Chapter 6: Enmu Lowermoon 1 (1)

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Kamado Tanjiro pov

"Lowermoon one, I expected an uppermoon but well nice body huh? Long and hard I wonder if I can cut your nut what would be painful." I started as he then quickly point his hand at me! *Closed eyes* I can still sniff him I know where he is his presence.

Enmu pov

! He knows my blood demon art how even that Hashira hard to figure out but this slayer his battle spirit is more enormous that that Hashira could it be his an undercover Hashira!!, " Good mind Hashira you immediately lose your eyes well then let's make this quick I got to eat the passenger."

Kamado Tanjiro pov

Dashes, "water breathing 10 form constant Flux." (the user do rotation and dragon was formed to increase power and strength)I better beware or I might fall of the train, sniff there *fwosh* I hit nothing *opened eyes*.

Enmu pov

Even though his eyes closed his trying to sniff me out nor sense me but his hitting an air why is he even trying too bad his out of stamina when he keeps doing that,...... *fwosh*wiesh* finally you opened.

"Blood demon art: Whispers of forced unconscious Hypnosis!, Go to sleep!." *Tanjiro kneeled down unconscious * hahaha that was easy.

Tanjiro pov

Shit I'm doomed he caught me........

*on dreams* ugghh where am I why am I here *footsteps* someone's here unsheath sword, ugh dang I was with Rengoku on a train do I need to kill my self? If this theory will work then it's worth it but if I die here then I goes nothing *slash*.....

Enmu pov

Now why not kill him this is easy I thought he would be a challeng-wjat the f### his awake shit quick, "go to sleep." I watch him fall into his knees but he somehow snap out wait I need to know, "blood demon art: eyes of force unconscious sleep I release another eye from my flesh then quickly got him to sleep as I invade his dreams he was.......... Killing himself now I know this is my advantage if he keeps doing that he can eventually cut his on head but I need to make him kill me first it's been long since I have this fun.

"water breathing 2nd form:water wheel..... Helikopter betch!." impressive he killed my decoy haha he even called me a betch his not just an ordinary slayer his one idiot, *head gets decapitated on purpose *.

Kamado Tanjiro pov

"water breathing 2nd form: water wheel.. Helikopter betch!." I cursed under my breathing his been making me dream about my family his making me feel down, if you haven't seen your enemies full potential don't underestimate or you'll caught of guard. *Lowermoon 1 head sent flying but not fading like other demons do if their heads are decapitated*!!why is he still there not fading away wait his trying me as I thought he'll able to make me sleep then that means he can invade someone's dream like me.......... While on the dream I always killed my self could it be he'll be tricking me if he repeatedly use it it might confuse my self and well cut my neck by my own blade.

To be continued.

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