Chapter 42:Duo (1)

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No one's Pov.

"Yes!Finally the blue spiderlily!! Is now on my hands Muzan sama would give me more of his blood Hoh-!."Ziiing! A lightning struck him cutting his hand along with the flower the Man was revealed to be the Thunder Hashira Demon's eyes were wide the flower he was holding is to precious to be cut into pieces Zenitsu got in stance and was about to strike the demon let's out a laugh,"Ha..hahaha you,Moron I'll make you pay for what you just did by now!."the demon was high ranking demon known to be upper 3 Zenitsu sweats abit knowing this fight will not be easy one.(also Zenitsu hasn't unlock the selfless estate, Transparent world,and red blade. But his mark enhance his physical strength and speed.)

"You know I am inspired by my Lord Douma~,he said making the battle field into a icy field you fools won't be able to breath well and also credits to him I copy one of his blood art but i renamed it."Zenitsu now wide eyes even if he has an incredible speed if he can inhale them it's over for him his lungs would freeze in an instant blocking the air way,"Nervous are we~that expression your face wear makes me even want to know what is the throughout if you missed with me?."He starts with the hand sign it was fast then he make a triangle out of his finger as he blow on the hole,it blows icy air enveloping the area around him.

"Thunder breathing first form!:Thunder clap and flash God speed to no cool down!."Zenitsu dash godlike speed as he drag the Upper 3 with him escaping the place where the icy wind scattered while he drag the Upper moon away he pierce his chin and was about to cut the neck but the upper moon formed another mouth and exhale icy air again making Zenitsu loosen his grip from him, Zenitsu's left shoulder got froze disabled him to used the form he use earlier.

"Haha! Is that what you got I thought master is serious about you,but here you are just another food for me hahaha!."the upper 3 keep on bad mouthing Zenitsu as Zenitsu goes for a different form,"oh I thought you only use one form?eh?."Suddenly the air vibrates violently the air becomes heavy in Upper 3's perspective Zenitsu then muttered,"Flaming Thunder God,1000 folds."Again with his speed he reaches the uppermoon who got caught of guard Zenitsu while bringing the upper 3 with his form he slashed him rapidly the cut is deeper he let the upper 3 bump on to some trees while he bounce on different object while doing so he aims on the neck the blade just couldn't go through the flesh it's like it do have some protection,"dang it my blade won't budge!.".

"Blood demon art:Cold piecing hug!."a wings with spikes on it emerge from his back going to hug Zenitsu to death as he quickly got off before the wings like will caught him but it leave a deep wound it freeze the flesh that made contact with the blood art,'is blood art is ice!,it also have a strong freezing effects dang it gramps lend me your strength!.'Zenitsu retaliates by curving an S on the upper moon's face,"Aww my my!~arent you a weakling your just making some scratch on my face,how annoying let's end this."The upper moon's pupils were now gone as it replaces something horrible,"Snow flakes.".

"Heh,Icecage!."he successfully trap Zenitsu inside the barrier of ice Zenitsu uses his Thunder clap and flash godspeed but it's unbreakable like his neck,"say good bye Thunder boy!."the then summons movable walls with sharp spikes then the room filled up with Icy air which he calls,"Deadly hail." Zenitsu got weakened little by little then he got no hopes left as he crouch down accepting his fate but soon the cage breaks apart with aloud intro,"THE GODS OF MOUNDAIN IS HERE,INOSUKE HASHIBIRA YOU DARE MISSED WITH MY FRIENDS!."Inosuke uses his Fifth Fang: Crazy Cutting he slices everything in all direction in mid air.

"Zenitsu! Let's bring this uppermoon down!."Inosuke energetically said while Zenitsu find it hard to breath,"Thunder breathing first form:thunder clap and flash!."Zenitsu uses the normal one to reduce his needs for air as he dashed towards the upper 3 they both are clashing, Zenitsu with his sword while the upper 3 is Dagger,"Let me join!.beast breathing Eighth Form: Explosive Rush!." Inosuke joins the clashing it's 1 v 2 situation the Upper moon got overpowered by their sync movements but that doesn't surprised him as he smirk,"ice king."

To be continued.

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