Chapter 12: Still Alive

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No one's pov

It's been months since Tanjiro left and didn't return soo the event is true none of us were going on a mission except the Hashira's which they were Patrolling to their area and they even go report to master that they encounter Tanjiro that must've the missions he was assigned to he even travel thousands of meters to reach to his destination, and Master said that Lowermoons nor Uppermoons showed up after upper 3 death, they must be avoiding Tanjiro.

( hey you better read this or you'll be confused on how Tanjiro and Kanao have a child in the near future)

Tanjiro always do send letters about the missions and greetings but since the day Tanjiro leaves weeks later Kanao almost all days have morning sickness and weird food cravings Shinobu at first thinks she's sick then just give her some simple medicine to fight the sickness but it didn't stop and every meal dinner she vomits, and it repeats in a month Shinobu then couldn't bear it anymore then she starts having operation but she found nothing then she goes to a professional doctor and....... She wasn't really is suck but the doctors answer is.......... She's bearing a child!.. This makes Shinobu's anger went to the top as she drag Kanao slowly back to their estate then as minutes past by they finally arrive Kanao's knees went numb as she sat down on the chair Inosuke, Aoi, Zenitsu and Nezuko (in the box) Zenitsu feels something off and quickly place the box beside him, "👩‍🍳:Anyway Kanao what's your sickness? /🐗: Anao what's your sickness?." Zenitsu didn't ask questions as if his ready for something coming (anyway Aoi-👩‍🍳...... Inosuke-🐗...... Kanao-🌺........ Tanjiro-😊.).

"Kanao why don't you answer their questions they are concerned about you right💢." Zenitsu hears Angered through Shinobu's words one by one then Kanao's finding a word to speak and finally come up and said,
"I a-am c-carrying a-a-a child.." this Surprised the whole people in the group, "👩‍🍳:WHAT!? YOUR CARRYING SOMEONE'S CHILD!?/🐗:oi oi Aoi Kanzaki Lower your voice you will hurt her feelings and now that we know she's pregnant why not just cheer her up right?. "this was the first time Inosuke showing his Gratitude to his friend," Then Kanao who's the father?."!! After that a deep glare from Shinobu make Kanao shiver she's pressuring her for many times since they found out,"A-am i-it's T-Tanj-jiro." This surprise Zenitsu, Aoi, Inosuke and Shinobu as well, "hhmm very well and what will you do if that man dies huh?! You'll be a single mother and your child won't have a perfect childhood because of your stupidity you should think before you agree that's why I deeply regret about Sister's decision!!." after that Kanao runs out from the group crying Shinobu went way to far from throwing words at Kanao and how she regret on picking her up from the abusive family then Aoi followed her same goes to Inosuke and Zenitsu with Nezuko, Shinobu was left behind and she only sighed then went to Oyakata sama.

Two more months later

The Master and Hashiras was deeply worried about Tanjiro he only send few Letters to the head quarter and the letter only focus on missions and not greetings like before he always send letter everyday even his crow was exhausted from going back and fort........ And sometimes the letter has a droplet of blood and while it goes on a blood almost covered the letter only 38% of the letter is still on it's color but this is the proof that his still alive.

(Yeah men let's focus on Tanjiro now)

Tanjiro's pov

The first day I left was devastated I know that Kanao is bearing my child now it's been 5 months since I left every missions is Far from the villages and to make it worse I can't use my sense of eyes since i always goes to dark areas and 1000 meters away from villages and I got several wounds if the Demon has some special techniques and worse if it include messing up with my sensitive sense of smell and that makes me struggled but I only used Akaza's method and finally killed the demons on my every mission as every months my mission went up to 100 or 200 nonstop giving, and I too give them letters before I was motivated to do letters but now I am not I only send mission notes and how I'm feeling and some missions give me an injuries like scratch wound theirs no fractured bones yet soo it's still be ok, Caw caw Tanjiro Kamado new mission here's the mission list caw caw Pls be safe at your journeys my master, "thanks sunny and did Shinubo found out that Kanao's pregnant?." as i nervously feeling uneasy about then my crow looks back at me then said, Caw caw Kanao Tsuyuri has resigned from being a demon slayer due to being five months pregnancy and master Tanjiro your child is healthy Kanao has taken a good care on her body and the baby with the help of Aoi, Inosuke, Zenitsu and your sister caw, "Hey Sunny can you please relay this message to her and this is for master Pls after you send it you can leave me be."! Caw caw I can't leave you my Master your the most valuable source from the HQ you hold the will of defeating Muzan Kibutsuji I'll always look for you master, I'll be on my way good luck caw caw. Hehe I know you would say that well thanks Kanao I hope your ok Pls take a good care to our baby I'll end this  terror for my child's safety Muzan Kibutsuji I'm coming for you, as I opened the mission lists I read all the places of Demons whereabouts then I read  a strange place named 'forgotten fortress' this makes me think that this might be a good place to see a Demon moons first I'll complete this weak demon places.

To be continued (Hello at this Era recorders was invented..... Cause you know I have a plan in the near chapters bye good have a beautiful day)

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