Chapter 18: Invincible

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(I apologize for the incorrect words cause sometimes my phone lags and author block is annoying soo uhm bear it with me till the end)

"upper 1 art: dark sword." if the user use this it summons a black as a void sword since upper moon 1 is double wielding swordsman he summons 2 swords at a time,"moon breathing :Dark moon evening palace." Kokushibo quickly draws his sword and slashes swiftly in a singular horizontal motion in a crescent shape, creating numerous chaotic crescent blades.

"Sun breathing:Clear blue sky." clang a 2 vs one sword to sword fight Kamado Tanjiro (demon) vs new Upper moon 1 and former upper 1 fight begins as colliding of blades clang and tsing was heard they haven't use breathings yet. Not until upper 3 joined the 2 Demon swordsmans as he blurt out, " upper 3 art: after image, brutal!."as the new upper 3 use his art he makes a fast movement leaving after image the limit is 10! Image and addition to brutal word it can use martial arts, and deadly art of upper 3,as he circles around the trio colliding their attacks Tanjiro Quickly noticed the problem his mark on the forehead lights as his vision can now see through world!.

All surrounds him goes slow almost like he delay the time and only him can move freely as he takes a glance on upper 3 which is lunging at him and now out stretching it's arms ready to punch Tanjiro who gave away his openings as the 3 upper moons dash towards the defenseless Tanjiro, if only they didn't focus on winning if they just think and observe Tanjiro's strategies and how to counter it they would've have last more minutes rather than keep on fighting him it's useless!, he can just make their attack collide again and again!.

"Sun breathing: Waltz Flash!." Tanjiro on Stance the Upper Moons are full of opening as he Dash full speed as he struck their humanoid forms they have been lured in his trap his blade turns red before the strike this makes the regeneration slow or unfortunately stop.

Sizzzzzzz," curse you slayer your bringing an nichirin blade with demon to demon duel what's wrong with you!!?." the upper 1 roared luckily for him 1/4 of Helena's blood and Muzan's have mix inside his body Muzan's blood who got the taste of the Hinokami since hundreds of years ago but this time it's 3x stronger than the last one," good thing you haven't notice it yet hehe that's your weakness~." upper 3 utter as his body beginning to Regenerate slowly Tanjiro only shrugged as he speak, "blood demon art: weak point seeker!." at this state Tanjiro can see through anything even living Bacteria at his point of view he can see black and white vision if he can spot red figures that's where the enemies or comrades weak point.

"weak point seeker your kidding me right?." The upper 2 said as Tanjiro on speed of light approaches the upper 3 as he jumps on upper three and sliced half of his face there, a heart like stone was seen inside his brain the stone has an eye as Tanjiro backs away he got abit irritated on what Upper 3 judging his eye vision his body trembled on all his years worshipping Helena and encountering many slayers he tremble to the person standing 12 meters away from him aside Helena and Muzan.

Upper 3 face regenerate, "I-i sur-surrender you have a p-potential as upper rank 3."The trembling demon beg for forgiveness towards the man but Tanjiro didn't show gratitude to upper 3 as he charge forward to upper 1 and 2 again but this time he use a breathing form and it's far stronger than sun breath that he used recently," black hole breathing 1st form: existence erase." Tanjiro spin his sword around creating a massive hole as he continued on doing soo his sword went black with an unknown symbols his mark rapidly grows and have a black fades on it and his sword has a hurricane around it (you'll know the effects during the fight scene).

"moon breath-!." he's words cut off by Tanjiro decapitated his head this time his head didn't regenerate as if it stops then a upward slash erased Kokushibo's lower body then many blows hit the body of upper 2 after the blows they we're no more flesh Tanjiro turns his head around just to see upper 1 bows before him sweating and trembling. "good now upper 3 holds the 2nd place who's next?."Tanjiro menacingly turns his body to see all the upper moons as they shook their head as Tanjiro maniacally laugh shortly after his laugh stop when Helena spoke," ho! soo it's decided then *claps* soo my husband did win good job and for the price she signaled him to come closer as his inches away she snatch his heart as she turned it into stone like heart and put it back and whispered something," you know what my husband I'm still 13 years old I'm too young for it maybe if I turn 17 or 18 ( author :I don't want child abuse)," I understand you my queen may I take my leave I still have things to sort out. " Tanjiro calmly said as the queen only nods her head in response their love was just like a teenage love.

Tanjiro's pov (demon)

"Tanjiro." aarrgghhh who's Tanjiro!, "I'm you, you're Tanjiro.. Tanjiro Kamado, you have a newly born son and the mother is Kanao Tsuyuri." Urghhh damn it I'm  not Tanjiro what is this is this some kind of hallucinations no I'm a demon I can endure millions of years without sleeping-, "Noo this is not the reason why your not thirst for blood and flesh because I'm still here, I'm the one preventing you from decapitating humans and the one who killed upper 2 is us both. I'll force you on killing your own kind of race you can't kill me nor stop me!." Tanjiro........... I'm Tanjiro?........who am I really.................... Kanao?. Son?. No I'm not Tanjiro I'm a demon the queens's king the demons layer corps betrayed me killed my family!!, I. Would. Never. Believe yo-." smack!, "that's what you get for denying the fact that you Tanjiro." [Tanjiro talks back then a memory showed up where Tanjiro was eating together with his family chattering] I... Have a family? No that's false!.......

Author :as demon Tanjiro scratch on back of his neck in frustration the sound that echo in his mind we're gone for now.

To be continued.

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