The siblings were dumbfounded by her speed there's no trace of her footsteps as they felt a sharp thing scratching their skin cutting their body as the elder and younger use Diamond block and surrounding it with spikes but that won't stop Kanao as she's grinding down their barrier soon her blade turns red and on a matter of seconds she see through world as she desperately cutting through then "flower breathing:Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo." She successfully cut through the barrier and bonus on cutting their both necks as they disintegrate immediately.

"Well you improve alot since I saw you fight,good job."Someone appears standing right in front of the dead uppermoon as he looked at Kanao as Kanao assume on attacking stance her vermilion eye is still activated she notice the man's eyes following her throughout her world as she charges for an swing but her blade got grab and destroyed by the man as she now lost hope she desperately swinging her sword at the man until she wore off her vermilion eyes as she kneeled down the floor accepting her fate but instead she feels pair of warm hands fr the man as the man leveled her as he carefully caressing her pale cheeks at second the second thought Kanao thinks he's doing this before torturing his enemies but soon after caressing her cheeks the man unexpectedly hugged her careful to not hurt her she's eventually clueless,'is this demon trying to befriend me?.'.

Then she's surprised after he kissed her pale lips passionately and said,"I'm here now, your safe in my care and I still have something to do with you don't worry I'll never hurt you."as the man says Kanao surrendered at his hands hoping what he said is true, the moon's light soon reach his face revealing crimson haired man with a demon slayer mark his image is the same as the picture she's keeping at her uniform since she's still conscious she smiled as she goes unconscious while being carried by her long lost Husband.

Earlier minutes before Kanao gets wounded by the younger demon moon.

"Caw caw!! Kanao Tsuyuri fighting uppermoon 4 two demons shared the rank help her!! She's at the outskirts of Asakusa the map is with her so better split up to cover more grounds now go go go!!!!."

Inosuke,Aoi,Nezuko and Zenitsu running towards Asakusa Zenitsu go aheads the three he needs to get there before it's too late as he whispered,"dang it this run will took 20: minutes to get there I need to use a form to fasten my traveling."so he used his first form Thunder clap flash no cool down,while the three couldn't keep up but still push their speed limit.

After they got there.

Zenitsu kneeled at Kanao's Haori that previously Shinobu's as he look at her broken sword that broke into pieces the only thing can do this is a demon maybe the upper 4 killed her but it's not that easy to kill Kanao especially with her last form equinoctial vermilion eye which she said that on that form the world will be in slow motion in my sight and by doing that also cost her eyes or luckily only one eye.

The four Hashiras couldn't believe this news Soo they went back to Kiriya but he already heard the news as he spoke,"Muzan's subordinates are getting stronger I see we need to train other junior slayers for them able to slay lower or even uppermoon with your accompany,forgot to Mention that you may now good to seek apprentice so that you my children got a successor of your breathing style Incase if you might retire for disabled or worse death that's all no need to tell me the burial will be held on September 3 rest in peace Kanao my child rest well."as Kiriya finished he went inside the Hashiras and the new one's chattering the Kamaboko squad is didn't feel like on the mood Soo they went to their perspective estate but they were not allowed to own the sun estate nor make it like an inn.

To be continued.

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