Chapter 11: Bye

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No one's pov

Nowhere after the incident of mugen train

*string biwa*"ohhh it's been decades since we last having meeting right Gyokko~." The demon with a fan started their first conversation after decades, "yeah Douma how's the pot that I give to you?, you better not tell me that you broke it?." Said Gyokko the a woman with white hair with green on the tip of it, "soo why are we here and where is Kokushibo?." they look around abd saw Kokushibo kneeling waiting for Master to come, "Hey where is Akaza?." a old Demon comes down from the stairs and Douma notices it too and the whole demons where looking at him but his nowhere to be found then a chilling voice spokes out of nowhere, "Akaza is dead, he got decapitated by a slayer that wasn't even an Hashira but that slayers aura and specially the red nichirin blade his holding I have a plan to get him kicked out from the corps I need a demon who can shipshape to any faces and a Demon slayer that can betray the corps, and I forgot you all are useless I thought you'll find the blue spider lily I am disappointed on you
upper moons and if you cross paths with a Demon slayer with a red hair red eyes and blacked green haori avoid immediately I still need you for the mission let's stay here for awhile Daki don't go to Yoshiwara district if you got discovered there you're dead along with your brother. " A man wearing boss like outfit creating some medicine or some immunity drug the other moon understood their Master,"you all dog shts is dismissed i only like that boy on my team why am I even creating you useless fools." Then after what their Master says it shattered their hearts their feelings their emotions where furious because of that boy we got called useless, "Then Douma why don't you find out your self if you encounter him don't expect Nakime to Teleport you back or even worse if he'll join you in." Muzan have a conversation with Douma through mind Douma quickly kneel down, "Master my apologized I understood your intentions I'll never waste my life for a mere Demon slayer." Muzan then disappeared in thin air the upper moons now discussing about the Demon slayer then Muzan give a quick image about the slayer which give chills running down their spines Kokushibo as well he barely remember his Brother being a prodigy in anyway, but this one is still million leagues away if judging by power level.

"why don't we kill him he will be out numbered if we work together right Gyokko?/ I disagree I only follow to what  Master says and if we go fight him we were just going on a suicidal mission idiot." Gyokko says as he now go inside his pot to pot then the upper moons go to their places on the infinity fortress they were not allowed because Muzan's Ptsd is back.

Back at present ( at the butterfly estate)

Somewhere through the hallway it's super silent but as you approach to sort of a low voice came from a room a weird noice is heard like *flap, flap, clap, clap and moaning, groaning* meanwhile outside there Zenitsu sticking his ears on the wodden pillar listening to their words then seconds later some words is said(Zenitsu still didn't know who the people were mating in broad daylight), " aahhnn G-Giyuu deeper ahhhhh~ yes there t-that spot oohhh~la~la~ shoot inside!." Then after that a loud moan came out from the womans mouth then they go to rest Zenitsu slowly peek through the door then his eyes are widened as he sees a miracle.......... 'GIYUU AND SHINOBU AAHHHHHH I WISH I WAS GIYUU." Zenitsu who's pervert who didn't stop looking at Shinobu's thick body then while at the hallway Nezuko notice Zenitsu but he didn't know she's there and his senses where lock as he keep staring at Shinobu not until Nezuko takes a peek as well then she look at Zenitsu *slap* Zenitsu snaps out then see Nezuko towering him, "N-Nezuko I can explain!." Nezuko attempts to slap Zenitsu but was held and Nezuko got pulled into a hug then sighed and hugged back, " Sorry Nezuko chan I'll never do that again but except you." then Nezuko headbutted him for saying such a flirty word which Zenitsu alonly giggled.

Time skip next morning on the dining table

" Tanjiro." Shinobu pause then continues "Master wants you to have a 2 years mission cause of your mark it would be a waste if you stay home and Resting, soo Master de uses that and with that Kanao looked in Shinobu yeh said," Your joking right nee San?." Shinobu looks at Kanao raising an eyebrow it's the first time she's concern to a person, "Kanao dear you know that his dying right? That's why master decide this and we agreed soo theirs no turning back all the missions where assigned and for now Tanjiro only can go to mission and patrolling." Aoi, Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Kanao look at Shinobu on shocked expression,"⚡:What are you all crazy he can't handle continues mission/🐗: Yeah Kentaro can't handle it and every mission also has different location and some are far/🌺:Yeah Tanjiro san can't handle that much and what if his injured will he still continue all the mission even on a state of death!?. "The 4 Then give a reason why Tanjiro shouldn't go but Shinobu shrugged then says," No Tanjiro is still going its for the sake of the Demon slayer and I am going to make a cure for his mark to stop him from dying there is many way this cursed will stop and....... that included him becoming a demon." after convincing them that Tanjiro should go they finally let go Kanao rushed to her room tears flowing down her cheeks, Zenitsu found it disturbing now his going to where Tanjiro is same goes to Inosuke and Aoi.

" Hey Tanjiro-. " Zenitsu was cut off by Tanjiro's hand sign then said, "I already know Zenitsu Pls take care of Nezuko for me don't worry I'll get back with he drug that can turn her back, I gotta go no time to waste bye Zenitsu take care of Nezuko for me and tell Inosuke and Aoi that I said bye, and as for Kanao tell her that I love her more than anything on this world." Tanjiro then went past through Zenitsu whose teary-eyed and for the last time he hug Tanjiro then break the hug and went to Nezuko if this will be his hug.

Tanjiro then say good bye to their Master and went out to start the first day in hell.

To be continued ( how are you guys Pls be safe!)

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