Chapter 44: Duo (3)

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'A zigzag pattern near his chin if Inosuke can use this world maybe he too can see this.'Inosuke also has a strong will to kill the demon their facing and so on it activates he sees the pattern as they both launched.

"Thunder breathing seventh form:Flaming Thunder God."Zenitsu creates another after image of him now it's 3 the battlefield be ones flashy while doing so Zenitsu selflessly aiming for the neck but the demon is on defense, Inosuke is struggling on closing the distance.

"Fourth Fang: Slice 'n' Dice !."Inosuke destroy the emerging spikes from the ground he then use his bendy arms Dislocating his arm reaching the moon's neck but soon he a itchy sensation as he knew somethings gonna hit him,he backflips away from the emerging spikes from below.

"Explosive rush,Fifth Fang: Crazy Cutting."Inosuke makes the spikes his stepping stone as he jump while avoiding the obstacles then cuts in different directions he landed a narrow cut on his neck which the uppermoon hissed.

"WHAT THE H#CK IS THAT BLADE!."soon after he spoke a lightning zap almost decapitating him luckily he blocks it with his frost scythe as he swings his scythe in different directions trying to hit the two Hashiras,but hit nothing.


"STOP MOVING COWARDS!."Zenitsu leaves his after image far way from the uppermoon while facing it,"you finally showed up sc#mbag I'll tear you till pieces!." He spin his body along with his scythe creating a series of shock wave at shoulder level.

The spinning stops as the whole tree at the area is down the uppermoon stands at the middle of disaster he himself made he looks around trying to sense life he sense nothing which he laughs victoriously until,"what are you laughing at d#mb#ss!."both Inosuke and Zenitsu appears both are still stable and can fight till the end.

"Let's end this,shall we Inosuke?." Hhmmmph Inosuke nods as Zenitsu Zaps away, Upper moon is busy locating Zenitsu's exact location,but his way to fast while he was busy Inosuke runs faster almost matches the speed of Zenitsu with the silent steps.

"Uraghh!."the uppermoon was surprised he thought Inosuke was also doing the same, as Zenitsu zapping around they planned on making him busy cause the both of them couldn't sense each other that means so does the uppermoon,"Let's go Inosuke!."Zenitsu shouts from behind the uppermoon the both planned a pincer attack! Which Inosuke Surprise him and Zenitsu flanks.

"HUUUUUAAAAAAAAAGGHHHHHH,RRRAAAGGGHHHHH!."the both push beyond their limits they made a progress they almost decapitate the uppermoon but sadly Inosuke got kick away on Zenitsu's direction,while he froze Zenitsu's arms then Inosuke calculates the throw before he gets too far,"Sudden Throwing Strike!."the sword speed and spinning motion added force enough to cut the demons neck,'H-how?.why this lowly Hashiras defeat me? Am I gonna die?.'.

Was all the uppermoon thinks before he turned to ashes,the sun finally rise they assure their safety now,but they'll die by continuesly blood lost Zenitsu let's out a sigh as he smiled firmly,"Finally I did something meaningful to the Head quarter."then the Kakushis,Nezuko,Aoi and Genya arrives they all witness the horrendous tree cutting then the frozen ground after that they saw Zenitsu and Inosuke both knockout cold.

"Who are they fighting?."Nezuko said while rushing to Zenitsu while Aoi goes for Inosuke,Genya investigate the blood art the demon uses but it's already obvious that it uses freezing for counter pick on our breathing style,"Soo the demon has advantage,by slowing down our breathing technique the constant breathing we do everyday.And judging by how Zenitsu and Inosuke is bloody and beat up I suppose that they fought uppermoon."Genya's word shocked the two girls who's holding their beloved.

"Caw caw Zenitsu and Inosuke killed uppermoon 3 Caw Caw Zenitsu and Inosuke defeated upper 3 down,but they too are in serious condition pls take them to the infirmary right away!." The crow stated as The three were now shocked upper 3-1 takes 3 Hashiras to beat it,but they respect the duo's strength since Zenitsu Agatsuma invented the 7 form of thunder breath,and Inosuke who's brave and talented.

"Well this is great news,let's celebrate the fall of upper 3 after Inosuke and Zenitsu recovers we don't want to miss our Friend and for those other Hashiras don't give up no matter how strong the enemy is,the Gods will lend their courage and strength with us."Kiriya said while the Other Hashiras cherished! About Zenitsu's and Inosuke's victory.

Earlier before Zenitsu awakened the demon slayer mark.

Sip..........Sip......."fuagh,why is blood Soo irresistible but dead bodies won't count as killing since the person is dead."Tanjiro! Was in the cemetery sucking out some dead bodies blood after sucking he puts back the body in the coffin then does the way how the coffin looks like.

Then someone smack Tanjiro while his sucking blood,"Hey cut it out idi#t no need on sucking those dead body's blood it also count as kill Tanjiro,you just sucked out their blood even if your not the one who kill it."Tanjiro stops as he turns around to Kanao slowly as his salivating he said,".....Then.....Make me Satisfied?."He turns with a maniac face as Kanao shrugged as she slaps him on the face.

"Ouch what was that for?."Tanjiro's eyes goes to normal he can shift his pupils but that still doesn't effect his species,"why are you sucking dead body's blood?."Tanjiro looks down seeing a bite mark at the deads hand and him dripping wet cause of blood he instantly regrets as he quickly returns the dead inside the coffin.

"Let's get out of here."Tanjiro holds Kanao as they went home after they got home Tanjiro was processing on what happened earlier while Kanao is sleeping,'how can I change my signature food into something,sleeping won't be much help but can store energy.and if I drink a small amount of blood I'll get addicted to it.............Sexual activities?Bruh not that one,I'm done with that but lady Tamayo said that they drink a small droplet of blood once a week so they won't feel hungry nor fatigue.'

"Yes that's it my diet starts tomorrow."then he slept well beside Kanao they cuddle together.

(Note:Tanjiro did wash himself with Kanao together he sucked abit of Kanao's fresh blood before he brush his teeth with Kanao.)

To be continued.(sorry if some words and my grammar weren't match,my apologize dear readers.)

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