Chapter 53: Humanities victory

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(Warning ⚠️⚠️ there will be many gore words,and sexual words and bloods so read at risk!)

Third person pov

The sword clashing is heard from a distance every sound is cause by two sword clashing made by Tanjiro and the demon king.

"Use my sister's breathing I dare you."

Tanjiro threatening The demon king as he didn't let him perform a single form of ice breathing Knowing that he will just ruin the beauty of it,"Why wouldn't you allow me reaper!? And oh your Tanjiro eh I thought I'm fighting against a God!." The demon king sigh as he didn't face someone that is from hell.

"Even if I'm not the reaper I'll bring you to hell today, I will not leave a single trace of your being after this I'll kill myself!." Tanjiro then Coated his sword with his own blood resembled the blood moon," Breath of the blood moon:Death wish!." Tanjiro then slashes the demon king as it explodes every mili seconds which dismembered the demon and make his regeneration weaker.

"And what did you say about my wife? She's tasty? I'll show you how blood thirsty I am on killing you!! Watch and feel!!." Tanjiro's Voice becomes creepy Evey time he become angry,"yeah!! She's tasty since your a fool on protecting those weak humans instead of fcking her till your satisfied!! Now your chance is gone for good now this time I'll kill you!!." The demon king said sarcastically making Tanjiro even more furious.

"Bad bye then see you in nothingness!!."
Tanjiro took a deep breath as he takes a Stance and said,"Breath of the blue moon!: Calamity wave!."Tanjiro leaps gracefully onto the Demon king after the leaping process the Wild nature of the tide follows Slashing The demon in any parts of it's body it's regeneration is slow too due to the red Nichirin.

"How's that? Don't die just yet I still need to test out more!!??." Tanjiro laughs maniacally as he repeat the Breathing styles tiring the Demon king his regeneration is nowhere near as him or Muzan,"wh-what did you d-!." His tongue got slice into pieces his eyes got pierce by Tanjiro's crescent sea stone sword.

"What I did to you!?  Just a little testing your my training dummy!? Don't die on me!." Tanjiro starts speeding up due to the continues of moon breathing cycle,
' careful on casting breathing forms Tanjiro you might end up doing the soul reviver stance and left the battle, let's not make things go worse what if he got one more tricks on his sleeve. What if your Sister will die because your wasting opportunities, it's no time for playing TANJIRO!! KILL HIM ALREADY!!.' Muzan's words makes Tanjiro snap out of his berserk mode as he subconsciously fighting the demon king while having a mind conversation with Muzan.

'Your ready to be with me for 100 years?.' Tanjiro said in disbelief Muzan wanted to get locked on a spiritual realm with Muzan!?,"of course kid I've been alive for like hundreds of years why would I get bored just by 100 more?, Besides I need to repay you for your dedication to turn back your sister and for killing that traitor. And oh your also a traitor f*ck you too now get this over with!.' Muzan stops saying as Tanjiro knows what to do next.

"Your taking forever to agree with me Muzan Kibutsuji, let's get to know more about each other on the other side. As for you! This will be the last Sun rise your gonna see!! As I will RIP YOUR SOUL AND BODY AND SOLD THEM TO HELL!!." Tanjiro and the demon king soon realized a light hit them it was warm, they tilted their head to the rising sun on the Horizon.

"It's so beautiful like you Kanao Tsuyuri! I'll end this my love this is for you." Tanjiro spoke Calmly but under it is full of regret to not getting to spend time with her and his son makes him terrible father his Disease father is right.

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