chapter 46:The battle of fate

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"Sun breathing,first form Dragon dance."Tanjiro initiates the first move which the enhanced 1st form of Sun breathing,since he do have 12 tentacles around his back which he trains to learn Sun breath. The user do the Hinokami kagura dance passionately while continuesly swinging his sword the more he dance the more agility,speed and strength he'll gain in a minute.

"Why you imbecile,now what? your gonna leave a scar on me like what Yoriichi did to Muzan hell no I'm not like that previous demon king,he do has 5 brains......but he didn't use any."the Demon king then smashes the ground opening a huge portal this portal is going directly to the underworld where sinner will always go.


"Even if your making me one one v one your uppermoons they can't kill me nor damage me I'll end up winning!."Tanjiro shouts as he and the Demon king separated with each other. Tanjiro first is sent to a hot habitat that surely only not a creature live,from not far Tanjiro already saw the uppermoon already chanting something then soon makes a fireball out of it. and in the next hand a flaming staff,"Blood demon art:wall of fire!,blood demon art:flaming bird!.

Tanjiro got annoyed by this uppermoon's territory even if he's immune to anything not like anything the lave can melt his whole body down,'i do need to consume his flesh before I got fully dissolve on this lava pool.'Tanjiro overthinking and got himself on the uppermoon's trap the bird went past the barrier of fire which activates the trap it immobilized Tanjiro on the spot,it also add an additional spell which is slowing down.the Uppermoon soon outstretched his arms then form a circle from air the figure turns triangle with unknown symbol while the uppermoon is quick at chanting some ritual.

"Blood demon art:blazed bird beam!."a huge fire beacon that can kill almost anything on it's way the beam formed into a Phoenix ,on the other hand Tanjiro couldn't do anything but to fight back with."Blood demon art:magma bullet burst!."Tanjiro couldn't think of counter attack as he was not in the right place to use other elements such as Water,Wind, he chooses fire instead.

"It's my turn!."'Let's try to use my old blood demon art',(a ball of shocking electricity,that can knocked out a normal people or even skilled like Yoriichi.)"Blood demon art: electrical shock wave!."Tanjiro gathered an energy immediately then launched the ball from his mouth towards the uppermoon in high speed,the impact causes the ball to explode the uppermoon was now stunned and unable to move his whole body might electrocuted if he moves.

"Sun breathing! Second form: Sun's ring!."Tanjiro would lined his Tentacle blades as he will continuesly twirl his whole body while on perfect balance, Tanjiro will also change angles and directions of his Tentacle blades.the range of this skill is over 14 meters depends on how long your hands is.

Tanjiro turns into a Whirling blade of the sun that make the uppermoon suffer more than Muzan, Tanjiro's blade were now equal to Yoriichi's. Tanjiro's will power is not measurable as he takes this fight like his life is on the line. A minute pass the Demon knelt down to the ground Tanjiro was now immune to fire cause while cutting the uppermoon he uses his skin to consume his flesh to obtain his resistance.

"Up you idiot,this fight will be no fun if I'll just finish you up immediately."Tanjiro mocks him as the uppermoon weakly trying to stand but instead got kick away by Tanjiro,"what does civilians has do with you demons?,we the corps is your only enemy you're only seeing them as your daily food.....why not face us?."Tanjiro said while piercing the uppermoon's brain consecutively until the upper moon spokes.

"W-we demons are superior to you humans! One day and that day will be out comeback we'll kill you al-."Splat! Tanjiro stomped at the demons face pure Malice as Tanjiro distance himself from the uppermoon. The uppermoon got up as his regeneration was slow that before is it because of Tanjiro's blade? Or the poison!?.

"I that's tricky slayer you put a poison in your body that will destroy Muzan's combined cells but why's yours didn't crumble?."Tanjiro smirks as he laugh at the uppermoon then answered,"oh simple I am a new species,if you ask me yes I'm a demon directly to Muzan but I'm far more stronger even my cells completely dominates Muzan's."

The Uppermoon was surprised as he just chuckled,"I guess thanks for the information!."the upper moon's head explodes as Tanjiro was shocked did that demon just killed his close guards,but after a while Tanjiro was just thankful he killed it.


Tanjiro is in the middle of finding exit as the dimension changes,the place is pure desert no trees no water only sand biome he also encounter Nezuko,Kanao and Aoi in this dimension(just think that after an hour of recovery they went back but instead trapped the reason why Nezuko didn't get caught by the demon king was. She's clinging hard to Kanao.

"Tanjiro san!/Onii-chan!/Tanjiro!."the three greeted him as Tanjiro feels something strange his feet is itchy as he quickly know where's the monsters next intention,"Sun breathing Eleventh form:obscuring rainbow."this form makes Tanjiro hide in full speed everywhere even a place where there is no hiding spots.

Someone emerge from the ground it was a giant Worm it has a big round mouth and has pair of arm by the looks of it's skin it's rough,and hard since it's slow this is just an creation. Tanjiro takes a quick slash on the thing as it explodes with acid, Tanjiro gets a quick sample of it's flesh to makes he's immune to any of the casters b*llsh-ts he covered the 3 girls at the same time.

"That demon is playing decoy."Tanjiro mutters as he plans something to the 3 girls,"hey you three I need you to distract the demons clones I have a theory that this demon is either blind,since I didn't make that much of a landing force he seems not attacking us. I'll try using my tentacle to pound the ground 10 meters far from us."Tanjiro does as he planned and it totally is true.

"Soo now that's relief,but the problem here is I didn't teach you all to be as stealth as me."Tanjiro regrets it but he knew Nezuko,Aoi and his wife will out smart the clone as he quietly disappear from his spot.

"Let's do this girls."


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