chapter 48:battle of fate (3)

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Meanwhile earlier.

No one's pov

"Huh!!?."Zenitsu gasp as the ground beneath them opened up as they got suck in Zenitsu couldn't get out cause there's nothing he can step on, Gyomei in the other hand was also caught off guard same goes to Genya, Muichiro,Senjuro and Katunji the current love pillar.

They landed perfectly no casualties,as they look around for any demon the room is filled with Bone like spikes,after a while someone giggles as the sound was heard to their left,there Helena showed up with a bunch of spikes.

Helena then punches the air straight to where the Hashiras standing as the sharp bone needle launched in light speed Zenitsu, tries to deflect it but instead of hitting it it dodges the blow and went straight for his right arm Zenitsu uses his sword to remove the thing.after removing his arm broke down as Zenitsu scream in pain he quickly cut off the part of his arm where it's still stable.

"Decaying effect,that will broke down your cells in a second and your muscle tissues as well as your bones."Zenitsu calmly said warning them for the enemies capabilities, Zenitsu also tell then about how the spike just dodges.the only theory Zenitsu have is the bone was control by only Helena.

"Then Soo be it."Gyomei says as he throws his chained steel ball to the right as he step forward for feet to adjust his chains soon he throw the axe to the left as his attacks were obvious,"Too slow."as she said that a sudden crack of ground behind her alarming her someone got on there as she felt a deep cut right at her shoulder, Zenitsu appears mid air.she was soo distract by Zenitsu the other Hashiras splits to surround her.

Senjuro is behind her,Katunji is from the left,Genya and Fem.Tokito is on the right side as Senjuro set his heart ablaze mesmerizing Kyojuro his older brothers words,his breathing technique will forever burn into his Memories as he utter,"Flame breathing unknowing fire!."Senjuro charges at high speed,as Katunji sees him he also uses his breathing technique,"Love breathing,First Form: Shivers of First Love!.".

Helena caught their attention as she spawned an spike at her back as she makes them launch by locating their vulnerable spot,"you think you can kill me?."Helena said sarcastically Genya takes action as Senjuro was about to get pierce by the bone he shots the bone accurately without hitting Senjuro and Katunji.the same time as Muichiro dashes and uses a breathing form,"Mist breathing,Second Form: Eight-Layered Mist!."

While Tokito dashes and prepare to perform an eight layer slashes a hand that turns into a spiky one Muichiro couldn't react fast as he was out of himself lately,but the hand got smash by Gyomei who repeatedly throw the two chained objects that work as Distraction, Muichiro successfully make the uppermoon on range with his technique as he perform continues 8 slashes.

Senjuro also landed a blow after hitting the uppermoon with first form then he cast second form,which an 180 degrees upward slash,The love Hashira also landed his blow but avoid hitting them he just swing his bendy sword. Zenitsu joins in as he perform seventh form Flaming Thunder God.which grind the uppermoons flesh, meanwhile Genya is busy chewing the uppermoon's sliced flesh to gain their ability.

(Damn Genya joins Demon slayer cuz his Hungry!.)

"Raaghh!."Helena produced a shockwave through her body paralyzing almost the Hashiras except Gyomei and Genya also Zenitsu got caught on his foot as he roughly landed back first at the ground,While Tokito, Katunji and Senjuro is having a seizure.

Genya finally gain access to the flesh as his speed is on par with the demon he swiftly punch the demons abdomen sending her back away over 8 feet,Genya is struggling he isn't a great strategy maker but if he keeps the uppermoon busy while the Others are recovering he'll do it.

"Guys! I know why the bone is dodging!."Genya spoke as everyone in this room prepare to listen specially the uppermoon who's confident cuz no one knows her passive not even Muzan,"the reason is that she's targeting our vulnerable spot,which is our arms,legs,lungs,eyes and nose.but I don't know why she didn't go for the heart."Helena then disappointed as she was now revealed.

."blood demon art: Seizure rhapsody."Genya fire 6 consecutive bullets to the uppermoon the bullets have an seizure effect that will temporarily effect the victim."agghh, w-what the h-heck!."Helena said while her whole body collapse at the ground.

"I copied you that's all."after saying that Helena's head was splattered by Gyomei's balls(that's SUS if you ask me:(......) Along with the axe. Genya goes to help the others while the demon is busy regenerating,"Genya turns his blade at desperation as he slowly stab Tokito at her shoulder resulting her to moan then she got back up in seconds.

As she asked Genya how he do that,"well just a hunch,Hehe."Tokito spank him not hard then they went to the others before the uppermoon regain her head."thanks I guess,but it's still not over." Zenitsu points at where Helena should be,she disappear as Gyomei is on guard so does everyone they look around they only see is dust Whirling around Zenitsu knows where she is and what is she gonna do.

"She's surrounding us,is this also her blood art."the last 6 words is whispered as Helena chuckles.

"Your wrong Mister Hashira,ehehe I'm just preparing something.Maybe you'll like it."

To be continued.

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