Chapter 16: Fallen

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(sorry for late update since typhoon hits our place wifi got cut and electricity.... Now that I have registered my phone credit I now can update)

Nezuko's execution

Tamayo and yushiro

"Lady Tamayo what can we do about Tanjiro Lady Tamayo.?" Yushiro said preparing for the coma where they'll threat Tanjiro as Tamayo spoke, "we still have antidote to make his life longer just like the medicine Yoriichi take but this one will expire in his body after he turn 30th, Enough talking let's start the surgery!."Tamayo roared which startled Yushiro as he carefully put the surgical gloves on as the healing process begins. (Tamayo's been treating Tanjiro after they got home but his wounds would open after an hour and she'll has been making a drug for it)

On the butterfly mansion

" Why! Did you even agree on doing it with him! Huh? Kanao answer me!. " Shinobu scolding Kanao the others heard it from the other side of the room, " Hey Zen shall we help Kanao! She's pregnant you know and if she is anxious or whatever it might also damage their relationship with Tanjiro. "Inosuke's worried as he shakes Zenitsu's selfless body his like a empty shell," Yeah and if that happens what will Tanjiro feels he lost his whole family his father, mother and siblings, and if Kanao wouldn't accept him back to her life again.... What will happen?." Aoi
Spoke behind Inosuke also shook Zenitsu's shoulder as someone behind them tap their shoulder," I'll handle Shinobu Kocho, i'll teach her not to argue with Kanao. " Tomioka stood up as he bravely open the door and walk in as the trio watching they saw how Tomioka tie Shinobu then carry her on his shoulder.

"you can threat Kanao their remember to make her happy and not sad always positive towards your friend nor civilians." Tomioka said as he pass by them they watch The water Hashira from afar as they quickly go in and lock the door behind them, as they approach the teary-eyed Kanao kneeling on the concrete floor.

"Kanao let me help you stand up." Aoi talk as she help Kanao up Inosuke also get a chair for Kanao to seat as Kanao finally sat down they sat on the floor as well, "Kanao pls don't cry the child might be on a bad mood as well maybe Tanjiro is worried about you." Aoi gentle her voice as Zenitsu spoke,"Yeah maybe Nezuko's worried for her nephew as well as Tanjiro's family, too bad they can't touch him/her." Zenitsu for the first after Nezuko's execution talk the 2 looked at Zenitsu like I-taught-your-mute, "No Tanjiro didn't love me Shinobu said that we only did it because of his lust for me." Kanao out of nowhere spoke negatively, as the trio convince her that Tanjiro is not the type of guy to toy her heart but she refuse to believe as she continue on saying negative.

(I'll name Tanjiro and Kanao's child......"Tanao".......)

After Tanao's birth

"LADY TAMAYO THE CHOSEN ONE IS AWAKE WEWOWEWO!!." Yushiro loudly said as the door slam open where a messy haired woman standing,"glad your awake Tanjiro!." Tamayo blurted out Tanjiro only smiles, "Thank you Tamayo san uh can I go to the headquarter I can still walk, maybe they are worried about me tehe."Tanjiro tries to walk and he can! He then grab his sword and he quickly change in the other room then he is now set and ready to go!," Well he didn't have an injury on his foot his ok to go, since you were like him.... Bye take care. " Tanjiro smiles and wave at them as he walks through Yushiro's blood demon art.

2 hours later

"Master hasn't woken up yet but his on a good shape the poison was lethal but the effect didn't last but it might take 2 months for Master to regain consciousness." Shinobu stated as the 4 Hashiras blurted in anger, "💢If I see his face i'll grind him/🎇I'll flamboyantly set fireworks around his limbs!/🐍I'll make him suffer through my snakes venom!/🦋I'll make him a living training dummy." the remaining Hashiras didn't say a thing they only nod their head in agreement except Rengoku.

and as the same time a slayer blurts out loud," the traitor is on butterfly mansion!!. " The  Hashiras quickly stood up and runs out leaving only Shinobu to take care of Oyakata.

"hello is anybody here, Zenitsu!, Nezuko!, Kanao, Inosuke, Aoi!." Tanjiro shouts through the hall way not even a reply was heard only his voice as he was about to step in he senses 8 people coming as Tanjiro Sniff it's all the Hashiras 'I guess they miss me a lot after that incident.' Tanjiro thinks as the smell goes closer and closer until he goy caught of guard and was slam on the wooden floor as the scarface said.

"well we'll well coming to greet your sister eh, we'll torture you like what you did to Oyakata sama.".

To be continued

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