Chapter 49!:battle of fate (4)

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No one's pov

The batte Field was enveloped with Dust unable the Hashiras to see but that didn't stop Zenitsu as he heard anything,the demons footsteps,her breath,her heartbeat.Zenitsu soon realize the demon no longer Runs as he warns the others of her sudden stop not long enough a pattern glows below them a symbol of star.(I'm not gonna say the demons star you know the real one in our world.)

Zenitsu and the others got slash in different directions continuesly injuring,and wounding them tearing them down until they Die a Crow showed up fight above it stays silent until his below the Hashiras he release all Yushiro's blood art after the paper is on their forehead they see the invincible waves,but it just didn't appear the Uppermoon was the one cutting.Zenitsu was lucky that the Demon's blood art disallow her decaying effect to recharge.

"Thunder breathing first form: Thunder clap and flash godspeed no cool down."Zenitsu speed blitz catches up with the uppermoon pinning her at the wall and slashing her in a speed of light giving the demon no chance of getting away but the regeneration is insane,the demons got hold of Zenitsu's blade by regenerating it while mid way through her stomach.

"Hah you'r down!."the Demon was grateful onwards as she punch Zenitsu sending him 20 meters away from her and the Hashiras while on the trip Zenitsu experience greater pain,having his ribs broken 6 of them he have a broken left knee and bit of his skull fractured,and making his right eye permanently blind.Genya and the others got on there feet as they look at the serious injured Zenitsu that what looks like a person who's barely hanging on for his life,they felt range afterwards and wanting to beat the demon.Into pulp.

"You will pay Bastard,idiot, piece of garbage and your dad Muzan did go buy some milk because of you ugliness even the new demon king didn't accept you as Queen.And ew you even try to take Tanjiro from us shame on you!."Genya speed violated her mental health as she fell into a rage resulting to lose her battle IQ.

"Soo you really accept it,heh I guess I did foreseen your fat-."Bam! Genya before even finishing his last alphabet on the word he got Stab in his Abdomen making a hole on it.

"O-oh dear you must felt that haha."Genya laugh as he takes a chunk of the uppermoon's flesh consuming it after he healed up but the uppermoon was just getting started as he brutally punching him non stop until the Hashiras joined in.

"not today mom."Senjuro said as he uses unknowing fire then follow up with blazing universe,while Muichiro uses Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze following that with 8 layered mist. The love Hashiras knew they we're skilled and also him soo he did do a breathing technique which is First Form: Shivers of First Love.

Gyomei uses Second Form: Upper Smash,he step on his chain so hard that it rebounded and will directly hit the uppermoon if she's not paying attention.

"Raaaghhhhh! Eeerrhhhhh don't talk to my dad like you know him!."Helena talks as she was cornered around the Hashiras waiting to clap her on that spot,Genya also gain her blood art and make a conjunction of it with he's blood art,which he calls "Wild withered Cactus!."

His blood art resembles Helena's blood art but in combine which Genya grows a tree from the ground pinning the demon in that position since it's enhanced with Helena's it doubles the grip cause it dig further into the flesh and grabbing every cells and Muscles.(it will eventually reach her soft spots and tickles it 😏😏 That's what Women's soft spot😏😏.Just kidding no offense to My women readers.........FORGIVE MEEEEE.RREEEEEEE)

The breathing techniques of the Hashiras did hit her but since it's red Nichirin and Gyomei's balls were red and also his Axe, Katunji's sword also Muichiro and Senjuro then Genya tingling her.

"AAAAAHHHHHHKKK THE H#LL IS THIS BLADE IT HURTS MORE THAN DADS BELT! A-AND.o-oohhh~ Y-yes~ t-that spot,mmmhhhhhhmmmm~ more."Genya was shocked as he really gone down horrendous with her,which Muichiro on time unlock the See through world also Senjuro and Katunji.(they have their will focused on the uppermoon.)

"G-Genya!! Why are you touching her!?."Muichiro loudly said in irritation finding out his husband fingering the uppermoon through blood art and inner body,she gone wild and attacks Demon and destroy Genya's blood art.Muichiro knockback Genya away shutting his eyes down while landing.

"I'll deal with you after this war Moron,I'll let you taste the most toxic P#ssy you'll ever taste."Mui turns around to the uppermoon who got violated inside.

"Now stealing isn't good especially your cheating with my Genya!."Muichiro slams her head on the ground the Hashiras we're shocked even the blind Gyomei sees.

"Your Dad goes to buy milk and will never return your an accident Muzan's protection did got a holes."Muichiro commented Making the uppermoon gone Krazy again but for this time she ain't gonna stop.

Helena spamming her blood arts many flying projectiles that Zenitsu told earlier that can decay their body in a seconds.those words bring fear to them as a hit near their respiratory system,and breathing system their doomed or even the head.

"We needed to think wisely and at the same time stall time for Tanjiro to come here I know his battling someone."Gyomei said as the other Hashiras agreed on his decision and goes for defense.

Senjuro got Stab by his right arm resulting it to melt Senjuro shouts in pain but he let his guard down and almost got penetrated in the eyes luckily Katunji saves him but also the bone manage to hit His feet disallowing him to walk firmly.Gyomei then saw his young Hashiras and Protects them he deflecting all the bones trying to go against Gyomei and his two chained heavy weapons.

Unfortunately Gyomei also got stung by the bone but this time he gets all the damage he felt fire is melting him right now,but to protect his junior Hashiras he have to take actions but as the bone goes for Gyomei's head A speed no one is able to match except Tanjiro(current fastest)comes in clutch cutting the bones into atom.

"Let's end this.Helena wannabe demon."Zenitsu is on serious look as he held onto his sword tightly the sword turns red while his vision see through the body of his opponent that can able to predict her next move.

"Move and you'll die Helena."Zenitsu warned her but she keeps her hopes high that even Zenitsu wouldn't able to defeat her with a lame Breathing technique and reb blade,"Thunder breathing 8 form:Stop time."(not actually stop time it's just Zenitsu move inhuman speed he surpass Yoriichi and 00.1percent only to also surpass Tanjiro.)

"What?."Helena was cut in 9000 pieces almost killing her but her regenerations never disappoint her as she is immune to the sun who could stop her but Zenitsu is not in his senses Soo forgot the medicine in his safe pocket where the enemies don't want to hit.(right beside his third leg.)

"Hah that's all your already exhausted haha!."Zenitsu after using it will cost his all stamina to drain easily His kneeling at the floor coughing out blood as the uppermoon knelt down to level Zenitsu,who's Vulnerable since his stamina drains down.Zenitsu do the recovery breathing the uppermoon didn't know all breathing paths Soo she couldn't tell what his doing.

"We'll......kill you today."

Zenitsu uses his 1st breathing form this time he used 8 fold to lessen his speed to let his comrades assist him on taking this demon.

Then Zenitsu draw the poison out injecting it into her as she felt immense pain through her body.

And that's we're the Hashiras jumped together to kill the Uppermoon 1.
Present time!

"Wait really!."(Zenitsu and the others fight Helena did survive except Gyomei who is late at medication Tanjiro don't want to mess his death and let him go the other side where he belongs to.

To be continued.(next will be Inosuke's fight.)

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