chapter 31: Revamped (2)

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Muzan's Arm blades are now inches away from Tanjiro's neck and he did cut it for a second thought Muzan felt relief as Tanjiro's head got cut but not too long until the figure is gone'i know that brats tricks same goes to that stupid Yoriichi.' out of nowhere voice of Tanjiro echoes the area and it says,"Sun breathing eleventh form: Phantom Rainbow." Muzan quickly realized that he got a deep cut on his face and in any parts of his body Tanjiro then out of nowhere uses another technique"Sun breathing sixth form:Solar Heat Haze."Tanjiro sets his blade on Haze flames with his sword Muzan thought that his accuracy was low and he was about to kick him but he didn't feel his feet moving nor his limbs,"Clever boy." Was the only word Muzan spoke as he got out immediately from Tanjiro Regenerating his limbs.

Tanjiro didn't waste his time and launch him self high above as he utter another form,"Sun breathing seventh form:Beneficent Radiance." Tanjiro spiraling on the air while aiming his blow at Muzan while his hopeless"RAGHH!." Tanjiro said hoping to land his hit but Muzan Disappear and Tanjiro landing on the ground debris and rocks flying by the eruption of landing,"Well well this is good Helena Nice timing let's beat this impostor up kill him using sunlight!." An Demon showed up it has the Familiar sword with him which is void black his also double wielder like inosuke with the Daughter of Kibutsuji.

(Upper moon 1 {Rui-ji}

Almost surpass Helena but she got more power by requesting abit of blood often from her father and he didn't show his hatred to her for his life Muzan can read thoughts from his demons specially the closest to him.

##########Demon art time#########

"Upper 1 arts:

"Dark blade." At this art he can summon his double blades and there's an enhancement when he add "dual rage" which powers his sword he didn't have a mark cause his not a demon slayer he self taught.

"Blind world." This art gives him advantage for him to blind the enemies or even alliances only if you got hit by it, it automatically blind you in roughly 1 hour or luckily 20 minutes but expect that you can dodge it's powerful strikes.

"Carnage." This art wil give or make the user 4 additional hands 2 for the back and 2 pair from the side like susamaru but with a sword and to top it off he can use a breathing form which is "Blood Breathing."only if he activates this art.

His ultimate blood art ( you know I didn't have that much ideas.)

"Arm Blood Needle." His ultimate can turn his whole arms to a Spikes is highly concentrated with Venom that will destroy a human tissue in just seconds after it applies to the skin worse if the person got sting by it his/her muscle will breakdown due to venoms effects it also release it's venom while violently swinging.

Blood breathing forms:

(My own idea of forms)

"First form: Raining Blood.
The user jumps to create a momentum and to increase it's damage but low accuracy he'll consecutive blows of blade thrust (like the seventh form of water breathing).

"Second form: Blood Rush.
The user focused on his muscle contraction on the leg to his feet as he concentrates speed, and power to cut the enemies neck,limbs,or any parts of his/her body.

"Third form: Whirling Lust.
The user making out his way to the opponent while spinning creating a whirlpool of blood also invading the attacks and damaging the opponent if possible.

"Fourth form: Pool of blood.
This one is like Giyuu's Dead Calm but more effective it can block enemies attack long range or short while having this form he focused on speed and coordination, he can also use this as offense.

"Fifth form(last form): Crazy blood thirst.
The user rush full speed towards the opponent while dodging and blocking enemy attack swinging on all directions and will not stop his consecutive attacks until the enemy is drop dead.

(I'm suck at making this ideas waahhhh😭😭)

##############back to fight########

"If you can fuck face come at me weaklings." Tanjiro said while on his Hinokami stance,'five more to go.'Tanjiro clicked his tongue in annoyance 'now I have deal with this three demons.',"upper 1 art: Blind World." The upper one's art lock on Tanjiro as Tanjiro's eyes weren't able to see anything except for the additional eye since it's not part of him.

"Making me blind huh? Stupid I can clearly see your muscles, and blood vessel the way you moved I have SEE THROUGH WORLD BITCHES I DON'T NEED TO SEE MY ENVIRONMENT!! NOW COME AT ME!!." Rui-ji pissed as he muttered "Breath of blood second form: Blood rush." As he focused his muscle contraction on the leg to his feet ,"bitch I know that move." Tanjiro whispers as he blindingly slash a series of blow from Tanjiro to Rui-ji  cutting him in half and his limbs,"too slow your way to open same goes to the two of you fools." The Tanjiro was about to go for another consecutive blows but was stop by Muzan's whips and blade hands,"now I'm angry."Muzan in fastest move kick him on the guts sending him flying again.

While Rui-ji catches up with Tanjiro as he trying to cut Tanjiro but his good at blocking Tanjiro still couldn't see his surroundings as he hits himself on a tree snapping it on half Helena then make a Multiple Iron bar with sharp edges and send them to Tanjiro, Muzan's whips holds Tanjiro from both arm to hand and legs to ankles the sharp iron bars hits Tanjiro on the head, heart, stomach, lungs and liver.

*Cough blood* Tanjiro still couldn't move his trying to break through Muzan's grip on him but still couldn't until he knew a passive that only higher demons do 'Flesh Manipulation' as Tanjiro forcefully separated his shoulders and legs as seconds later after Muzan's whips released his arms and legs it immediately reconnects to the main body and rapidly heals the parts,"Sun breathing eighth form: Sun flower thrust.".

Tanjiro at blinding speed grabs one of Rui-ji's Blades and stab it onto Helena's heart pinning her on the tree ' four more forms to go.'Tanjiro smirks as Muzan and Rui-ji gang up on him "Just die trash!."Muzan said furiously cutting with his whips moving in different directions while Rui-ji's six hands with long swords attacking him, Muzan had enough as he looked at Helena and use one of his passive doings then Helena got thinner than before as Muzan feels relief after turning around at me while having his dangerous aura.

"Soo you decide to take your daughters blood eh you really are a f(quack) bit-."Tanjiro couldn't utter as his tongue got cut by Muzan's blade hands,"I'll kill you right her right now Kamado I regret making you a demon,but now I won't let history repeats itself." Muzan's whips slashed Tanjiro and blowing him away as Rui-ji  uses another form," crazy blood thirst." While Tanjiro's body flew on a distance a great speed catches up and it was Rui-ji going to cut him on second attempt but was again failed Tanjiro finally healed up.

"Sun breathing ninth form: Dragon Sun Halo Head Dance!.".
To be continued.

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