Chapter 9: Rehabilitation Training

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No one's pov

After the incident of mugen train Master offered Tanjiro the position of Hashira but..... He rejected the offer cause he wants to grow strong with his friends slay demons  together and stick together until they die, Master Oyakata understands Tanjiro and let him be after that Lady Shinobu assigned Kanao to train Tanjiro since the Lower moon 5 incident where Tanjiro is in a coma Inosuke, Zenitsu was forced to do the training and for Aoi and Kanao they simply give Zenitsu a piece of Nezuko's hair for his motivation as for Inosuke well Food after the training.......

Tanjiro's training begins

The first step is body stretching 3 girls will do it for him as they stretch a cracking bones is heard but( it's just you know a feeling when you crack your knuckles) at first Tanjiro feels like hell but the longer it is the stretching goes good and satisfying to feel then when the 3 little girls give him a pot they instructed him on how it's done Tanjiro inhales then blow inside the pot and in one second the pot already shattered, then they give him next this on is almost the 3 little girl's height then Tanjiro repeated once again and it shattered, then Aoi gives him a Bigger one that's almost Aoi's height and to their surprise Tanjiro shattered it once again with his blow.

Then after that they challenged him to beat Kanao on cup game
Where first one who splashes the other one wins and to prevent that block the opponents hand on throwing on to you then Kanao and Tanjiro sat down on a table where the cups is placed on them Aoi counting down on 3...2.....1 Now!, then the battle vegans as Kanao move first she grabs the cups but block by Tanjiro then Tanjiro tries to splash Kanao but blocked him as well the process repeated They couldn't believe what they see Tanjiro here who killed upper 3 lower 1 and 2 was toe to toe with Kanao!? Aoi was wondering is Tanjiro holding back!,"Tanjiro no holding back Pls I already hear and know what happened to your mission with Rengoku san your awesome as you killed 4 of the twelve kizuki I know that you can overpowered me here easily especially under the blanket~." Kanao said in flirty tone and that makes Tanjiro fall for it and lose control Kanao easily splash him with the cup," awww man really haha you got me on that one but I'm glad you are now following your heart and it seems like you've developed an feelings like that flirty attitude of yours now hehehe now...... What do you say let's go to my room and do something under the blanket yes?. " Tanjiro back fired makes the whole training room was awkward while Aoi who's giggling at the sight of two people who said flirty words and back firing each other then as it repeats Tanjiro lifted Kanao up on bridal style amd jokingly says," Then Kanao tell me how many rounds do you like~." Kanao then got out of Tanjiro's grip she furiously blush at the thought of rounds!, under the blanket!!. Then Aoi snaps them out and back to their training now their training is 'Tag your It' but it's simple not that if you catch your target they continue playing but there are rounds after the tagger catches the person they'll switch when the person wins twice in a row that person wins the game. "now without further explanation I'll start in 3....2......1 go!." the first row is Tanjiro will catch kanao in 30 seconds then if he lost or Kanao then proceed to the next round where they switch.

Kanao started running around as she look behind Tanjiro was still on his place as Kanao look forward there she sees Tanjiro and then poke Kanao's cheeks as he says, "gotcha!!." Tanjiro says as he continue on pinching Kanao's soft cheeks(hey not the green one) then he stops as he look closely on Kanao's face he is thinking on how cute Kanao is,"ehem ehem what if we skip this tag game cause I already know whose gonna win and I'll have Tanjiro rematch on Kanao on cup game as the match starts Tanjiro puts the cup on Kanao's head(like in Canon)" I win." Tanjiro's Stomach growls as he went out towards the door to exit, as he was walking down the hallway Kanao sprinted as he catch up to Tanjiro and they holding hands(ohh hoho the ships are doing great) as the both went to kitchen to eat something.

While at Zenitsu and Inosuke

"I'll decapitate you for my Nezuko's safety and my towns people." Zenitsu got in stance they encountered 30 demons the two tries to make them devide into smaller groups to easily kill them but all of them uses demon arts Zenitsu then readies his stamina as then the ground begins to shake beneath him as the air vibrates as an electricity was rumbling around him as for Inosuke he was slashing them one by one and uses Breathing form techniques "Thunder breathing first form:thunder clap and flash 19 folds." as he then quickly slashed all the demons one by one by 19 folds he killed 19 demons as well (his not unconscious when he uses his breathing form) then after that Inosuke kills all the demons after that Zenitsu didn't hear ruckus on any direction same goes to Inosuke he uses one of his beast breathing form which is finding location on Demons and including Humans. "Let's get back Inosuke I miss Nezuko and perhaps you miss Aoi too right!?." Inosuke only nods and they have competition the first one to go back will be more handsome the. " Then Zenitsu runs his now focusing on his legs to toe strength then he quickly past Inosuke and Inosuke also catch up they are now neck to neck.

To be continued (and hello I'll be making abit long chapters like 600 words or 700, 900 maybe 1000,1400 see you guys)

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