Chapter 26: Thunder(1)

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( this might make you sad or feel off, if you dig deeper)

"Thunder breathing first form: Thunder clap and flash six fold."

Zenitsu dash zigzag making some of the structures his stepping stone with this method he can speed up but will cause his recharging for his next use of first form, Zenitsu manage to scratch the upper moon but it regenerated on matter of seconds.

"your no Hashiras but I'll still exterminate you from existence, say boy what's your name?." Luker said Zenitsu then replied,"Zenitsu Agatsuma!! I don't care if I die here I live without regret I've been fooled many times and if I die I get to see my beloved Nezuko and my friend Tanjiro!!. But WE WILL KILL YOU!!." Zenitsu bravely replied which makes Luker snickers, "hahaha hey what do you mean we?." he was mainly focused at Zenitsu as he slowly makes the city full of plants, trees, vines he makes the whole town an Forrest but this is way beautiful but dangerous he also includes carnivorous plants.

For a split second an two Hashira come behind him and in blinding speed they successfully cut it's head then a boar head finishes turning him into shreds, "That's flamboyant speech you got their but you only talk haha!." Uzui said not really complementing him Obanai just face palm, "AHAHA I'M NOW A HASHIRA I KILLED IT!." Inosuke proudly said it Uzui only look at him in disgust.

"excuse me, I and Obani decapitated it soo shoo! You're not flamboyant at all." Uzui said the two bickering while not until Obanai notice, instead of the body to crumble down and turn to dust it becomes a mud but when a fly landed on the liquid substance the fly instantly dissolves Obanai then quickly on alert which caught Tengens attention.

"What is it Obanai we killed the Demon?." Obanai shook his head and said, "No that one was decoy he has the blinding speed if that's the true body his creation well might as well crumbling down." Tengens finally gets his point now his on guard Tengens with his special special ability of hearing and Zenitsu also focused but no signs.

" Let me try Beast breathing seventh form: Spatial
Awareness. " Inosuke consentrate to his sense of touch to identify upper eight's where abouts, "Festival God!! Beware it's beneath us!!." Then a wooden art bolted out from the ground , "upper 8 art: vine lashing tree." the wood like image of the upper 8 spoked Tengen then throws smoke bomb to just cover himself and find a spot or flank the image, Zenitsu sent flying 8 meters away, Inosuke got out safely Iguro then attacks.

"Serpent breathing Second Form: Venom Fangs of the Narrow Head." Obanai in blinding speed got behind the wood his blade was inches away from its neck when a vine whips Obanai Iguro! the needles piercing though his flesh as he got knock back to a nearby house destroying the pillars of it, Tengen then appeared from behind.

"Sound breathing Fourth Form: Constant Resounding Slashes." Uzui released his bombs incase the vine whips will attack him this form also in conjunction with his bomb for offense and defense, as he slash all his predictions where right the whips attacks as the only one living Shinobi he moves out the bomb exploded, Tengen didn't let his hopes up 'even if that just a blood art the real user might be threat Obanai was knock on the household he hasn't got out yet, and judging by the sounds the upper moons not they're in the smoke screen.' Tengen sense someone behind him he was about to use his blade to collide with but he was far to slow Uzui accept his fate and close his eyes but some thunder rumbling was heard Uzui opens and shocked.

"Uzui san don't lose hope*cough blood*we can win this."Zenitsu starts attacking electric waves were released by colliding with the whips," Sound breathing Fourth Form: Constant Resounding Slashes. " Uzui without bomb not wasting it as he spins while slashing with Zenitsu," Beast breathing Eighth Fang: Explosive Rush." Zenitsu was about to get whip but Inosuke got in time, "Zenitsu you and the snake boy find the real body me and God of Festival will handle this I'm counting on you AMD DON'T DIE ON ME!!.", "Yes Inosuke I'll never let you down ill come back be safe too." Zenitsu went to the household where the serpent Hashiras where knock out.

Zenitsu Consentrate his sense of hearing more precisely 'Obanai san isn't here shit he maybe got adultnapped!!.' Zenitsu hears a faint of laughter it was about 8 miles away from here at the northeast side!. ' Zenitsu quickly jumping from trees to trees but something is flying towards him as the figure gets closer it was Obanai!!.

"oofff-." Zenitsu grunts as the both sent flying back and again they both smashed the rooftop and the pillars inside the household Zenitsu was still on conscious while on his hands we sees the bloody Obanai many whips was curve on his body and looks like his veins have purple faint in it........ 'Poison!!.' Zenitsu quickly got on his feet and ran into Inosuke and Tengen.

"Inosuke protect Obani I'll call fo Kakushis!! Obani is in critical condition poison was pump in through that whips needles!!." Zenitsu informed them Inosuke couldn't leave Tengen then a random slayer was seen as Zenitsu quickly goes to it and said, "Hey this man is an Hashira pls prote t him from demons hide wait for the kakushis.".

"crow don't waste time we need Kakushis Obanai Iguro is injured and Poisoned!!." The crow fled away that corw is from Obanai which means it would risk it's life for his friend and master, 
"Inosuke leave me here I'll take on this one since this doesn't have the full power maybe it only have 1/4 of it or a half maybe Just goo find the caster!!." Uzui said Inosuke stops and went on Zenitsu, "Hey Monitsu you know wher-.". "Northeast!! 9 miles from here!! ." Inosuke and Zenitsu rushed at the location.

Minutes have past they got on the Casters lair.


"let's get this over with nature nerd.".

To be continued (don't worry I'll make Obanai fight next chap)

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