Chapter 23: Tanjiro!

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(Helena: Darling let's make love!.


Helena: Ugh-eh I take back what I said, hehe

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Helena: Ugh-eh I take back what I said, hehe. *visible sweating intensifies *. )

2 weeks have passed DT has now remembered every Memories that our Chad Tanjiro has, this was DT's secret shortly after he remembered all and the one he so called false memories were the original, he even wants to repeat the one's that he likes like how Tanjiro used Hinokami Kagura: Sun flower thrust in Kanao, even the name of the form is suit since Tanjiro is the "Sun" meanwhile Kanao is the "flower" then after that they make sunflower!

"Repeating are we?." Tanjiro said at his Demon sides mind this time he didn't roared he quickly nods he actually like sggs memories while Tanjiro is close to taking over he predicted that next week he can proceed on guiding him to the right path, Helena still control him but DT no longer have interest on her as she has secretly tying bond's with upper 1,he didn't fell jealous his been a creep for watching Kanao everyday he endure the time the feeling of not able to help he can only hide under the shades.

On the after noon

"Kanao my love, I'm coming." DT's voice softened as he utter her name she's been picking milk for Tanao she didn't know what and how to decide which is terrible soo she checks the ingredients, food label, expiration date. Then she founds one!, Kanao smiles as she pull something from her leggings pocket then she's holding a butterfly wallet after it she opened as a face that describes disappointment visibly seen from a far away. 'she hasn't have enough money!, I know that Tamayo san and Yushiro san don't receive money even if they treat people, should i help her?.' their was a pose as he looked at Kanao putting back the milk then put back her wallet. DT then rush to buy an umbrella then runs at Kanao full speed as he was inch away he hold her hands for the first time in months or a year maybe!.

"Maam you need to buy a milk right? Here I'll give you all my monthly salary please spend it wisely." Kanao after that monolog she turns around and see's a cloak man then he quickly outstretched his arms to grab something in his pocket, she see a wallet she repeat what he said then her eyes glimmering as she's blessed as she fully take a closer look a Hanafuda suddenly hang on the man's ears Kanao then realized that a pair hanging from this man's ears as his hair was red but as she looked closely into his eyes a Demon eyes similar to that Muzan's.

She didn't Tremble nor went anxious she's complaining about her self is this an illusion or she's just lack of sleep? As she tries slapping her self Tanjiro holds her hand, 'DT:Tanjiro I'll broke the curse Pls take care it's fun meeting you.', 'yeah thanks man don't worry I'll make sure to use sun flower thrust haha!.' DT smiles as he slowly fades away then at the moment Kanao lean close to his face and kiss him!.

"oh~ Tanjiro I thought you died I'm worried why didn't you come back!." Tanjiro planted another kiss on her lips his waiting like forever his growing inpatient as he was about to stripped Kanao's shirt as a figure shows up, " Cheating are we haha that's why your hopeles-. " Tanjiro didn't expected this but Kanao kicks the man's face and falls to the ground, "You think of that way old dip shit but this person is my husband nothing more nothing less now fuck off before I'll make another strike on your face." The man didn't hesitate to run while pissing his pants 'Kanao looks scary as hell.' then Kanao turns to Tanjiro and glared at him then unexpected happens," I'll flick your balls tonight understood you left me with Babay Tanao behind. "Kanao pouts childishly Tanjiro internally screaming in awe he hug Kanao instead then says," Kanao let's not waste time let's buy some milk I want to see my son. " Kanao nods as she quickly buys 2 of it 120 was the prize which means 60 yen if buy one.

" Kanao let's go faster let's do a piggy ride! Hop on my back!." Kanao furiously blushing as she hops on his back Tanjiro began sprinting he follows the Demon scent since he becomes a demon his 5 senses were enhanced.

Seconds of sprinting

"we're here!." Tanjiro yells then someone opens the door Tanjiro knew this scent then as the door finally opens Tanjiro couldn't believe his eyes is he having illusion?, "Onii-chan!!." Tanjiro runs and hug Nezuko he cried his heart out he didn't let go for about 10 minutes Nezuko only cheers him up Tamayo welcomes him.

"W-wait y-your not a demon! T-that's good to hear!." Tanjiro once again smile they were chattering about how Tamayo madly throw the dishes and pots outside their window and how they revived Nezuko it's mystery how Nezuko's demon blood dies after an hour and yes Nezuko's white blood cells able to defeat it now that she's a human she can step in the sun.

"soo Onii-chan wanna  ome inside the box I'll carry you like you always do to me hehehe." Nezuko chuckled then Tanjiro shrinks himself his now like Nezuko but his way cuter a Lil Tanjiro,"Tanjiro Tanao's here say hello!." Kanao said as Tanjiro quickly turns back to normal his taller that before he then look at the sleeping Tanao where he sees  his own image when his still a newly born baby.

"Gaaahhhh! I can't take the cuteness oh mah gahd! Help me the cuteness is killing me haaaaa!." Tanjiro Giggles and went to lightly pinch his son's cheeks it's fluffy which makes Tanjiro faint, "is he okay?." Yushiro said as he pokes Tanjiro with a stick, "Hey I'm okay and how's the baby Tamayo san?.", "oh yeah Tanao's alright Kanao seems determined on taking care of him." Tamayo replied Tanjiro nods then said, "yeah thanks but my real intention is how's the baby in your belly Tamayo san Yushiro did bang you unsafe?." Tamayo exploded blushing as Yushiro  covers his face Nezuko confused on what happend then she said, "Onii-chan what do you mean Bang unsafe?." Tanjiro looks at Nezuko and frowned, "your still young Nezuko I'll tell you after you got to the right age and the right time." Nezuko sighed and nods and approach Tanao, "Hi my little niece hehe I'm your aunt my name is Nezuko." Nezuko held Tanao's small hands as wave it.

"finally I'm with Kanao."

To be continued

(I'm sincerely sorry if there was many mistakes in my words and if you don't understand I'm sorry. Pls forgive me.)

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