Chapter 35: Farewell?

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(Where here again the previous chapter says that Tanjiro grows 12 skeletal tentacles from his back since because of his anger he cannot control himself and the new Hashiras mets him in the middle of their fight between upper 1.)

(If I talk about Muichiro and I put he/his pls it's meant to be a she/her she got revive but as a female.)

"🐗:Tanjiro!! Stop this mess right now!!/Onii-chan!! Control yourself!!."Upper 1 didn't go easily as he felt envy that he cannot defeat this Demon his Aura alone can make Hashiras spine crawls,"I won't back down from you!!."

"upper 1 art!:Arm Blood Needle!!." His arm grows sharp needles with Venom on it he launched himself to Tanjiro as his quick to retaliate he rip his arm off and bit it ,in result Tanjiro gain his ability his artillery grows some spikes no poison or venom was on Tanjiro's .

"What! You COPYCAT!!." Before he could move Tanjiro already rip off his head with his claw he regenerate his head but after it got crushed by Tanjiro continuesly punching it to pulp, his artillery with spikes sliced the upper one's body into bits the Hashiras we're terrified of what they are seeing full demon Tanjiro form or should they say,"t-the n-new demon k-king." Zenitsu spoke which Hashiras attention is on Zenitsu as they continue looking at the fight between upper 1 and Tanjiro.

"Blind World!." Tanjiro got blind but he still can sniff the attacking continues as the demon Tanjiro speak," Muzan done I'll kill him,let me go before I'll kill you!." The demonic voice Tanjiro makes Nezuko nervous his warm and kind brother turned into this monster,"pls pls pls don't get posses by Muzan Tanjiro fight the side Tanjiro it's hard I know you've been working soo hard you achieve the impossible Onii-chan!! Pls be yourself!!.".

'Tanjiro thank you for giving me this Wonderful future, thank you for giving me the life I always wanted, I'll wait for you.'

(The Hashiras are female Muichiro, Genya, Nezuko, Zenitsu, Gyomei, Inosuke, Aoi, Gyomei. The former Hashiras did kill a uppermoon but they were badly injured and they retire but before they can they need tsuguko or their successor but they found.... nothing but to train the Juniors.)

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHHHHHH. AAAAAARRRRRRHH YOU'LL PAY!!." Tanjiro unleashed a blow that only a slayer with gifted eyes can see how fast it moves, the tentacles avoided the Hashiras especially Nezuko Uppermoon 1 didn't got to land a hit Tanjiro his while body got blown away then 9 heart stone was seen Tanjiro chopped off all the stones the upper one is now defeated but Tanjiro couldn't control his emotions and self he pops out two horn on his forehead he's demonic pupils are gone he's salivating as he mindlessly going to slash Nezuko in close combat.

"Wai-!."."Thunder Breathing first form: Thunder clap and flash God speed no limit!." Zenitsu cuts the whips and hands and close on cutting his neck as Tanjiro said," you're slow you know what I mean!." Tanjiro already regenerate his limbs and tentacles and lands a punch on Zenitsu smashing him on the ground he spit blood to Tanjiro this sight seems amusing to see.

"Beast breathing!/Ice breathing!/Mist breathing!!/Flower breathing!!/marksman skills: Rapid fire!/Stone breathing:Third Form: Stone Skin!."

Gyomei deflected all of the whips an tries to make an opening to get Zenitsu and give Tanjiro some blows. They find one and Tanjiro's tentacles and hand were busy on Gyomei's chained spiky steel sphere,"Second Form: Honorable Shadow Plum!." Aoi does rotating sword slashes to support her team to land a hit,"Second Fang: Slice!." Inosuke X cut on Tanjiro's Hand and abdomen letting Zenitsu free from his grasped as Inosuke backs away and put Zenitsu on abit long distance from Tanjiro.

"Ice breathing fourth form: chilly bite." Nezuko holds here double sword upside down and puncture the edges on Tanjiro but he retaliates by bashing her wrist bone and folded her middle, index, ring and pinky finger making it useless temporarily sehen a whip hits her on the side luckily it's the flesh that hits not the blade she flies towards Zenitsu as he catches her smoothly,"are you okay Nezuko chan?." Zenitsu with his worried face makes Nezuko abit uncomfortable,"yeah Zenitsu but brother he is not let's help him!." Nezuko bends her finger to it's form but it doesn't have the strength to grip so she tied it up with tape or bandage.

"Nezuko chan you sure about this?."Zenitsu said as he points towards Tanjiro and the new Hashiras fighting for their dear lives while Tanjiro's saliva can't stop flowing he smell and sees a bleeding prey before his eyes who can stop him? Yoriichi's soul? H*ll nah,"Zenitsu we have to if Tanjiro can't maintain his state of self Muzan has high chance on making Onii-chan as his minions!." Zenitsu hear her point and it also makes sense to him he agreed he thinks of the old man who trained him died because of Kaigaku's selfish decision Zenitsu loves Jigoro as his grandfather than a mentor, specially after Tanjiro's and he's first met was traumatic bit in several days they crossed path each other and became friend he grow with Tanjiro's warm ang carefree attitude.

"I'm sorry Tanjiro but if this means our safety and Nezuko's I'll do whatever I can." Zenitsu's veins were visible as he utter,"Thunder Breathing Seventh form: Flaming Thunder God."
Swooosh!! With the speed of light Zenitsu's Haori got torn of while approaching Tanjiro cutting several Tentacles and cutted his limbs and got his sword on his neck but as it hits the skin it couldn't go through and instead got Zenitsu out of control on his speed and got trampled because of his sword couldn't cut.

(I'm bad at sad scenes and fighting scenes your author is completely emotionless to be honest I try watching some funny videos some of it make me laugh though is this cliffhanger you can tell me straight I won't bother knowing it.)

"Huh!?." All of them we're shocked Muichiro stops his attack and goes to catch Zenitsu on a waterfall cliff,"I-i couldn't cut through it I- it's Neck is coated with Diamond or maybe his flesh were getting a good encounter of our katana sharpness!."Zenitsu shares he's theory about his neck.

"Thanks Zenitsu san I'll try my best!." Female Tokito's mark is visible she's been hiding it since Tanjiro trains them New Hashiras to develop the mark and learn to control it on critical situation and it includes him getting out of control on his own self,"Mist breathing Seventh Form: Obscuring Clouds!." The whole place was enveloped with Mist Tanjiro sees her but as he blinks she no longer in sight Tanjiro also feels a tint of killing intent to his......back,leg,knees,arm.

"Impressive as always but I predicted it moron!."Tanjiro takes a quick swipe to his back and it hits something no SOMEONE! After it hits the mist is gone Genya catches fem.Muichiro bridal style,"you ok dear?."Genya said looking at the person his holding"yeah love it's just it hurts my ribs I need to get my bestie bac-crack!."Tokito feels a sharp pain from her ribs she couldn't move her abdomen her feminine body can't handle the blow that Tanjiro send.

"Argh yes we'll make him go back to his senses." Genya then uses his rapid gun fire Tanjiro who got his eye specialized makes it slower to him he easily deflected all of it and his other tentacles where stalling Gyomei the other is deflecting the bullets the other half goes to kill Genya,"You'll meet your end marksman!." Genya where meters far from Tanjiro's Tentacles he couldn't see it cause of it's speed he got caught Tokito also got blown away by Tanjiro's outstretching arms same goes to Gyomei his chain got rip and yes whips got him badly injured and giving him wounds Zenitsu,Aoi,Inosuke,Genya,
Muichiro,Gyomei got knocked back from their spot all of them where gathered in one spot so Tanjiro can finish them one swipe.

"Is this how it's gonna end I didn't get to marry Nezuko...".

"I guess Gonpachiro's demon side wons the bet..I love you Kaoi..."

"I-i-idiot....i-it's A-Aoi.....and I love you's pitiful to think we die on the hands of our dearest friend.".

"Onii-chan pls take care....".

"I guessed my day has come...".

"You all are disgusting well since I'm being generous today I'll not wait for you all to suffer Soo let me cut off all of your head in an instant."Tanjiro raise his hand and swings it to their necks but-

To be continued.

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