chapter 37: Resurrection speed?

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(There is an 18+ words if you don't want to read it avoid this emoji ⚠️)

(You can stop if you see this emoji 👍cause that's the end of the pervy stuffs Soo yeah have fun.)

No one's pov

"Inosuke,could you please stop training and play with me."Inosuke persist of training while is clinging onto one of his arms he concentrate his breathing but only to be blocked by Aoi's hand capping the air way his nose and mouth, Inosuke mumbles as he dropped his sword and grab her hand brute force and yelled at Aoi,"Why!? Can you just play on your own why bother me? I'm doing this for Tanjiro if I cannot save him we're doomed."Aoi finally gave up he walks away from him tears gushing out from her eyes as she run inside the estate she goes to her room and lock it she also bring some food for her to eat even if it's raw.

A hour pass.

Inosuke pov.

I'm hungry phew this training will surely enhance my physical movements and strength but ugh I'm hella hungry I need Aoi to cook for me.

I walk down the hallway I thought that Aoi's cooking but I didn't smell tempura at all sht maybe a demon attack while I'm not here,I check the kitchen but saw nothing in there not even a mess I check the corridors I try my beast breathing 7th form spatial awareness I didn't sense something hhhmmmm wait Aoi's in here room and why is she doing weird posing.......wait she's crying what happened?.

I rush upstairs and to her room knocking at her room door,"hey Aoi cook dinner! It's already evening."I knock several times no one answered,"HEY AOI! ANSWER ME!."I yelled at the door banging it with my fist then,"FCKWARD YOUR ON YOUR OWN COOK FOR YOURSELF WHY DO I EVEN COME WITH IF THIS WAS YOUR ATTITUDE ALL ALONG! ARROGANT, PERSISTENT AND DENSE!."what did I do wrong to make her upset like this?......... Is it from earlier when she wants me to play with her but all I do is training to get Tanjiro back😔 I should have spend time with her ughhh this is my fault I'm doing this.

"Hey Aoi I'm sorry 😔 I should've have listened to you earlier I've been working for Tanjiro but not spending time with you feels.....lonely if you can't forgive me then I accept it I'll just go toy room....good night.".

No one's pov.

July 1........9:27 pm.( I don't know what year but bare it with me.)

"Inosuke *knock knock* Inosuke."Aoi knocks at the door quietly to just wake Inosuke in not arrogant way,"aahh good evening Aoi come inside."Inosuke welcomes Aoi to his room to her surprise his room is tidy it looks like it's not his room anymore and he even clean the kitchen,"Inosuke have you eaten dinner?."Aoi asked him while putting down the tray aside Inosuke look at her and said,"I eat raw rice and Tempura 😖😓."Aoi raised a eyebrow she knew there is still bacteria from the tempura cause he knew Inosuke don't know how to clean the shrimp,"Inosuke in sorry but you need a medical check up since you eat raw shrimp come I'll carry the tray to the medic bay." Inosuke nods as he follows her to the room where medicine and poison where made but she put the poison in a safe and protected cabinet.

"Here seat there I'll prepare the medicine."

While check up Aoi's having a technical difficulties such as Inosuke's abs holly molly she's having a nosebleed and then the check up went down to his thighs sht she's facing the sacred sword,"Aoi are you ok? You should take care of that nosebleed and I'm fine now thanks."Inosuke feels something bothering him he's sacred sword beguns to hardened it's length grow and he's sweating hard now he realized Aoi let him drank some of the love medicine Inosuke tries to excuse himself but was stop by Aoi,"Aoi stop I need a distance if you get in my way this night might end up a mess."Aoi insist on making him leave as she sat on top of him.

⚠️⚠️⚠️ Warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️18+ content oh mah gawd Aoi ain't playing games no more! Skip if you don't want your mind to get tainted by sexual activities but I don't make it Soo obvious only cultured people can understand hah.


"Inosuke this is what I mean on playing with you I didn't mean a childish play like hide n seek or playing tag~."Aoi unzip his pants and lossen it's lock after that she flip his underwear the eggplant sprouts out as Aoi gentle stroke it Inosuke groans and moans several strokes Aoi finally puts the big eggplant in her mouth. (bruh is their a tainted young boy like me? Reading this?.)

"T-thats good." Inosuke couldn't hold it anymore as he groped on Aoi's hair and use it to fasten the blow Inosuke didn't care about Aoi anymore as he released the liquid gooey thing from his eggplant there's to many liquid squirting out from it filling her mouth and stomach,"ahhh hah Aoi forgive me but I couldn't resist the urge to do a 360 degree backflip kid air clapping."Inosuke thrust his sword in her it's holster blood leaked from her you know while his thrusting non stop Aoi's feeling pain from there the thrusting never ends until he said,"I'll shoot it! I'll shoot it...."Aoi tries to move or get his sword out from her insides but Inosuke seems to hold her both hands her legs couldn't move because of certain pain,"Inosuke please don't shoot it i-i-iinnn." It's too late he stops but without a full thrust hitting her making her yelp as she cries his purring his semen inside her without protection as Inosuke only kiss her tongue to tongue as he went further he goes for the *ss next.


The story goes here here again 


After they make out

July 2.........10:28 am.(they sleep at 4:11am in the morning)

"Good morning."Aoi greets Inosuke as Inosuke cuddles her as he looks at her,"your the sexiest girl I met and I'm glad to be with you."He hugs her tightly but soon he noticed that their both naked a strong smell of semen was lingering the medic room as Aoi said,"well I'll clean it up later first let's cook breakfast it's ten in the morning."they both stood up and walk towards the kitchen Inosuke is preparing for the recipes (he now learn how to read.) Inosuke request Aoi that he wants her to teach him how to cook soo next time he will be cooking for her Aoi gladly accepted him and they both started to cook.

July 12...........11:39 pm..

Knock knock! Hashibira Inosuke and Aoi answer the knock on the door late night as they open Tamayo came for some news from Kanao's resurrection they let them in and the three goes to the living room where they sat on the clean floor Tamayo clears her throat and said," I'll be delivering a news but only after a month ends Soo here is the point Kanao's resurrection might be at August 20th well I just see a bottle from outside my window and it has a label that says resurrection speeding process well I don't kinda believe it soo I tried it and a miracle happened it really is speeding the process then I go to Genya's estate they let me in their I just need Genya to taste the blood and it turns out that's Tanjiro's blood." Aoi's and Inosuke's eyes widened from disbelief as Tamayo continues," and no Genya didn't suck Tanjiro's blood from the past it's just the blood is Soo strong it's like that Muzan's but far more stronger I left some of it for my research that's all and can I sleep here cause you know it's risky if I got caught by Muzan or one of his demon sidekicks." Aoi and Inosuke agree and they both make her sleep beside Inosuke and Aoi's room( they share rooms now I mean Inoaoi).

"I hope it works but I am not ready to reveal my identity to you all just yet maybe I'll plan to make them think I'm dead it's not for them but for Muzan." Then a certain someone goes far away form the Hashibira residence.

To be continued.(Thank you for supporting me I don't know how to thank you guys Soo much!! We reach 1k readers up to 2k and 3k oh mah gawd thank you stay safe my friends!!see ya.)

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