Chapter 19: Retirement

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"Hey Kanao get up it's time for you to go, I'll give you half of my savings this is rules. The Father of Tanao betrayed the corps, and banished, tortured and killed for his sin he committed which involves us demon slayers. And for that your also retire you can't multi-task the 3 young childrens aren't suit on babysitting yet, Kakushi's might know babysitting but they have one of the important job on cleaning mess that we demon slayers and Demons doings. And if you want to live find a way or just go back to your abusive parents....... That's all I can say Kanao. " Shinobu started as Kanao blankly stares at the butterfly Hashira then the next minutes Tanao cried Kanao who quickly feed the boy through breastfeed Shinobu smirk as Kanao spoke," what are you smiling at since when did I have a peaceful life you made me experience hell I know that you take care of me but what now, throwing me out again, you just killed Tanjiro..... Fine I'll take my leave I already pack my stuff... just go and fuck with Tomioka there!. " Kanao Roared at the last words she says Shinobu only nods her head and walks away she felt guilt but don't dare to show it this is her decision she didn't want this, but this is for the Corps future who knows maybe Tanao might not only kill Oyakata, but also massacre the Hashiras in his stead.

"Now I'm all set! Tanao my son let's goi don't need that wicked woman." Kanao blurted as the words she said makes baby Tanao laugh it brings him joy every time his mother giggles to someone, "aww let's get out here the sunshines brightly like your father's smile." a smile form from Kanao's lips as she step out from the butterfly mansion she didn't want Shinobu's good bye blessings she hates it now that she's far away from the butterfly mansion she's wondering where to go she remembers what Tanjiro told her that ["....... yeah that's where I live and Kanao if we ever succeeded on purifying the Japan can we be Family and past down this ear ornament to our descendants Kanao?. " I blush at what he said he looks stunning, "Y-yeah if it's Tanjiro i-i love to be with you and live my life with you, cause Tanjiro is my life." uwah!, "U-uh Kanao..... is..... cute when... My life is complete." wait Tanjiro fainted ehh] 'hehe even if you departed on this world our memories will still stay until I die.' Kanao knows the route to Tanjiro's house it said that Kakushi's cleaned the messed after the burial of his family since Tanjiro become a demon his true memories replace with fake ones it's possible that he can still regain memory and will surely go to his former house.

Since Demon slayer get paid once in a month she did have money to spend she knows how to estimate her spending if she cost all the money to useless things she might end up on the streets Kanao is in a deep thought and also focus on the child she's holding then someone spoke, " well well soo you did have a better life after you were sold to does babes hhhmm I know why the reason your here, is it because you are useless right hahaha, and oh you have a child men the father must have taught that you are hopeless on having relationship but oh well why not come with me your body might be sold to rich people. "the man greedily said as Kanao didn't answer her trauma rang in her head again she was shivering he got on her knees as she's hoping her son tight as the man approached," heh your nothing but a trash pathetic oh well might as well drag you back using your hair." the man smirk as he was about to grab her hair a man with a cloak arrive gripping the man's wrist hard enough to make a crack sound Kanao's abusive Father back inches away from the cloak guy his arms we're burnt is it because of the sunlight?," get your hands of her, or I'll slap your face hard enough to twist your jaw." the guy threatened the man who's wincing in pain as he runs away and shouts, " I don't have time for crap conversation with that trash girl and you, and rot in hell!." the shoutings rob people's attention then the man slowly approached the girl this time Kanao sense that this guy is a demon judging by how he wears thick cloth and his hand burns when exposed to sun.

" I'm Yushiro I'm Tanjiro's friend no worries we'll take care of you and your son I also fight demons I'm hostile to them but I'm hospitality to humans come on, follow me to Asakusa village." Kanao didn't shiver anymore as she heard the words that come out from the demons lips she now believes in him and if anything happens she still has her sword on her waist.

After a day of resting and walking they finally reach their destination as Kanao 'huh' in confusion as Yushiro freely past the wall Kanao is mesmerized to their hiding spot she slowly go in as she saw a big house in that time a female demon is waiting outside the door as Yushiro and the female demon kissed and hugged 'the heck go get a room you two.' Kanao thought as she walk towards them then the female spoke, "I'm Tamayo a demon doctor this is my simp follower Yushiro now that we're officially dating each other he no longer simp and yes we'll get in a room after we killed Muzan, but that sound impossible without Tanjiro." Tamayo introduced to Kanao and throw extra words," yeah it's impossible I know that this is hard for you  his your friends will know that....... He died."this draw Yushiro' s attention Tamayo also shocked at the news," What how? Why? When Kanao tell me?. " Kanao shrugged at this moment this might be heart breaking but for their sake of knowing how brutal they did to Tanjiro.

After she tell how Tanjiro got explode by a fireworks and a snake bite.

"those monsters why did they let that happen what did Tanjiro do to them!?." Tamayo growled she's furiously throw a lot of bottle made from clay and pots as well through the window shattered bottle and pots was heard after the impact, Yushiro stops her by holding her shoulders locking it but it didn't work as she was proceeding on dumping plates through the window then Yushiro's patience ran out sa he pinned Tamayo on the floor he knew that his strong in strength if against Tamayo, "let me go Yushiro." softened her voice as the Yushiro simp mode on as he quickly (you know they collide their lips) then the beast inside Yushiro began to overtake him as he (ehem let's not do it) Kanao quickly stood up from the floor as she said, "U-uhm I'll leave you two be ok gotta go upstairs see you tommorow Tamayo San." Kanao leaves as she was upstairs a crazy loud moan was heard downstairs and a splashing sound errr this makes Kanao remember when Tanjiro gets rough that day she opened the door and went inside and slowly shut it close behind her.

" well Tanao it's time for you to sleep." then Tanao smiles as Kanao Happily give him a smooch on the forehead as she slowly gets on the bed and place Tanao beside her and putting a barrier on the edge of the bed to prevent him from falling out from the bed as Kanao uttered before going to sleep, "Good night Tanao, good night Tamayo and Yushiro....... Good night...... Tanjiro." then she went into a deep slumber.

"Good night...... Kanao and Tanao I'll promise that I'll make it up to you two soon." whispered by the shadow figure hanging from the window he didn't have a presence nor battle spirit since Yushiro's busy on making himself and Tamayo pleasured.

" aaarrgghhh how did you control my body, and who is Kanao and Tanao!? Fuck you Tanjiro!." the persistent demon Tanjiro swiftly got out from the hiding spot of Tamayo and Yushiro.

' that is the sign that your regaining memories and im close on taking over my body... Again.'
" Fuck you tanjiro!. "

To be continued

(is it cliffhanger?, don't worry I'll make fight scene after 2 more chapters this will mainly focuses on the Persistent Demon Tanjiro, and The good side Tanjiro.)

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